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Professional Digital Passport System photos THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY MAY 27, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

Wildfire threatens Marlboro and Miller's Lake communities
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front
continued from front westbound traffic were being routed back during
continued from front this time. “Traffic control was up to the Royal
continued from front Canadian Mounted Police, our Peace Officers, and
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front Ledcor,” Bahri mentioned.
continued from front Approximately 130 homes in the area were
continued from front evacuated on May 19 as a safety measure, which Pet of the Week
continued from front
continued from front included residences along RR 195A from the start
continued from front
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front of the fire up, all residences in Marlboro, and
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
residences located in the east and west sections of
continued from front
continued from front Millers Lake. “The evacuation [sweep] was a
continued from front
combination of RCMP and our Peace Officers,”
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front Bahri said.
Although a mandatory evacuation order was put
780-723-5787 in place during this time, some residents refused to
leave their homes behind. “It was a mandatory
evacuation, but the question becomes, do you go to Fire crews worked to hold the fire in place that caused the evacuation of Marlboro and Miller’s
someone's house, physically arrest them, and drag Lake residents. submitted
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE them out?” Bahri said. “Technically we have the
authority to go in and drag them out…but do you
want get into that conflict?”
“You've got to remember that a lot of those
Professional Digital properties, that's all that people have,” Bahri
Professional Digital
continued. “So they feel more comfortable being
Passport System
Passport System there to try and protect their own homestead. We
give them those options, tell them you need to
photos ready leave, and if they chose not to, we explain to them
photos ready
this is what could happen, so you need to make
in minutes educated decision to stay.”
in minutes
Crews, including firefighters, helicopters, and
while you wait...
while you wait... airtankers moved quickly to fight the wildfire
during this time and protect the homes in the
surrounding communities.
Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara stated that
the Town of Edson was also on standby and would
provide any assistance required by Yellowhead
Bahri stated that contributing factors to the state
of the wildfire included humidity, temperature, and
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor winds. “Fires will generate their own current, but Flames were seen by many motorists before Highway 16 was eventually closed due to smoke and the
that fire was truly wind-driven,” he said.
fire which leapt over the roadway.
“The fire was headed out of the south towards
5 the north and it veered northwest a little bit,” said evacuation alert notice in case the situation of the everybody was really nice,” she said. “The way the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Bahri. “The threat that we had was that eastern
fire changed.
town comes together when tragedy happens is
As of 4:45 pm on May 20, Yellowhead County
7 flank along that whole side. If that wind would evacuation alert notice, they were able to stay at unbelievable.” The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
have turned and came out of the west and pushed it stated that although residents would remain on
The Marlboro resident mentioned that volunteers
to the east, we would have been looking at more
also gathered toiletry sets for evacuees staying at
evacuation even on the south side when we get into their residences overnight as firefighting crews had the Best Western High Road Inn, complete with DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-578780-723-5787
Bickerdike and those areas.” dramatically reduced the intensity of the fire. toothbrushes and toothpaste. “Everything you
Evacuees from Marlboro, Millers Lake, and RR
On May 21 at 9:30 am, Alberta Wildfire deemed
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 195A were asked to check in at the reception the Marlboro fire 'Being Held' at an estimated 65 would forget to take, they brought it to the hotel
and left it for people there,” she said.
center, which was set up at the Best Western High
Road Inn in Edson, or to check in using the hectares given the weather conditions and the While staying at the hotel overnight due to the
resources fighting the fire. The Yellowhead County evacuation, the Marlboro resident recalled the
evacuee phone line. Local State of Emergency was also rescinded at situation as 'nerve-wracking'. “You're away from
Around 7 pm on May 19, Yellowhead County this time. [your home] and you know you're safe but you still
declared a Local State of Emergency for Millers After the County Council meeting on May 21, want to be there because that's your home,” she ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Lake and the Marlboro area.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE that Hwy 16 between Obed and Edson remained CAO Jack Ramme expressed his frustration with said. “It's kind of like a lost feeling. You're not Enjoy getting out and meeting
Alberta 511 reported as of 8:30 pm on May 19
the logistical timeliness of a quick response when
really worried about your material things, I think
closed due to the wildfire, with no detours or ETA requesting emergency supplies from the Province it's just that your whole life is in that home and people?
and items not being able to be available in time to
that's what I think bothered me the most.”
Professional Digital Passport System photos available. help. “We will be requesting from Council to use County Mayor Gerald Soroka stated, "We are very The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
assignment Writer!
Alberta Wildfire firefighters and Yellowhead
appreciative of the efforts of our staff and the
reserves to purchase items like cots, blankets,
ready in minutes while you wait... County firefighters worked together to control the pillows, etcetera so we have these things available cooperation and support from local residents. The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
wildfire. “We made stand on that eastern flank to for people in an evacuation.” Thankfully there was no loss of lives or structures. person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital try and prevent it,” said Bahri. “That's where most County Council also discussed the potential of We'd also like to thank the Edson Legion for local events
Passport System of the firefighting work was done from our crews. having to pay compensation for expenses related to hosting a breakfast for the evacuees, and we'd like WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
The whole idea was to protect that eastern flank so
to thank everyone in the community for pulling
the careless setting of a forest fire. “This fire was
photos ready if it did turn, we can make a stand at it.” 100% preventable. Those random campers affected together." Training provided. Great for added income.
In order to combat the fire, Yellowhead County
the provincial budget, our county budget, and put
Work from home and/or our office.
in minutes deployed all of their sprinkler protection trailers, lives of residents at risk,” said CAO Jack Ramme. (with files Dana McArthur) Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
An evacuee from the West Millers Lake area said
while you wait... their incident support unit, as well as engine, that she was travelling back from Whitecourt when Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
tankers, squads, and wildland units. “There were
bulldozers, trackhoes, and water hauling units from she first noticed a white veil of smoke roughly 400 Avenue
Ag and Forestry,” Bahri added. yards past the Millers Lake entrances. “We were (or sent to the Publisher by email at
A fire dozer guard was also set up at Marlboro watching the fire for a little bit and it suddenly BILL MITCHELL
and Yellowhead County fire protection units and changed color and went to black,” she said. “I went NEW TRUCK SALES
fire trucks were deployed to the hamlet to be ready back to the house and started packing to get things NORTH
when needed. out of the house that I can't replace. It was just
About midnight on May 19, Hwy 16 was scary. Everything I have is in that home and most Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
reopened for both eastbound and westbound of my neighbors same thing.”
traffic, however, the evacuation order remained in A Calmar resident, who had been visiting the 24210 114 Avenue
effect overnight for residents in the affected area. West Millers Lake resident for the May long Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
An update provided by Alberta Wildfire on May weekend, said, “It was the wildest May Long that Website:
20 stated that the wildfire remained Out of Control I've ever had.”
at approximately 87 hectares in size, however, the One of the Marlboro residents evacuated was ASSIGNMENT WRITER
intensity of the fire had greatly diminished. impressed by the hospitality shown by Edson
The evacuation order was rescinded at 9 am the
D following morning, but residents remained on residents and businesses in response to the Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224 Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
evacuation. “The way people were reaching out to
Phone: 780-453,3452
Fax: 780-447-5317
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
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