Page 4 - November 11, 2019
P. 4
Fun Extreme Elimination Challenge 2.0 emphasizes “quality not quantity”
Don Corr pulls himself up the huge inflatable water slide that was part of the Community Services Coordinator Krysta Hawboldt paddles strong at the
Extreme Elimination Challenge 2.0 obstacle course on water. photo Brianne Extreme Elimination Challenge 2.0 on team “Wonder Women” at the Repsol
Benson. Place Pool. photo Brianne Benson.
by Brianne Benson then “Wonder Women” in third place with a time “We plan to host another event in the early
of 2 minutes and 16 seconds. spring when people are sick of winter and
The Repsol Place Pool hosted their second The first, second, and third place winners looking for something to do in a warm
pool-based obstacle course called the Extreme walked away with prizes of 90 dollars, 60 environment,” Barnes closed with. There are
Elimination Challenge 2.0. Although the turnout dollars, and 30 dollars respectively. All teams however no dates currently set.
was not as large as the first event earlier in were invited to an after-party supper at Boston
March, Pool Manager Katie Barnes said, “It was Pizza.
still a great turnout, I did not see anyone who Many members of the public expressed how Thank You!Thank You!
wasn't smiling.” ecstatic they were to be seeing a lively and fun-
This time around only six teams of three loving event available for adults. “It is something
participated, whereas the last event welcomed 12 new just for adults. I do not know any other
teams of three. In addition to a change in pools in Alberta offering this type of event,” said
attendance, Barnes also switched up the obstacle Barnes.Contestants ranged from ages 18 to 55.
course itself. At this event, on Saturday, The event was supported by multiple town
November 2, contestants fought their way dignitaries. Edson Town Councillor Gean
through three brand new legs of the course, each Chouinard was kind enough to fill the role of
teammate completing one leg in an attempt to M.C. for the second time. Cheering from the
achieve the fastest overall time. stands was Janet Wilkinson, and participating on
Ciera Knight from Nightowl DJ completed the team “Wonder Women” was Community
ambience of the event with an array of upbeat Services Coordinator Krysta Hawboldt.
and motivational music hits. Many people at the event were taken aback by Parkland Lodge Auxiliary had the fun of judging
Teams were tasked to complete a number of the lower number of teams considering the first
obstacles including, but not limited to, paddling event sold out astoundingly fast and had many the seniors at the Lodge on Halloween.
across the pool on heavy mats, crawling across a more teams. “I think they didn't get as many The Lodge was filled with decorations for the
long floating carpet, diving, duck-walking with a teams because it's hockey season, parents are so event, had a band that played awesome music.
floaty between their legs, going down the slide busy with that right now. It's just a busy time of Lots of treat or treaters receiving candy. The
and landing on a mat, climbing a enormous year for everybody,” speculated Hawboldt. Lodge staff set out a great refreshment table and
floating slide, and putting on a shirt and pants on Barnes also commented on the time of year, it was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to volunteer
top of the slide and then sliding down. “November is a busy time for people, between April for helping with the costumes.
The first-place winners were team “Water all the yard cleaning, winterizing, and
Bois” with a time of 2 minutes and 11 seconds, Halloween. However, even with only six teams it The three winners of the costume judging were
followed by group “Weyerhaeuser 1” in second was a great turnout. I did not see anyone who Hilda, Elma and Fran, they received a card and
place with a time of 2 minutes and 14 seconds, wasn't smiling —quality not quantity.” gift certificate for $25.
Thank You!!
80th Birthday Thank You!!
80th Birthday
Celebration for Edson Senior’s Transportation
Celebration for
Edson Senior’s Transportation
MARJORIE would like to thank
would like to thank
Velvet Energy
Velvet Energy
REBER for their recent donation of
for their recent donation of
Saturday, Nov. 16
Saturday, Nov. 16
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. We are very grateful for their
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
We are very grateful for their
Senior’s Pioneer Cabin
Senior’s Pioneer Cabin support!
