Page 3 - November 11, 2019
P. 3
What is the Poppy Trust Fund? Edson Funeral Home
by Dawn Olsvik towards natural disaster relief, for example, the tickets home to see loved ones, bursary programs Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
Fort McMurray fires.” for direct descendants of veterans and the local A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
Last week, 10 members of the Edson 874 Tiger Foulds continued, “Locally, people make an Cadet group. PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
Moth Air Cadet group, led by Captain Kelly application to the Poppy Chair or the Service Williams added, “We also support veterans'
Jensen, raised over $1700 in their one-day door Officer, who would then make a request to AB- families, for example, a widow of a veteran that 780-723-3575
to door Poppy Campaign. NWT Command via the District Commander. It needs help. Veterans' dependents can also apply
This money, along with other funds raised is not automatic that a veteran will get it just and be eligible if they are supported by the EDSON
during the campaign, will stay in the Edson area because they sign the dotted line. There is a veteran.”
at the local Legion branch in the Poppy Trust financial means test. You do have to be shown to Williams continued, “Another big part of it is
Fund. be in distress. It is an emergency funding to hold we follow through to make certain we not only FUNERAL
Our Commitment
Joe Wynne Legion Branch 51 President, Wendy you over until we can get you into a better help during the emergency but to make sure they
Williams, said, “We want the people in the situation with either full time services or benefits get the help they need so as not to be in that Our Commitment HOME
community to understand what the Poppy Fund through VAC or some other avenue. If they do position again.”
is and how it is dispersed in our area.” not qualify for help from the Poppy Fund, the “We start fundraising for the Poppy Fund on MUST BE
Is To You.
Williams continued, “It is a trust fund account. Legion will try to get the help needed through the last Friday of October. That is when the
We do not administer it without approval from other channels. It is really important to annual Poppy Campaign officially kicks off for Is To You. RIGHT HAND PAGE
Alberta-Northwest Territories Command as to understand that the process and the all branches. However, it is important to
what we can use it for. Money raised in Edson administration of the funds is done with the remember that people can donate at any time of UP FRONT
stays here and goes into the community to help utmost discretion and confidentiality.” the year and specify that it is for the Poppy Trust
veterans and their families or to help Veterans One does not have to be a Legion member to Fund,” said Foulds.
Services in other communities. One example is request assistance from the fund; it supports all Foulds continued, “We are here for the
we have donated to Valour Place in Edmonton veterans. veterans. It is all about remembrance and Full Service
which is a place for Veterans to stay in The Legion defines a veteran as “any person honouring their service and sacrifice. If you
Edmonton.” who is serving or who has honourably served in know of any veterans in need, have them contact
Williams added, “All financial reports are sent the Canadian Armed Forces, the Commonwealth us.” President Wendy Williams can be contacted Funeral Home Offering:
from here to AB-NWT Command, and they send or its wartime allies, or as a regular member of at 780-728-8777 and Service Officer Bobbi
those on to Dominion Command. Poppy Trust the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or as a Foulds can be contacted at 780-723-1364. Traditional Funeral Services,
Fund accounts can never be used without Peace Officer in a special duty area or on a “We can't thank the community enough for Graveside Services and
approval; they cannot be used for general special duty operation, or who has served in the their support over the last 90 years,” said Cremation Options with a Crematorium
expenses.” Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during Williams. “Our success in assisting our veterans
Service Officer Bobbi Foulds, who is also First wartime”. and their families is solely due to the on site in Edson.
Vice at Branch 51, said, “We can donate There are approximately 125 Veterans in our community's donations.” Cemetery Monuments.
anywhere in the province, with approval. We area, with 50 being Legion members. The Branch The Legion's Remembrance Day Service will
prefer to keep it local if we can but have the is aware of two WWII veterans still in our area. start at 10:50 am sharp at the Joe Wynne Branch We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
opportunity to donate, with permission from Examples of ways that the Poppy Trust fund 51 in Edson. Parade form-up will start in the
Provincial Command, within our province. We has helped veterans locally include home town parking lot on Main Street at 10:15 am.
also have permission, with approval, to donate improvements such as ramps or shingles, paying There will be a lunch and dinner as well. Please
for prescriptions, emergency trips to the city, bus contact the Branch for more details.
