Page 15 - October 7, 2019
P. 15
he Weekly ANCHOR
he Weekly ANCHOR
Remember to Yellowhead Fiddlers draw large crowd at Pioneer Cabin
drop off your by Dawn Olsvik
donations for the
Over a hundred people showed up at the Edson
EDSON FOOD BANK Pioneer Cabin on September 27 to enjoy an
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys evening of music and dancing. The entertainment
was provided by the Yellowhead Fiddlers – a
or the Edson Food Bank diverse group of musicians from the Yellowhead
area, and even abroad.
The Food Bank will be open 2 Diana Stanford, the director for Yellowhead
Thursday evenings, West Region of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers,
the second and last Thursday of the Month said,” We have members from as far west as
6:45-8:00 pm. Dunster, BC, Jasper, Hinton, Edson and
Open regular hours every Tuesday from Whitecourt. This year we even have a girl from
9-11 am. Stanford became the director a few years ago The Yellowhead Fiddlers performed at the Edson Pioneer Cabin on Sept.27. photo Dawn Olsvik
780-723-1350 when the position was vacant. She was looking for
others to play with and there was no organized
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. group in this area. “Last year in September we FALL SALE PROMOTION
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. held a workshop and ended up with 11
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson participants signed up but had no one to teach us.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor (Ends Jan 1, 2020)
How were we going to improve? We were lucky
enough to get funding from the Alberta Society to MLS 44832 LOT 18 3.0 +/- Acres $155,000 NEW PRICE
pay mileage to have Troy Gates from Sherwood $159,000 MLS 44833 LOT 22 4.1 +/- Acres $159,000 NEW PRICE
Park come out and teach. Troy is one of Alberta's MLS 44836 LOT 23 4.1 +/- Acres $149,000 NEW PRICE
top dance band leaders. He also teaches in Edson was $179,000 MLS 44835 LOT 24 2.9 +/- Acres $149,000 NEW PRICE
once a month, so he joined us for our MLS 44840 LOT 43 3.9 +/- Acres $ 89,000 NEW PRICE
performance.” MLS 44837 LOT 48 3.5 +/- Acres $179,000 NEW PRICE
Stanford added. “Once the group got together, MLS 44839 LOT 49 2.5 +/- Acres $144,900 NEW PRICE
someone suggested that we needed somewhere to MLS 44838 LOT 50 2.9 +/- Acres $144,900 NEW PRICE
perform, so I got busy and lined up some venues
and the Cabin was one of those venues.”
Jim Eglinski as well as performing and telling jokes to the LISTED BY CHERYL DREBIT, REALTOR® - CENTURY 21 TWIN REALTY
Throughout the evening Gates acted as the MC,
Cell: (780) 725-2101 Office: 780-723-3100 Email:
MP Yellowhead appreciative crowd. “Diana comes from a musical
family – even her sewing machine is a singer!” he
Anne Goldie, a member of the Pioneer Cabin,
said, “It was fantastic. I was surprised by the age
of the fiddlers -from young to old. It was good,
old toe tapping music and all the old time dances.
I loved the evening!” The Fiddlers played old time
dances like the Schottische, Heel toe polka and the
Butterfly. When some of the younger members of
the crowd stepped up to try the dances – others
Remember to drop off your donations for the were quick to help them learn the steps.
EDSON FOOD BANK The Yellowhead Region is large but how did the
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank Yellowhead Fiddlers end up with an international
The Food Bank will be open 2 Thursday evenings, member? Sophie Pfisterer, a grade 11 student from
Jasper, and member of the Yellowhead Fiddlers,
the second and last Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. said, “A while ago I decided I wanted to do an
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. exchange to France or Belgium to experience a
780-723-1350 new culture and improve my French. I saved up 3.5 Acres
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the money for it and found a perfect organization. Lot 48
My organization (BelCanFran) pairs a Canadian
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. student with a French or Belgian student and each
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson student stays at the others' house for 11 weeks. My Discover the natural beauty of the McLeod River and life as it should be in
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor exchange student's name is Lisa Franceschetti.
