Page 10 - October 21, 2019
P. 10

County debates funding for Yellowhead Agriculture Society's new facility

by Dana McArthur most notably if the YAS was able to fund the be precedent-setting if Council does invest in this
project without taking out a large loan. After project, no matter what level of investment is
The Yellowhead County Council reviewed the reviewing the details provided by YAS, chosen."
Yellowhead Agriculture Society's request for Administration would not recommend investing Councillor Lavone Olson said, "I think we can
funding for possible inclusion in the 2020 budget in this project without ensuring YAS has a agree this facility is much needed as it covers a
during their Governance and Priorities meeting reasonable expectation of success - which only demographic that isn't covered with the
on October 15. occurs when YAS has little to no debt associated recreation facilities. There is a facility like this in
The total project budget for the building would with the project," said Read. "At the August 27, Thorsby and Ponoka that can't keep up with their
be $ 4,562,344.76 with a projected shortfall of 2019 joint municipal meeting between the Town demand. I would like to support this group."
$3,685,155.82. The Town of Edson proposed of Edson and Yellowhead County Councils, no Councillor Shawn Berry said, "I am just not
contribution would be $393,450 and the cost share agreement regarding this project was seeing where this is going to be successful after
Yellowhead County's $521,550, leaving the reached between the two municipalities." reviewing their business plan and information. I
Society with acquiring a multi-million dollar "At the September 25-26, 2019 Strategic do believe the project is good for the region, but
loan to complete the project. Planning event of Yellowhead County Council, the timing is bad with all the considerations
"At the May 28, 2019 meeting of Yellowhead discussions covered the value of the around our budget this year."
County Council, administration presented a project/facility, the scope of the project, the Councillor David Russell said he'd like to see
Request For Decision regarding the funding viability of the project, the Town of Edson's usage numbers from similar facilities. "I do agree
request made by the Yellowhead Agriculture position, the challenging economic environment I'd like to see this facility built but with a
Society (YAS) for their new facility project. in the province currently, suggested changes to measured approach."
Council voiced their support in principle for the provincial/municipal tax/assessment regime, Councillor Wade Williams said, "I'd also like to
YAS, the services they deliver, and the project as well as the delays and uncertainty around the see this built, but this funding model does not
itself, however Council also voiced concerns as-yet-unreleased provincial budget, read stated. work. Maybe they need to do some more
regarding the financial viability of the project," Taking a multi-million dollar loan will result in fundraising, but at this time these numbers don't
said Christopher Read, Director of Community annual payments of nearly $200,000 over the work."
Services. next 30 years, which Administration and Council Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky said, " I'd also like
At that time, Yellowhead County declined noted would stress the business/service model to see this built but maybe they need to be more
funding the project and directed Administration considerably. aggressive in their fundraising." Councillor
to work with the Yellowhead Agriculture Society "There are risks to Yellowhead County with Dawn Mitchell added, "I think we are having a
to further develop both their capital and any support of community-owned assets, and hard time with this decision because we are
operational plans. historically Yellowhead County Council has basing this on emotion but logically this does not
"At the July 16, 2019 governance and priorities taken the approach of directly investing only in meet the criteria of other projects that come
meeting of Yellowhead County Council, County-owned assets, and only those assets before us."
discussions covered the ownership/municipal located within the County," said Read. "The Councillor Anthony Giezen said, "I am not
boundary issues, precedents, meeting with the community partnerships in Robb, Peers, and interested in funding this at this time. There are
Town of Edson to assess their commitment, as most recently Wildwood are all examples of this lots of Ag Societies in the region and maybe it's
well as options on partnership and funding," model, where Yellowhead County provides the time they all come together with a 'one' approach
recounted Read. facility (and maintenance) and the community and decided where the best is to locate a single
"Administration presented a financial model provides the services and programs. As this land facility."
that shows the YAS could reasonably expect is currently owned by YAS and is in the Town of Mayor Cherniawsky concluded, "The majority
successful operations given current revenue Edson, this presents a new and unique are saying the answer is no right now [for the
projections if their expenses could be reduced - circumstance for Council consideration. It will 2020 budget] but we can revisit this in next
year's [2021] budget.” BILL MITCHELL
Free first aid training for kids offered by Chlyn Safety Services

Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
by Brianne Benson previous generations this issue 24210 114 Avenue
never existed, but is now very
Chlyn Safety Services is important for children to have Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
offering an opportunity for this knowledge. Website:
parents to educate their children The kids then split into groups
with basic first aid knowledge. and role-played calling 911 and
Once a month, on non-school handling different injuries
Fridays, Chlyn Safety Services before the arrival of help. Next, Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Fax: 780-447-5317
Phone: 780-453,3452
will be hosting a free class for Hill covered choking. Children
children ages 6 to 15 that covers were taught how to notice the
Summers Drilling
topics such as CPR, choking, signs of someone choking, as Summers Drilling
and how to call and speak to well as how to administer back
911 dispatchers. blows and abdominal thrusts.
Water Well Drilling
Owner and instructor Lynda To do this, children were able Water Well Drilling
Hill, who would normally teach to use an Act Fast Anti-Choking
adults, came to the realization Trainer. This device is a vest
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
that adults showing up to her with thick padding on the back A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
course knew very little about and an air pocket with a spout Summers Drilling specializes in water well
the topic, therefore their on the front where a small piece drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
children might also benefit from of foam is inserted.
some training. If the abdominal thrusts are
For this reason, Hill deems it delivered correctly the foam
incredibly important to educate piece flies out the top of the
youth on the basics of first aid. spout and into the air. Each
So important in fact, that she child had the opportunity to
made the class free. wear the vest and safely enact
Their latest class took place back blows and abdominal
on Friday, October 11 from thrusts on it. 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
10am to 1pm with a 30-minute The children were also lucky Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
lunch break. Children were enough to have access to real
dropped off by their parents and CPR dummies. Hill taught the
spent the morning walking proper techniques and had the
through basic emergency kids administer CPR for two
situations. minutes each. They were very
Children were first taught how tired at the end, but
to call 911 from a smartphone undoubtedly gained an Lucian Sherban and Emy Falardeau being taught by Lynda Hill on how to
that is password protected. In important piece of knowledge. put pressure on a bleed. photo Brianne Benson
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