Wayne Murphy running for Yellowhead County Mayor
submitted residents with growing families of their own. As innovated and prudent with our budgets moving
a co-founder of the Yellowhead Music Festival forward.
On December 16 I will be running for my efforts helped bring artistic growth and I am not the quintessential politician. My
Yellowhead County Mayor. I have been a long entertainment to the community. When Edson purpose in putting my name forward is to give
time resident of Yellowhead County, moving hosted the Special Olympics I was the master of back to the community that provided the
here in 1986. Since then I have been active as a ceremony. environment for my successes. We need to
volunteer and business man in the community. I When Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in 2016 ensure that the next generation is not saddled
bring a wealth of knowledge and experience as a I joined 21 other Albertans to provide emergency with debt and heavy taxation. It is for these
result of my public and private sector hurricane relief and to help rebuild homes and reasons that I feel I am the best option for Mayor
accomplishments. community support systems in a devastated in the upcoming by-election on December 16th.
Graduating with a BBA (Bachelor of Business country.
Administration) in 1980 with majors in I have always been politically active. Over the WAYNE PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
accounting and economics, I went on to become past 2 years I have wound up my domestic Elect
a Professional Accountant in public practice. business interests and I am able to provide full MURPHY
Experience in Government audits as well as attention to representing Yellowhead County as Professional Digital
corporate and individual accounting services mayor. I have a strong association with folks For
gives me unique skills to spearhead a go forward throughout the entire county and we need Yellowhead County Mayor Passport System
Yellowhead County Mayor
plan for the county. someone that is able to represent taxpayers all
Additionally, I sat on numerous corporate across the county. on photos ready
Monday, December 16, 2019
boards as a director in both the public and private My friends would say I have an unmatchable Monday, December 16, 2019
sectors. Those companies operated across a wide work ethic and loyalty. I have been equally in minutes
I would like to take this
spectrum of industries including oil and gas, comfortable in the Boardroom or working side opportunity to thank the Evansburg while you wait...
environmental recoveries, exploration, software by side with my team in the field. I have and Entwistle Chambers of
development, new technology development, prepared audit drafts for public companies and I Commerce for hosting the candidates
agriculture, forestry, land development and have crawled in mud tanks with a wash hose on a forum at the Heritage House in
investment properties. drilling rig. And everything in between. Every Evansburg on November 6. Thanks to
For several years I served as the Chairman of job is important, and quality and commitment to Al Hagman for setting this event in
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
the audit committee of a publicly traded providing the best service is essential. Most motion. T
Special thanks to Monika Cappis
company on the Toronto Stock Exchange with importantly I have strong financial skills and the for being the moderator for the event.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
reporting to the Securities and Exchange knowledge base to analyze the best return on It was nice to have a well structured agenda that allowed for 5
Commission (SEC). operational and capital budgeting. smooth discussion that was fair and equitable for the
My core strengths are my communication and I believe that Alberta, as a province and rural candidates that attended.
Thank you to the other candidates that attended, Gloria
leadership skills with a focus on developing a communities generally, are going to be facing McDonald, Jim Eglinski and Doug Elzinga. D 780-723-578780-723-5787
team approach to building strong and fiscally some financial challenges as we move forward. Most importantly, thank you to all the folks who came out
responsible delivery of services. The past four years of provincial mis- to find out what each candidate’s positions were on a variety
I have always been actively involved in management is going to result in some major but of issues. Your questions and comments are very much
volunteer work both locally and abroad. For necessary changes. However we have to appreciated.