She is from Belgium. They paired Lisa and I River Ridge Estates. This private subdivision features it’s own distinctive natural
together because of shared personality, interests characteristics. This lot includes underground services to the property line
(violin), etc.” Pfisterer has been playing for 5 including power, gas, telephone line, and internet. Property owners are
Grade 12 student Lisa Franceschetti, said, “I responsible for installing the septic system and well. Lot 48 is located in “The
think the concert was really interesting because I Ridge” area of the subdivision and covers a total area of 3.5+/- acres. The Ridge Royal LePage
don't play the same things in Belgium. I'm in a is filled with mature trees and rugged terrain - a building site is partially cleared
MLS 47887 $44,900 MLS 50286 $299,900 classical orchestra in Belgium, so the music is and waiting for you to build your dream home! River Ridge is now paved. 1/4 page Feature
really different! I really like being in the
MOTIVATED NEW Yellowhead Fiddlers because it is a really different
atmosphere than in my Belgian orchestra. We play
View Lot
Well Treed
Good Building
High Land
a lot of different things and it's fun to play some & & & &
dances because everyone starts to dance during Site & &
Good Drainage
2 1 0 4 3 2 the song. I'm happy with my exchange; it's so
MLS 49409 $428,000 MLS 49643 $459,900 interesting! What I prefer in Canada is definitely
FOR RENT $2500/month the nature and the warmest of the people I met.
Everyone is so nice and they want to explain to
me how they see their country. Nature is also so Cheryl
beautiful and I am going to miss a lot the Drebit
5 3 2 5 3 2 mountains when I'll be back at my house.” ®
MLS 47528 $519,000 MLS 48230 $649,900 Franceschetti has been playing for 12 years. (780) 725-2101
Watch for some Christmas performance by the
REDUCED Yellowhead Fiddlers throughout the region in
early December. The group is always looking for
new members. Interested parties can contact
Diana Stanford at 780-712-1357.
4 3 2 4 3 6
5202 2nd Ave.
780.723-5550 for all your real estate needs
100% Full Service 100% Locally Owned
he Weekly ANCHOR
he Weekly ANCHOR
Remember to Yellowhead Fiddlers draw large crowd at Pioneer Cabin
drop off your by Dawn Olsvik
donations for the
Over a hundred people showed up at the Edson
EDSON FOOD BANK Pioneer Cabin on September 27 to enjoy an
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys evening of music and dancing. The entertainment
was provided by the Yellowhead Fiddlers – a
or the Edson Food Bank diverse group of musicians from the Yellowhead
area, and even abroad.
The Food Bank will be open 2 Diana Stanford, the director for Yellowhead
Thursday evenings, West Region of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers,
the second and last Thursday of the Month said,” We have members from as far west as
6:45-8:00 pm. Dunster, BC, Jasper, Hinton, Edson and
Open regular hours every Tuesday from Whitecourt. This year we even have a girl from
9-11 am. Stanford became the director a few years ago The Yellowhead Fiddlers performed at the Edson Pioneer Cabin on Sept.27. photo Dawn Olsvik
780-723-1350 when the position was vacant. She was looking for
others to play with and there was no organized
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. group in this area. “Last year in September we FALL SALE PROMOTION
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. held a workshop and ended up with 11
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson participants signed up but had no one to teach us.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor (Ends Jan 1, 2020)
How were we going to improve? We were lucky
enough to get funding from the Alberta Society to MLS 44832 LOT 18 3.0 +/- Acres $155,000 NEW PRICE
pay mileage to have Troy Gates from Sherwood $159,000 MLS 44833 LOT 22 4.1 +/- Acres $159,000 NEW PRICE
Park come out and teach. Troy is one of Alberta's MLS 44836 LOT 23 4.1 +/- Acres $149,000 NEW PRICE
top dance band leaders. He also teaches in Edson was $179,000 MLS 44835 LOT 24 2.9 +/- Acres $149,000 NEW PRICE
once a month, so he joined us for our MLS 44840 LOT 43 3.9 +/- Acres $ 89,000 NEW PRICE
performance.” MLS 44837 LOT 48 3.5 +/- Acres $179,000 NEW PRICE
Stanford added. “Once the group got together, MLS 44839 LOT 49 2.5 +/- Acres $144,900 NEW PRICE
someone suggested that we needed somewhere to MLS 44838 LOT 50 2.9 +/- Acres $144,900 NEW PRICE
perform, so I got busy and lined up some venues
and the Cabin was one of those venues.”
