Page 36 - October 3 2016
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continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
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continued from front PAGE 36 MONDAY OCTOBER 3, 2016 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
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Local brewer says new grant levels
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playing field between provinces
by Mikaela Kuefler listing in Saskatchewan so that a local liquor
store in the province can order his product, "you
Since October 2015, the Alberta NDP has been need to have a sales rep that lives there and your
creating different programs to change beer beer must go through a tasting panel. This
markups. The first program started after the New process can take up to a year. Even after this
West Partnership Trade Agreement was created, process, you may still get rejected," states
which is a partnership between the provincial Kulynych.
governments of British Columbia, Alberta and Alberta doesn't have a year waiting period or a
Saskatchewan. tasting panel and brewers don't need a local beer
The NDP changed the beer markup from representative. Brewers can register their product
$0.20/litre to a graduated markup rate of with the Alberta and Gaming Liquor
$0.10/litre, if the brewery produced no more than Commission to have it imported to the AGLC's
10,000 hectolitres. If the brewery produced over warehouse distribution center, Connect Logistics,
200,000 hectolitres, they were charged to make it available for order to every store in the
$1.25/litre. This markup was for those breweries province. The process just takes a few weeks
protected under the NWPTA. says Kulynych. Local Bench Creek Brewing says new grant
For the provinces outside of the NWPTA According to Kulynych, other provinces such helps support local breweries and promotes
region, a flat rate of $1.25 was charged. as Saskatchewan, brewers sometimes have to pay Alberta made products.
This initiative was put on hold in January 2016 as much as $2/litre markup in their province and
when Steam Whistle (Toronto) was granted a will sometimes sell more of their product in
court injunction, temporarily halting the NDP's Alberta because of this. "The $1.25/liter markup IN MEMORY
beer tax increase on craft beer made outside of is still less here than in their home provinces. It's
the NWPTA region. still cheaper to do business in this province, even PETER JOSEPH
In August 5 of this year, the Alberta NDP came with the change," says Kulynych. ZATORSKI
out with a flat rate, charging $1.25/litre to all With the change, "the playing field has been July 11, 1936 - Aug. 31, 2016
breweries, providing smaller Alberta breweries leveled between provinces. Many out of province
with a grant. breweries took advantage of Alberta's low
Local Brewer, Bench Creek Brewing's owner markup rates; they were much lower than their It is with great sadness that I must accept the
Andrew Kulynych supports the NDP's decision, own provinces. The new rates are still passing of my partner, Peter Zatorski, on the
recognizing that "the grant helps support local competitive though, and in many cases still lower early morning of August 31, 2016 at our home
breweries and promotes Alberta made products. than many breweries home provinces. So, many in MacKay. Peter was 80 years old.
There are grant programs for many small of those out of province breweries still and will His funeral was held at the MacKay
businesses in every province; the Alberta Small do business here," reports Kulynych. Community Hall on September 7, 2016 with
Brewers Development (ASBD) Grant Program is Even though prices for beer have increased in Pastor George Stone officiating. Peter’s
no different. The grant is provided by the Alberta Alberta, Bench Creek has decided to "absorb the internment was at the MacKay Cemetary.
Agriculture and Forestry.” increased markup to keep our pricing the same Peter is survived by myself, Sharon Rausch;
The grant amount for breweries is strictly based for our customers," reports Kulynych. "You have by his siblings Helen Bush, Verna Beckler of
on the monthly volume produced. This changes a to make a fantastic product to survive. There Vancouver, Ann Klus of Port Alberni, Irene
brewery's weekly income but that is now offset should be no reason why my product can't be put Kroeger of Victoria, BC, Rose Hamel of
by the new monthly grant payments. "The on the same shelf as something from B.C. The Drumheller, AB and by brother Ted of
income you were seeing week by week has choice you make to buy our beer should come Evansburg, AB; also surviving are numerous
changed. You have to budget yourself based on from the fact that it's a better product, not nieces and nephews.
money back. This affects a brewery's weekly because it is cheaper," summarizes Kulynych. He was predeceased by parents Tom and
income which can affect a startup brewery," Bench Creek continues to thrive and is Julie Zatorski of MacKay and sister Mary
advises Kulynych. currently exceeding their first year plan. They Bobicki of Revelstoke, BC.
Other provinces are bothered by the new also plan to have twenty-five employees by their Funeral arrangements were made by Town &
markup price and by the fact Alberta breweries fifth year. "Building an industry that is less Country Funeral Services, Evansburg with
are receiving a grant. Kulynych commented that impacted by the price of oil is extremely donations to Bear Valley Equine Rescue,
Alberta is still the easiest province to do business important. I think that the NDP recognizes that. Sundre, AB.
in because of privatization. The majority of other They're trying to diversify for times like this,"
Canadian provinces are government regulated. says Kulynych.
For example, Kulynych explains, to get a
Jean Kerr (McAskill)
We are sad to announce the passing
of Jean Kerr (McAskill) Beasley on
September 28, 2016.
Jean is survived by her husband Pat
Beasley, children Patrice (Aubrey)
Michener, Maxine Beasley (Ross
Lappe), Lawrence (Aldyth) Beasley, nine
grandchildren, four great grandchildren,
as well as four sisters and their families.
Jean immigrated from Scotland at the
age of 13 and settled in the Carrot Creek
Her and Pat were married March 16,
1955 and then started their family.
She went on to become proprietor and
postmaster of Pat & Jean's General
Store in Peers, Alberta.
Jean was an active member of her
community as well as a talented artist
and musician who, after retirement, also
became a happy snowbird and proud
Edson Playschool Assoc. gratefully accepted a $2,000 donation from SemCAMS Community She will be missed by many.
Investment Team representative Joan Easton.
