Page 6 - September 30, 2019
P. 6
County Council sets Mayoral election date
by Cassie Kushniruk Services Christopher Read. Mayor position, they must resign absence from the local jurisdiction,
“Pursuant to section 165 of the their seat on or before October 16, or being a returning officer, deputy
With the recent resignation of MGA, election day is 90 days after 18 days before nomination day.” returning officer, constable,
Mayor Gerald Soroka on September the vacancy occurs unless Council Read stated that the 2019 candidate, official agent or
17, Yellowhead County Council sets an earlier date.” approved budget has $27,800 of scrutineer who may be located on
was tasked with choosing a by- Based on the legislation and other funding available for the holding of election day at a voting station other
election date for the position of time frames for nomination periods, a by-election, with expenses such as than that for the elector's place of
Yellowhead County Mayor, during advertising, printing ballots etc., returning/deputy returning officers, residence,” said Read.
their September 24 meeting. County Administration poll clerks, training, hall rentals, The elected authority, pursuant
Interim Mayor Sandra recommended that Council stay printing and purchase of election with Section 77.2 of the Local
Cherniawsky will fill the position with the legislated 90 day time materials, etc. included. Authorities Election Act, is allowed
until the election results are frame, making election day Councillor Shawn Berry cautioned to provide for special ballots, which
finalized, as Cherniawsky was the Monday, December 16, 2019. his fellow Councillors, “Make sure may be in the form of writing, by
Deputy Mayor at the time of “Once Council passes the that you're serious about running telephone, by fax, in person, or by
Soroka's resignation. resolution to set the election day, [for the Mayor position] because e-mail.
“Per the Municipal Government the nomination period opens the you're going to cause another “The key benefit of implementing
Act (MGA), since there is more next day , which is September 25, vacancy on Council. This is a very special ballots is that the vote is
than one year remaining before the and closes November 4 at noon, 6 important job; one that everybody extended to those who would not be
next general election, a by-election weeks before election day,” Read has to take seriously. Remember able to vote otherwise,” Read said.
is required to fill the vacancy,” mentioned. “Should an existing that a Mayor represents the entire “Special ballots have been used
explained Director of Community Councillor wish to challenge for the community and represents the will successfully by Yellowhead County
of Council.” in four municipal elections.”
According to Read, the cost of
The motion to set December 16 as
Gerald Soroka reflects on role the by-election date for the position providing special ballots would
of Yellowhead County Mayor was
include printing of the envelopes
as Yellowhead County Mayor carried unanimously by Council. and postage, which have been
During this time, County Council
included in the budget.
was also requested to provide a Councillor Lavone Olson
by Cassie Kushniruk Soroka said, “ Dealing with the method of voting for residents of commented, “When people vote by
people, both positive and negative. Yellowhead Country who are special ballot, they cannot use their
After representing constituents in Having dealt with a few people that unable to vote during the advance passport; it doesn't have an address
the Yellowhead County area for didn't seem to have much respect polls or on election day. on it. They need to have ID with an
nearly 15 years, Gerald Soroka for me, to them later admitting they “Section 77.1 of the Local address.”
looks back on his time served as think I did a good job; that was the Authorities Election Act states that The motion to authorize the use of
Yellowhead County Mayor. most rewarding.” an elector may apply to vote by special ballots in the 2019
As the Conservative MP candidate In terms of biggest special ballot if they are unable to municipal by-election was carried
for Yellowhead in the upcoming accomplishment during his time as vote at an advance vote or at the unanimously by Councillors.
federal election, Soroka resigned his Mayor, Soroka takes pride in the voting station on election day
mayoral position on September 17. amount of improvements he and because of physical incapacity,
Soroka has lived in the County all Council have made in the
his life, residing on a farm north of community. The list includes the
Evansburg that was the original new fire halls, expanded seniors th
homestead his grandparents moved residences, recreation facilities, 18 Annual
to in 1930. county offices, playgrounds,
After graduating from Grand recreational opportunities, and
Trunk High School, Soroka had two numerous other improvements.
jobs before investing himself full- “The quality of life I feel that we've
time in farming. During this time, improved within this County; I
Soroka served as Vice President and think it's staggering and I'm very
President of the West Central proud of that,” he said.
Forage Association, as well as Vice Soroka noted that he will miss the
President of the Alberta Forage opportunity to have direct input
Council. over issues pertaining to
With a great desire to improve his Yellowhead County residents. He
community, Soroka decided to run added that he enjoyed the structure
for Yellowhead County Division of his mayoral position in that he
One Councillor in 2004. Upon could tailor his schedule. “There are
winning, he served one term before many community events you can go
running for Yellowhead County to …but if not this week, you'll
Mayor in 2007. have that opportunity maybe
Soroka was serving in his fourth another two more times this year, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2019
term as County Mayor before he but as an MP, you're not going to
handed in his resignation on see these individual communities as
September 17, stating he wanted to often,” he said, referring to the
offer some certainty to the mayor's much larger Yellowhead district and
position and those wishing to run. the time needed in Ottawa. “That's
“Regardless of whether I went for the disappointing side.”
