Page 11 - October 21, 2019
P. 11
YCFD hosts open house during Fire Prevention Week
This group of kids was excited to suit up for the obstacle course at the YCFD Fire Prevention Week Open House on October 10. photo Brianne Benson
by Brianne Benson series of pylons while a fireman carried a 22- The final activity dealt with smoke. Using a fog
pound practice dummy. Lastly, they went to the machine, they filled one of their hallways with
The Yellowhead County Fire Department overhaul station where they reached up with a smoke. The door was then opened and closed to
(YCFD) held an open house to celebrate Fire tool to hook a rope and pull it down, as show children how well a door can contain
Prevention Week on October 10. firefighters would do to pull down a ceiling if it smoke, which is why they should always sleep
Families from around the community came to were on fire. with their doors closed at night.
learn more about fire safety through interactive After the obstacle course, one of the firefighters In addition, a firefighter would walk into the
learning activities at the Yellowhead County fire introduced themselves and then demonstrated smoke until the children could no longer see
hall in Edson. putting on all their firefighting equipment so the them. At this point the kids were shown a tool
Children were able to dress up in kid-sized fire children could understand all the gear. The that tracks heat, and could therefore see the
gear including pants, jackets, helmets, and Self- equipment firefighters wear, especially the face firefighter through the smoke, when no one else
Contained Breathing Apparatus's (SCBA) made mask, can be quite scary for kids to see in the could. The kids were also taught basic rules like
out of pop bottles. event of a fire or emergency. The activity showed crawling on the floor when there is smoke.
Following the gear-up, children had fun the kids that although the gear appears scary, Children were given Fire Prevention Week
running through an obstacle course. First, they there is a regular person underneath. Children goodie bags and Junior Firefighter helmets to
had to aim a fire hose to knock a ball off the top were also allowed to feel just how heavy the complete their visit.
of a pylon and then they had to run through a helmet, SCBA, and other equipment are.
Megan Scaife from the YCFD and Chris Holcomb help Max Holcomb use the Kids attending the Yellowhead County Fire Department’s Fire Prevention
fire hose in the obstacle course at the County's Fire Prevention Week Open Week Open House on October 10 were given demonstrations on all the gear a
House. photo Brianne Benson firefighter wears. photo Brianne Benson
YCFD hosts open house during Fire Prevention Week
This group of kids was excited to suit up for the obstacle course at the YCFD Fire Prevention Week Open House on October 10. photo Brianne Benson
by Brianne Benson series of pylons while a fireman carried a 22- The final activity dealt with smoke. Using a fog
pound practice dummy. Lastly, they went to the machine, they filled one of their hallways with
The Yellowhead County Fire Department overhaul station where they reached up with a smoke. The door was then opened and closed to
(YCFD) held an open house to celebrate Fire tool to hook a rope and pull it down, as show children how well a door can contain
Prevention Week on October 10. firefighters would do to pull down a ceiling if it smoke, which is why they should always sleep
Families from around the community came to were on fire. with their doors closed at night.
learn more about fire safety through interactive After the obstacle course, one of the firefighters In addition, a firefighter would walk into the
learning activities at the Yellowhead County fire introduced themselves and then demonstrated smoke until the children could no longer see
hall in Edson. putting on all their firefighting equipment so the them. At this point the kids were shown a tool
Children were able to dress up in kid-sized fire children could understand all the gear. The that tracks heat, and could therefore see the
gear including pants, jackets, helmets, and Self- equipment firefighters wear, especially the face firefighter through the smoke, when no one else
Contained Breathing Apparatus's (SCBA) made mask, can be quite scary for kids to see in the could. The kids were also taught basic rules like
out of pop bottles. event of a fire or emergency. The activity showed crawling on the floor when there is smoke.
Following the gear-up, children had fun the kids that although the gear appears scary, Children were given Fire Prevention Week
running through an obstacle course. First, they there is a regular person underneath. Children goodie bags and Junior Firefighter helmets to
had to aim a fire hose to knock a ball off the top were also allowed to feel just how heavy the complete their visit.
of a pylon and then they had to run through a helmet, SCBA, and other equipment are.
Megan Scaife from the YCFD and Chris Holcomb help Max Holcomb use the Kids attending the Yellowhead County Fire Department’s Fire Prevention
fire hose in the obstacle course at the County's Fire Prevention Week Open Week Open House on October 10 were given demonstrations on all the gear a
House. photo Brianne Benson firefighter wears. photo Brianne Benson