If there are any other questions you may have for myself,
years I coached minor hockey and today many of understand that we simply can’t ask the taxpayer please give me a call Wayne Murphy at 780 712-5816.
the kids I coached are Yellowhead County to give any more. We are going to have to be
What is the Poppy Trust Fund? Edson Funeral Home
by Dawn Olsvik towards natural disaster relief, for example, the tickets home to see loved ones, bursary programs Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
Fort McMurray fires.” for direct descendants of veterans and the local A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
Last week, 10 members of the Edson 874 Tiger Foulds continued, “Locally, people make an Cadet group. PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
Moth Air Cadet group, led by Captain Kelly application to the Poppy Chair or the Service Williams added, “We also support veterans'
Jensen, raised over $1700 in their one-day door Officer, who would then make a request to AB- families, for example, a widow of a veteran that 780-723-3575
to door Poppy Campaign. NWT Command via the District Commander. It needs help. Veterans' dependents can also apply
This money, along with other funds raised is not automatic that a veteran will get it just and be eligible if they are supported by the EDSON
during the campaign, will stay in the Edson area because they sign the dotted line. There is a veteran.”
at the local Legion branch in the Poppy Trust financial means test. You do have to be shown to Williams continued, “Another big part of it is
Fund. be in distress. It is an emergency funding to hold we follow through to make certain we not only FUNERAL
Our Commitment
Joe Wynne Legion Branch 51 President, Wendy you over until we can get you into a better help during the emergency but to make sure they
Williams, said, “We want the people in the situation with either full time services or benefits get the help they need so as not to be in that Our Commitment HOME
community to understand what the Poppy Fund through VAC or some other avenue. If they do position again.”
is and how it is dispersed in our area.” not qualify for help from the Poppy Fund, the “We start fundraising for the Poppy Fund on MUST BE
Is To You.
Williams continued, “It is a trust fund account. Legion will try to get the help needed through the last Friday of October. That is when the
We do not administer it without approval from other channels. It is really important to annual Poppy Campaign officially kicks off for Is To You. RIGHT HAND PAGE
Alberta-Northwest Territories Command as to understand that the process and the all branches. However, it is important to
what we can use it for. Money raised in Edson administration of the funds is done with the remember that people can donate at any time of UP FRONT
stays here and goes into the community to help utmost discretion and confidentiality.” the year and specify that it is for the Poppy Trust
veterans and their families or to help Veterans One does not have to be a Legion member to Fund,” said Foulds.
Services in other communities. One example is request assistance from the fund; it supports all Foulds continued, “We are here for the
we have donated to Valour Place in Edmonton veterans. veterans. It is all about remembrance and Full Service
which is a place for Veterans to stay in The Legion defines a veteran as “any person honouring their service and sacrifice. If you
Edmonton.” who is serving or who has honourably served in know of any veterans in need, have them contact
Williams added, “All financial reports are sent the Canadian Armed Forces, the Commonwealth us.” President Wendy Williams can be contacted Funeral Home Offering:
from here to AB-NWT Command, and they send or its wartime allies, or as a regular member of at 780-728-8777 and Service Officer Bobbi
those on to Dominion Command. Poppy Trust the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or as a Foulds can be contacted at 780-723-1364. Traditional Funeral Services,
Fund accounts can never be used without Peace Officer in a special duty area or on a “We can't thank the community enough for Graveside Services and
approval; they cannot be used for general special duty operation, or who has served in the their support over the last 90 years,” said Cremation Options with a Crematorium
expenses.” Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during Williams. “Our success in assisting our veterans
Service Officer Bobbi Foulds, who is also First wartime”. and their families is solely due to the on site in Edson.
Vice at Branch 51, said, “We can donate There are approximately 125 Veterans in our community's donations.” Cemetery Monuments.
anywhere in the province, with approval. We area, with 50 being Legion members. The Branch The Legion's Remembrance Day Service will
prefer to keep it local if we can but have the is aware of two WWII veterans still in our area. start at 10:50 am sharp at the Joe Wynne Branch We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
opportunity to donate, with permission from Examples of ways that the Poppy Trust fund 51 in Edson. Parade form-up will start in the
Provincial Command, within our province. We has helped veterans locally include home town parking lot on Main Street at 10:15 am.
also have permission, with approval, to donate improvements such as ramps or shingles, paying There will be a lunch and dinner as well. Please
for prescriptions, emergency trips to the city, bus contact the Branch for more details.