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continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
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continued from front PAGE 36 MONDAY OCTOBER 3, 2016 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
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Local brewer says new grant levels
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playing field between provinces
by Mikaela Kuefler listing in Saskatchewan so that a local liquor
store in the province can order his product, "you
Since October 2015, the Alberta NDP has been need to have a sales rep that lives there and your
creating different programs to change beer beer must go through a tasting panel. This
markups. The first program started after the New process can take up to a year. Even after this
West Partnership Trade Agreement was created, process, you may still get rejected," states
which is a partnership between the provincial Kulynych.
governments of British Columbia, Alberta and Alberta doesn't have a year waiting period or a
Saskatchewan. tasting panel and brewers don't need a local beer
The NDP changed the beer markup from representative. Brewers can register their product
$0.20/litre to a graduated markup rate of with the Alberta and Gaming Liquor
$0.10/litre, if the brewery produced no more than Commission to have it imported to the AGLC's
10,000 hectolitres. If the brewery produced over warehouse distribution center, Connect Logistics,
200,000 hectolitres, they were charged to make it available for order to every store in the
$1.25/litre. This markup was for those breweries province. The process just takes a few weeks
protected under the NWPTA. says Kulynych. Local Bench Creek Brewing says new grant
For the provinces outside of the NWPTA According to Kulynych, other provinces such helps support local breweries and promotes
region, a flat rate of $1.25 was charged. as Saskatchewan, brewers sometimes have to pay Alberta made products.
This initiative was put on hold in January 2016 as much as $2/litre markup in their province and
when Steam Whistle (Toronto) was granted a will sometimes sell more of their product in
court injunction, temporarily halting the NDP's Alberta because of this. "The $1.25/liter markup IN MEMORY
beer tax increase on craft beer made outside of is still less here than in their home provinces. It's
the NWPTA region. still cheaper to do business in this province, even PETER JOSEPH
In August 5 of this year, the Alberta NDP came with the change," says Kulynych. ZATORSKI
out with a flat rate, charging $1.25/litre to all With the change, "the playing field has been July 11, 1936 - Aug. 31, 2016
breweries, providing smaller Alberta breweries leveled between provinces. Many out of province
with a grant. breweries took advantage of Alberta's low
Local Brewer, Bench Creek Brewing's owner markup rates; they were much lower than their It is with great sadness that I must accept the
Andrew Kulynych supports the NDP's decision, own provinces. The new rates are still passing of my partner, Peter Zatorski, on the
recognizing that "the grant helps support local competitive though, and in many cases still lower early morning of August 31, 2016 at our home
breweries and promotes Alberta made products. than many breweries home provinces. So, many in MacKay. Peter was 80 years old.
There are grant programs for many small of those out of province breweries still and will His funeral was held at the MacKay
businesses in every province; the Alberta Small do business here," reports Kulynych. Community Hall on September 7, 2016 with
Brewers Development (ASBD) Grant Program is Even though prices for beer have increased in Pastor George Stone officiating. Peter’s
no different. The grant is provided by the Alberta Alberta, Bench Creek has decided to "absorb the internment was at the MacKay Cemetary.
Agriculture and Forestry.” increased markup to keep our pricing the same Peter is survived by myself, Sharon Rausch;
The grant amount for breweries is strictly based for our customers," reports Kulynych. "You have by his siblings Helen Bush, Verna Beckler of
on the monthly volume produced. This changes a to make a fantastic product to survive. There Vancouver, Ann Klus of Port Alberni, Irene
brewery's weekly income but that is now offset should be no reason why my product can't be put Kroeger of Victoria, BC, Rose Hamel of
by the new monthly grant payments. "The on the same shelf as something from B.C. The Drumheller, AB and by brother Ted of
income you were seeing week by week has choice you make to buy our beer should come Evansburg, AB; also surviving are numerous
changed. You have to budget yourself based on from the fact that it's a better product, not nieces and nephews.
money back. This affects a brewery's weekly because it is cheaper," summarizes Kulynych. He was predeceased by parents Tom and
income which can affect a startup brewery," Bench Creek continues to thrive and is Julie Zatorski of MacKay and sister Mary
advises Kulynych. currently exceeding their first year plan. They Bobicki of Revelstoke, BC.
Other provinces are bothered by the new also plan to have twenty-five employees by their Funeral arrangements were made by Town &
markup price and by the fact Alberta breweries fifth year. "Building an industry that is less Country Funeral Services, Evansburg with
are receiving a grant. Kulynych commented that impacted by the price of oil is extremely donations to Bear Valley Equine Rescue,
Alberta is still the easiest province to do business important. I think that the NDP recognizes that. Sundre, AB.
in because of privatization. The majority of other They're trying to diversify for times like this,"
Canadian provinces are government regulated. says Kulynych.
For example, Kulynych explains, to get a
Jean Kerr (McAskill)
We are sad to announce the passing
of Jean Kerr (McAskill) Beasley on
September 28, 2016.
Jean is survived by her husband Pat
Beasley, children Patrice (Aubrey)
Michener, Maxine Beasley (Ross
Lappe), Lawrence (Aldyth) Beasley, nine
grandchildren, four great grandchildren,
as well as four sisters and their families.
Jean immigrated from Scotland at the
age of 13 and settled in the Carrot Creek
Her and Pat were married March 16,
1955 and then started their family.
She went on to become proprietor and
postmaster of Pat & Jean's General
Store in Peers, Alberta.
Jean was an active member of her
community as well as a talented artist
and musician who, after retirement, also
became a happy snowbird and proud
Edson Playschool Assoc. gratefully accepted a $2,000 donation from SemCAMS Community She will be missed by many.
Investment Team representative Joan Easton.