Page 10 - October 7, 2019
P. 10
Boys & Girls Club holds Meal Prep Fundraiser
by Shaylyn Thornton
On September 26 the Edson & District Boys
& Girls Club held a meal prep fundraiser to
assist in raising funds for their after school
The fundraiser involved getting recipes and
instructions for easy to prepare meals, and then
prepping them in a class to take home to cook
later. A second aspect of the fundraiser was
through Tupperware orders.
Participants would get to make five meals that
each feed four people, and each received 4-5
pieces of Tupperware as part of their registration.
The meal prep was offered by Shelby Shelton,
who handles all of the grocery shopping and
planning involved. Boys & Girls Club Program
Director Shelby DePee had heard about meal
prep through another group in town, and decided
to give it a try.
Nine participants took part in the evening,
which is great for the first time trying a new type Nine ladies took part in the Boys & Girls Club meal prep fundraiser on September 27, getting the
of fundraiser. “We were very happy with how opportunity to make food, get new recipes, and enjoy each other's company. photo Shaylyn Thornton
everything went,” said DePee. “Sadly it was on a
night where there were lots of other events going couldn't wait to try them. Katrina Krickan was “It's a fun night out, and you don't have a
on around town, but it's so hard to know.” one of the meal preppers, and she said she was huge mess to clean up,” said DePee. “You get
The recipes that the group prepped were a happy to support the club and get some new great food, all the recipes from anything you
Ham & Cheese Hashbrown Bake, a Cheesy recipes at the same time. make, and tons of laughs!”
Spinach Tortellini Bake, Honey Garlic Meatballs, The fundraiser raised just under $300, and the Another upcoming fundraiser for is their
a Bruschetta Chicken Bake, and Shredded BBQ Boys & Girls Club has already decided to offer Holiday Market on November 23 from 10am to
Chicken. another meal prep class thanks to the great 3pm. The Club is inviting crafters and home-
“We were trying to do a range of meals so feedback from those involved. based businesses to take part. It is $35 to rent a
that the meal prep offered something different for The next meal prep fundraiser will be on table, or $25 if you bring your own table.
everyone who signed up,” said DePee. “I've December 11 and will be a holiday-focused meal Space is limited in both fundraisers, so reach
already had the Ham & Cheese Hashbrown Bake prep class. It includes prep and recipes for five out soon for your spots. Contact Shelby DePee or
and it was amazing.” appetizers and two desserts, including Baked Tara Burdock at or at 780-
Those who took part in the class commented Spinach Dip, Bacon Wrapped Smokies, and Salty 723-7240 for more information.
on how good each recipe looked, and that they Caramel Brittle.
Local craftsman offers woodturning classes;
hopes to start Wood Turners Guild
by Brianne Benson many different projects, each object
will also vary depending on the
Local wood shop teacher Mike unique piece of wood used.
Biehler will be offering Biehler has recently been making
woodturning classes in hopes of different types of bowls, vases,
planting the seeds to start a wood dishes, plates, and is currently trying
turners guild in Edson. to learn to make a lamp. The
Biehler has been a woodworker creative possibilities are endless in
since he was very young, and has terms of what a person could make.
been a shop teacher in Edson for 46 Biehler is very friendly, talkative,
years. However, he only recently and clearly has a whole-hearted
took up wood turning in particular passion for wood working. His
about six months ago. teaching and interpersonal skills photo Brianne Benson
Summers Drilling
He is currently part of the make it easy to get excited about the Mike Biehler standing in front of a display of his father's tools. These are the Summers Drilling
Edmonton Wood Turners Guild and work that he does. tools he himself began working with around 10-12 years old.
Water Well Drilling
travels to Edmonton once a month The front of his shop is also Water Well Drilling
to meet with other people who share equipped with the basics needed to INTRODUCTORY WOODTURNING CLASSES
his love for the craft. Starting a create stained glass pieces. Although
wood turners guild in Edson is Biehler is not avid in the craft of A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr
something Biehler aspires to do in stained glass, he possesses the basic When: Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 pm; October 14 to December 16 Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
the near future. knowledge as well as materials to Where: Mike Biehler’s beautiful shop at 1921 Edson Dr. drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
The first step of his plan is to get make smaller projects.
people in the area to try doing work If people expressed interest in Who: Mike’s been a shop teacher for 46 years. In classes of
with a wood lathe. To make this working with stained glass, Biehler no more than 5 students, he will show you how to
happen, he has equipped his shop would be more than happy to help
with five wood lathes and will be them develop their basic skills. safely use a wood lathe.
offering classes for anyone who is The wood turning classes will be Why: Because I like woodworking and teaching. And
interested. on Mondays from 7pm to 9pm because I hope to start a woodturner’s guild.
Wood turning uses a lathe that October 14 to December 16. Since
holds pieces of wood and spins them there are only five wood lathes, How Much: $306.00 (That’s $20 per hour with all materials
4405 50 str
at a chosen rate. From there, a chisel there is only space for five students. supplied). 4405 50 streeteet 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
is held against the wood using For more information about wood Stony Plain, AB
varying levels of force to peel off turning classes or glass staining, Contact: Email
layers of wood, creating a desired email or call Mike Biehler at Text 780-517-7771
shape or pattern. or (780) Phone 780-723-4364
A wood lathe can be used to make 723-4364.
