Page 6 - November 11, 2019
P. 6

Town requires LAWIR to hold open house

by Cassie Kushniruk might have a negative response to the public. It's Councillor Krystal Baier noted, “I am in
best for the developer to not be surprised when support of having an open house. I think it goes
During their November 5 regular meeting, they could easily remedy an issue, and it's also along with our lines of being transparent and
Town Council was presented with a request for good for Council to have that prior information.” open to communicate with our public.”
decision to require the Developer, LAWIR Head Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson asked if there Mayor Kevin Zahara added, “I think it's really
Corp., to conduct an open house for the public. have been any complaints from residents good to have the open house up front to address
LAWIR Head Corp. has applied for an concerning the proposed development. any issues that may arise, also to maybe help
amendment to the Anderson Area Structure Plan Verhaeghe said, “We got the formal application garner support before it comes to Council. I
and a subsequent Land Use Bylaw amendment to approximately a month to a month and a half would like to see that happen and hopefully work
rezone the subject lands. “The majority of the ago. The Town does not recognize that a with the developer to ensure the due process
LAWIR proposal would occur on the northern development is proceeding until we have takes place as quickly as possible.”
end,” said General Manager of Infrastructure and something that's formal.” The motion that Council require the developer,
Planning Martino Verhaeghe. Councillor Jacqui Currie expressed her support LAWIR Head Corp., to conduct an open house at
The subject lands currently have an approved for the open house, adding that she has been their own expense and meeting or exceeding the
ASP, Zoning and Subdivision for a duplex contacted by a few residents with concerns on Town criteria for hosting an open house, was
development. The developer intends to alter this both ends. carried unanimously by Councillors.
proposal in order to develop 33 individually
owned lots for mobile homes. This development
proposal requires an Area Structure Plan
Amendment, Land Use Bylaw Amendment,
subdivision approval, and development permit
approvals from the Town.
“Our request to Council is to gain information
as to whether the developer should be
undertaking an open house to the public to garner
information in advance of a public hearing,”
Verhaeghe said. “The reason we would want to
request this type of a public discourse is because
changes to the development are difficult to do
once the bylaw is in front of Council. This allows
the developer to see whether there is public
support, neutrality or opposition, and that
provides information to Council as well.”
Councillor Gean Chouinard asked, “If the
public objects to this, the only opportunity they
would have is during the open house?” Sobey's raised $10,010 for the Edson Food Bank Society by selling pre-made food hampers throughout
Verhaeghe replied, “There is the legal the month of October. The president of the Edson Food Bank Society, Fred Kuzmic, and vice president
requirement that in between first and second Gary Kearse came down to the celebratory lunch on October 25 to express their gratitude. Also in
reading we would entertain an open house and attendance was Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara along with Ryman Shantz who was the cashier with the
advertise as such, however, in my experience it's highest number of hamper sales. Left to right are Ryman Shantz, Fred Kuzmic, Gord Collins, Gary
very problematic if you have a development that Kearse, and Kevin Zahara. photo Brianne Benson.



November 22 2019
Repsol Place –
Hospitality Rm. SE Entrance
Monday to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm 1021 49 St. Edson

Open Saturdays starting November 16: 11 am - 4 pm 5 pm – 8pm

We will be participating in all Join us for an informational open house for the public regarding an

Late Night Shopping Downtown amendment to the Area Structure Plan for this development and land use
designation (rezoning) of land located at 63 Street, west of 9 Avenue in the
town of Edson.
The developer is proposing a 33 (individually owned) lot subdivision for
Fossil Brand Leathers manufactured homes.
Watches and Jewelry for both Ladies and Men Information available at this open house will include:
An explanation of the intent of the project
Antiques · A map of the project and proposed layout
Unique Gifts · A summary as to why this project will be beneficial for the residents
of Edson
Home Decor Developer and a Representative from the Town of Edson will be available to
... and so much more answer any questions at this open house. Refreshments will be served.

Come check us out at

112 50 Street

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