Wayne Murphy running for Yellowhead County Mayor
submitted residents with growing families of their own. As innovated and prudent with our budgets moving
a co-founder of the Yellowhead Music Festival forward.
On December 16 I will be running for my efforts helped bring artistic growth and I am not the quintessential politician. My
Yellowhead County Mayor. I have been a long entertainment to the community. When Edson purpose in putting my name forward is to give
time resident of Yellowhead County, moving hosted the Special Olympics I was the master of back to the community that provided the
here in 1986. Since then I have been active as a ceremony. environment for my successes. We need to
volunteer and business man in the community. I When Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in 2016 ensure that the next generation is not saddled
bring a wealth of knowledge and experience as a I joined 21 other Albertans to provide emergency with debt and heavy taxation. It is for these
result of my public and private sector hurricane relief and to help rebuild homes and reasons that I feel I am the best option for Mayor
accomplishments. community support systems in a devastated in the upcoming by-election on December 16th.
Graduating with a BBA (Bachelor of Business country.
Administration) in 1980 with majors in I have always been politically active. Over the WAYNE PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
accounting and economics, I went on to become past 2 years I have wound up my domestic Elect
a Professional Accountant in public practice. business interests and I am able to provide full MURPHY
Experience in Government audits as well as attention to representing Yellowhead County as Professional Digital
corporate and individual accounting services mayor. I have a strong association with folks For
gives me unique skills to spearhead a go forward throughout the entire county and we need Yellowhead County Mayor Passport System
Yellowhead County Mayor
plan for the county. someone that is able to represent taxpayers all
Additionally, I sat on numerous corporate across the county. on photos ready
Monday, December 16, 2019
boards as a director in both the public and private My friends would say I have an unmatchable Monday, December 16, 2019
sectors. Those companies operated across a wide work ethic and loyalty. I have been equally in minutes
I would like to take this
spectrum of industries including oil and gas, comfortable in the Boardroom or working side opportunity to thank the Evansburg while you wait...
environmental recoveries, exploration, software by side with my team in the field. I have and Entwistle Chambers of
development, new technology development, prepared audit drafts for public companies and I Commerce for hosting the candidates
agriculture, forestry, land development and have crawled in mud tanks with a wash hose on a forum at the Heritage House in
investment properties. drilling rig. And everything in between. Every Evansburg on November 6. Thanks to
For several years I served as the Chairman of job is important, and quality and commitment to Al Hagman for setting this event in
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
the audit committee of a publicly traded providing the best service is essential. Most motion. T
Special thanks to Monika Cappis
company on the Toronto Stock Exchange with importantly I have strong financial skills and the for being the moderator for the event.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
reporting to the Securities and Exchange knowledge base to analyze the best return on It was nice to have a well structured agenda that allowed for 5
Commission (SEC). operational and capital budgeting. smooth discussion that was fair and equitable for the
My core strengths are my communication and I believe that Alberta, as a province and rural candidates that attended.
Thank you to the other candidates that attended, Gloria
leadership skills with a focus on developing a communities generally, are going to be facing McDonald, Jim Eglinski and Doug Elzinga. D 780-723-578780-723-5787
team approach to building strong and fiscally some financial challenges as we move forward. Most importantly, thank you to all the folks who came out
responsible delivery of services. The past four years of provincial mis- to find out what each candidate’s positions were on a variety
I have always been actively involved in management is going to result in some major but of issues. Your questions and comments are very much
volunteer work both locally and abroad. For necessary changes. However we have to appreciated.
If there are any other questions you may have for myself,
years I coached minor hockey and today many of understand that we simply can’t ask the taxpayer please give me a call Wayne Murphy at 780 712-5816.
the kids I coached are Yellowhead County to give any more. We are going to have to be