4836 7 Avenue
4836 7 Avenue
Fun Extreme Elimination Challenge 2.0 emphasizes “quality not quantity”
Don Corr pulls himself up the huge inflatable water slide that was part of the Community Services Coordinator Krysta Hawboldt paddles strong at the
Extreme Elimination Challenge 2.0 obstacle course on water. photo Brianne Extreme Elimination Challenge 2.0 on team “Wonder Women” at the Repsol
Benson. Place Pool. photo Brianne Benson.
by Brianne Benson then “Wonder Women” in third place with a time “We plan to host another event in the early
of 2 minutes and 16 seconds. spring when people are sick of winter and
The Repsol Place Pool hosted their second The first, second, and third place winners looking for something to do in a warm
pool-based obstacle course called the Extreme walked away with prizes of 90 dollars, 60 environment,” Barnes closed with. There are
Elimination Challenge 2.0. Although the turnout dollars, and 30 dollars respectively. All teams however no dates currently set.
was not as large as the first event earlier in were invited to an after-party supper at Boston
March, Pool Manager Katie Barnes said, “It was Pizza.
still a great turnout, I did not see anyone who Many members of the public expressed how Thank You!Thank You!
wasn't smiling.” ecstatic they were to be seeing a lively and fun-
This time around only six teams of three loving event available for adults. “It is something
participated, whereas the last event welcomed 12 new just for adults. I do not know any other
teams of three. In addition to a change in pools in Alberta offering this type of event,” said
attendance, Barnes also switched up the obstacle Barnes.Contestants ranged from ages 18 to 55.
course itself. At this event, on Saturday, The event was supported by multiple town
November 2, contestants fought their way dignitaries. Edson Town Councillor Gean
through three brand new legs of the course, each Chouinard was kind enough to fill the role of
teammate completing one leg in an attempt to M.C. for the second time. Cheering from the
achieve the fastest overall time. stands was Janet Wilkinson, and participating on
Ciera Knight from Nightowl DJ completed the team “Wonder Women” was Community
ambience of the event with an array of upbeat Services Coordinator Krysta Hawboldt.
and motivational music hits. Many people at the event were taken aback by Parkland Lodge Auxiliary had the fun of judging
Teams were tasked to complete a number of the lower number of teams considering the first
obstacles including, but not limited to, paddling event sold out astoundingly fast and had many the seniors at the Lodge on Halloween.
across the pool on heavy mats, crawling across a more teams. “I think they didn't get as many The Lodge was filled with decorations for the
long floating carpet, diving, duck-walking with a teams because it's hockey season, parents are so event, had a band that played awesome music.
floaty between their legs, going down the slide busy with that right now. It's just a busy time of Lots of treat or treaters receiving candy. The
and landing on a mat, climbing a enormous year for everybody,” speculated Hawboldt. Lodge staff set out a great refreshment table and
floating slide, and putting on a shirt and pants on Barnes also commented on the time of year, it was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to volunteer
top of the slide and then sliding down. “November is a busy time for people, between April for helping with the costumes.
The first-place winners were team “Water all the yard cleaning, winterizing, and
Bois” with a time of 2 minutes and 11 seconds, Halloween. However, even with only six teams it The three winners of the costume judging were
followed by group “Weyerhaeuser 1” in second was a great turnout. I did not see anyone who Hilda, Elma and Fran, they received a card and
place with a time of 2 minutes and 14 seconds, wasn't smiling —quality not quantity.” gift certificate for $25.
Thank You!!
80th Birthday Thank You!!
80th Birthday
Celebration for Edson Senior’s Transportation
Celebration for
Edson Senior’s Transportation
MARJORIE would like to thank
would like to thank
Velvet Energy
Velvet Energy
REBER for their recent donation of
for their recent donation of
Saturday, Nov. 16
Saturday, Nov. 16
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. We are very grateful for their
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
We are very grateful for their
Senior’s Pioneer Cabin
Senior’s Pioneer Cabin support!
4836 7 Avenue
4836 7 Avenue