Boys & Girls Club holds Meal Prep Fundraiser
by Shaylyn Thornton
On September 26 the Edson & District Boys
& Girls Club held a meal prep fundraiser to
assist in raising funds for their after school
The fundraiser involved getting recipes and
instructions for easy to prepare meals, and then
prepping them in a class to take home to cook
later. A second aspect of the fundraiser was
through Tupperware orders.
Participants would get to make five meals that
each feed four people, and each received 4-5
pieces of Tupperware as part of their registration.
The meal prep was offered by Shelby Shelton,
who handles all of the grocery shopping and
planning involved. Boys & Girls Club Program
Director Shelby DePee had heard about meal
prep through another group in town, and decided
to give it a try.
Nine participants took part in the evening,
which is great for the first time trying a new type Nine ladies took part in the Boys & Girls Club meal prep fundraiser on September 27, getting the
of fundraiser. “We were very happy with how opportunity to make food, get new recipes, and enjoy each other's company. photo Shaylyn Thornton
everything went,” said DePee. “Sadly it was on a
night where there were lots of other events going couldn't wait to try them. Katrina Krickan was “It's a fun night out, and you don't have a
on around town, but it's so hard to know.” one of the meal preppers, and she said she was huge mess to clean up,” said DePee. “You get
The recipes that the group prepped were a happy to support the club and get some new great food, all the recipes from anything you
Ham & Cheese Hashbrown Bake, a Cheesy recipes at the same time. make, and tons of laughs!”
Spinach Tortellini Bake, Honey Garlic Meatballs, The fundraiser raised just under $300, and the Another upcoming fundraiser for is their
a Bruschetta Chicken Bake, and Shredded BBQ Boys & Girls Club has already decided to offer Holiday Market on November 23 from 10am to
Chicken. another meal prep class thanks to the great 3pm. The Club is inviting crafters and home-
“We were trying to do a range of meals so feedback from those involved. based businesses to take part. It is $35 to rent a
that the meal prep offered something different for The next meal prep fundraiser will be on table, or $25 if you bring your own table.
everyone who signed up,” said DePee. “I've December 11 and will be a holiday-focused meal Space is limited in both fundraisers, so reach
already had the Ham & Cheese Hashbrown Bake prep class. It includes prep and recipes for five out soon for your spots. Contact Shelby DePee or
and it was amazing.” appetizers and two desserts, including Baked Tara Burdock at or at 780-
Those who took part in the class commented Spinach Dip, Bacon Wrapped Smokies, and Salty 723-7240 for more information.
on how good each recipe looked, and that they Caramel Brittle.
Local craftsman offers woodturning classes;
hopes to start Wood Turners Guild
by Brianne Benson many different projects, each object
will also vary depending on the
Local wood shop teacher Mike unique piece of wood used.
Biehler will be offering Biehler has recently been making
woodturning classes in hopes of different types of bowls, vases,
planting the seeds to start a wood dishes, plates, and is currently trying
turners guild in Edson. to learn to make a lamp. The
Biehler has been a woodworker creative possibilities are endless in
since he was very young, and has terms of what a person could make.
been a shop teacher in Edson for 46 Biehler is very friendly, talkative,
years. However, he only recently and clearly has a whole-hearted
took up wood turning in particular passion for wood working. His
about six months ago. teaching and interpersonal skills photo Brianne Benson
Summers Drilling
He is currently part of the make it easy to get excited about the Mike Biehler standing in front of a display of his father's tools. These are the Summers Drilling
Edmonton Wood Turners Guild and work that he does. tools he himself began working with around 10-12 years old.
Water Well Drilling
travels to Edmonton once a month The front of his shop is also Water Well Drilling
to meet with other people who share equipped with the basics needed to INTRODUCTORY WOODTURNING CLASSES
his love for the craft. Starting a create stained glass pieces. Although
wood turners guild in Edson is Biehler is not avid in the craft of A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr
something Biehler aspires to do in stained glass, he possesses the basic When: Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 pm; October 14 to December 16 Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
the near future. knowledge as well as materials to Where: Mike Biehler’s beautiful shop at 1921 Edson Dr. drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
The first step of his plan is to get make smaller projects.
people in the area to try doing work If people expressed interest in Who: Mike’s been a shop teacher for 46 years. In classes of
with a wood lathe. To make this working with stained glass, Biehler no more than 5 students, he will show you how to
happen, he has equipped his shop would be more than happy to help
with five wood lathes and will be them develop their basic skills. safely use a wood lathe.
offering classes for anyone who is The wood turning classes will be Why: Because I like woodworking and teaching. And
interested. on Mondays from 7pm to 9pm because I hope to start a woodturner’s guild.
Wood turning uses a lathe that October 14 to December 16. Since
holds pieces of wood and spins them there are only five wood lathes, How Much: $306.00 (That’s $20 per hour with all materials
4405 50 str
at a chosen rate. From there, a chisel there is only space for five students. supplied). 4405 50 streeteet 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
is held against the wood using For more information about wood Stony Plain, AB
varying levels of force to peel off turning classes or glass staining, Contact: Email
layers of wood, creating a desired email or call Mike Biehler at Text 780-517-7771
shape or pattern. or (780) Phone 780-723-4364
A wood lathe can be used to make 723-4364.