Jim Eglinski as well as performing and telling jokes to the LISTED BY CHERYL DREBIT, REALTOR® - CENTURY 21 TWIN REALTY
Throughout the evening Gates acted as the MC,
Cell: (780) 725-2101 Office: 780-723-3100 Email:
MP Yellowhead appreciative crowd. “Diana comes from a musical
family – even her sewing machine is a singer!” he
Anne Goldie, a member of the Pioneer Cabin,
said, “It was fantastic. I was surprised by the age
of the fiddlers -from young to old. It was good,
old toe tapping music and all the old time dances.
I loved the evening!” The Fiddlers played old time
dances like the Schottische, Heel toe polka and the
Butterfly. When some of the younger members of
the crowd stepped up to try the dances – others
Remember to drop off your donations for the were quick to help them learn the steps.
EDSON FOOD BANK The Yellowhead Region is large but how did the
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank Yellowhead Fiddlers end up with an international
The Food Bank will be open 2 Thursday evenings, member? Sophie Pfisterer, a grade 11 student from
Jasper, and member of the Yellowhead Fiddlers,
the second and last Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. said, “A while ago I decided I wanted to do an
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. exchange to France or Belgium to experience a
780-723-1350 new culture and improve my French. I saved up 3.5 Acres
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the money for it and found a perfect organization. Lot 48
My organization (BelCanFran) pairs a Canadian
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. student with a French or Belgian student and each
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson student stays at the others' house for 11 weeks. My Discover the natural beauty of the McLeod River and life as it should be in
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor exchange student's name is Lisa Franceschetti.
She is from Belgium. They paired Lisa and I River Ridge Estates. This private subdivision features it’s own distinctive natural
together because of shared personality, interests characteristics. This lot includes underground services to the property line
(violin), etc.” Pfisterer has been playing for 5 including power, gas, telephone line, and internet. Property owners are
Grade 12 student Lisa Franceschetti, said, “I responsible for installing the septic system and well. Lot 48 is located in “The
think the concert was really interesting because I Ridge” area of the subdivision and covers a total area of 3.5+/- acres. The Ridge Royal LePage
don't play the same things in Belgium. I'm in a is filled with mature trees and rugged terrain - a building site is partially cleared
MLS 47887 $44,900 MLS 50286 $299,900 classical orchestra in Belgium, so the music is and waiting for you to build your dream home! River Ridge is now paved. 1/4 page Feature
really different! I really like being in the
MOTIVATED NEW Yellowhead Fiddlers because it is a really different
atmosphere than in my Belgian orchestra. We play
View Lot
Well Treed
Good Building
High Land
a lot of different things and it's fun to play some & & & &
dances because everyone starts to dance during Site & &
Good Drainage
2 1 0 4 3 2 the song. I'm happy with my exchange; it's so
MLS 49409 $428,000 MLS 49643 $459,900 interesting! What I prefer in Canada is definitely
FOR RENT $2500/month the nature and the warmest of the people I met.
Everyone is so nice and they want to explain to
me how they see their country. Nature is also so Cheryl
beautiful and I am going to miss a lot the Drebit
5 3 2 5 3 2 mountains when I'll be back at my house.” ®
MLS 47528 $519,000 MLS 48230 $649,900 Franceschetti has been playing for 12 years. (780) 725-2101
Watch for some Christmas performance by the
REDUCED Yellowhead Fiddlers throughout the region in
early December. The group is always looking for
new members. Interested parties can contact
Diana Stanford at 780-712-1357.
4 3 2 4 3 6
5202 2nd Ave.
780.723-5550 for all your real estate needs
100% Full Service 100% Locally Owned