Page 20 - September 18, 2017
P. 20

s CHOOL Pine Grove library expands student
s UMMER Times opportunities with Public Library cards

Fun for Kids by Deanna Mitchener even outside of school hours such as

ELECT FIONA FOWLERA FOWLER Edson and District Public Library,
Christmas holidays, spring break,
Trisha Thurner, Librarian from the weekends, evenings, and summer
for free with their Public Library
spent the day at Ècole Pine Grove holidays. They can access materials
School Middle School on September 7 card."
signing students up with a free
"Our goal is to get every single
T library cards for the public library. student enrolled, if possible, that
Thurner said, "The amazing
way they will have continuous
Jocelyn Pettitt who runs the library
access. It really is for their benefit as
G here at Pine Grove had this brilliant we have students that have never
idea to partner with the Public
been to a public library. They will
Library and make sure that every have thousands of materials to use
kid here that wants one can get a such as movies, comic books, and
free library card. It's easy access for books that our school doesn't have. I
V the kids and I have a chance to let don't have to put our school
resources into buying digital books
each of them know all that the
October 16
October 16 Public Library has to offer." because its free with the public
"This was a great way to be able to library," said Pettitt.
hear about the Public Library and "We are working together on this
we're excited to be getting a free project and hope to work closely on
card to use," several students other ventures as well. LA teachers
agreed. can plan field trips to the library and
School librarian Jocelyn Pettitt attend author talks, book talks, or
said, "We wanted to make sure that just to sign out books we don't have
every student has access to the here at Pine Grove," said Pettitt.
Public Library and all of its digital By the end of the day 146 students
resources. Part of the Learner signed up for their free Public
Commons philosophy is to have Library card and seemed excited
access to information all the time, about the idea.

Jasmine Christie (11) from Pine Grove Middle School proudly shows
off her new Public Library card. Students that were interested in
receiving a free Public Library card could register right at their school
library on September 7. photo Deanna Mitchener


Addison Williams is seven years old, goes to the Fulham Josie Williams is nine years old and is in grade four at the
School and is in grade two. "I'm not really happy about going Fulhum School. "I would say L.A. is my best subject in
back to school, but I guess we still get recess and lunchtime school. I like spending time with our farm animals and I
to play with friends. I would have to say blue is my faviorite enjoy mountain biking a lot. When we were in B.C. I went
colour, and carrots are my favorite food. I want to be a mountain biking with my dad and we got to bike up to this
paleontologist when I grow up and study fossils. We have really high mountain. I have three younger sisters, and if I
chickens, pigs, a dog and two cats. I also have one older could travel any where in the world I would pick
sister and two younger ones. I enjoy doing crafts, reading Disneyland. I want to be a heavy duty mechanic when I'm
and biking,” says Addison. done school. Favorite colour is black and favorite food is
Chinese,” says Josie.

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Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling “Kids Make A Difference” focusing on youth in our
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