Councillor or Mayor, it was always With the Yellowhead County
about trying to make the community mayoral election scheduled for
better,” Soroka said. “I just wanted December 16, 2019, Soroka's advise
to see improvements being made.” to the next Mayor would be to avoid
Over nearly 15 years serving as a jumping to conclusions and to
voice for Yellowhead County “listen to the discussion and look at
residents, Soroka noticed significant the other side before giving
changes in municipal government, answers”. “And definitely read
“15 years ago, any time we did a between the lines,” Soroka added.
project it was always, 'Do we have Soroka thanked Yellowhead
the money to do it?'. Now the first County residents for their continued Pledge Forms are available at Fineline,
question is, 'What's our liability by support over the years, “I want to
doing this?'” thank them for having faith in me Edson Library, ATB, Sobeys.
When asked what moments he for the last almost 15 years. I
will remember most during his appreciate their confidence in me,
terms as Yellowhead County Mayor, which kept me there that long."
County Council sets Mayoral election date
by Cassie Kushniruk Services Christopher Read. Mayor position, they must resign absence from the local jurisdiction,
“Pursuant to section 165 of the their seat on or before October 16, or being a returning officer, deputy
With the recent resignation of MGA, election day is 90 days after 18 days before nomination day.” returning officer, constable,
Mayor Gerald Soroka on September the vacancy occurs unless Council Read stated that the 2019 candidate, official agent or
17, Yellowhead County Council sets an earlier date.” approved budget has $27,800 of scrutineer who may be located on
was tasked with choosing a by- Based on the legislation and other funding available for the holding of election day at a voting station other
election date for the position of time frames for nomination periods, a by-election, with expenses such as than that for the elector's place of
Yellowhead County Mayor, during advertising, printing ballots etc., returning/deputy returning officers, residence,” said Read.
their September 24 meeting. County Administration poll clerks, training, hall rentals, The elected authority, pursuant
Interim Mayor Sandra recommended that Council stay printing and purchase of election with Section 77.2 of the Local
Cherniawsky will fill the position with the legislated 90 day time materials, etc. included. Authorities Election Act, is allowed
until the election results are frame, making election day Councillor Shawn Berry cautioned to provide for special ballots, which
finalized, as Cherniawsky was the Monday, December 16, 2019. his fellow Councillors, “Make sure may be in the form of writing, by
Deputy Mayor at the time of “Once Council passes the that you're serious about running telephone, by fax, in person, or by
Soroka's resignation. resolution to set the election day, [for the Mayor position] because e-mail.
“Per the Municipal Government the nomination period opens the you're going to cause another “The key benefit of implementing
Act (MGA), since there is more next day , which is September 25, vacancy on Council. This is a very special ballots is that the vote is
than one year remaining before the and closes November 4 at noon, 6 important job; one that everybody extended to those who would not be
next general election, a by-election weeks before election day,” Read has to take seriously. Remember able to vote otherwise,” Read said.
is required to fill the vacancy,” mentioned. “Should an existing that a Mayor represents the entire “Special ballots have been used
explained Director of Community Councillor wish to challenge for the community and represents the will successfully by Yellowhead County
of Council.” in four municipal elections.”
According to Read, the cost of
The motion to set December 16 as
Gerald Soroka reflects on role the by-election date for the position providing special ballots would
of Yellowhead County Mayor was
include printing of the envelopes
as Yellowhead County Mayor carried unanimously by Council. and postage, which have been
During this time, County Council
included in the budget.
was also requested to provide a Councillor Lavone Olson
by Cassie Kushniruk Soroka said, “ Dealing with the method of voting for residents of commented, “When people vote by
people, both positive and negative. Yellowhead Country who are special ballot, they cannot use their
After representing constituents in Having dealt with a few people that unable to vote during the advance passport; it doesn't have an address
the Yellowhead County area for didn't seem to have much respect polls or on election day. on it. They need to have ID with an
nearly 15 years, Gerald Soroka for me, to them later admitting they “Section 77.1 of the Local address.”
looks back on his time served as think I did a good job; that was the Authorities Election Act states that The motion to authorize the use of
Yellowhead County Mayor. most rewarding.” an elector may apply to vote by special ballots in the 2019
As the Conservative MP candidate In terms of biggest special ballot if they are unable to municipal by-election was carried
for Yellowhead in the upcoming accomplishment during his time as vote at an advance vote or at the unanimously by Councillors.
federal election, Soroka resigned his Mayor, Soroka takes pride in the voting station on election day
mayoral position on September 17. amount of improvements he and because of physical incapacity,
Soroka has lived in the County all Council have made in the
his life, residing on a farm north of community. The list includes the
Evansburg that was the original new fire halls, expanded seniors th
homestead his grandparents moved residences, recreation facilities, 18 Annual
to in 1930. county offices, playgrounds,
After graduating from Grand recreational opportunities, and
Trunk High School, Soroka had two numerous other improvements.
jobs before investing himself full- “The quality of life I feel that we've
time in farming. During this time, improved within this County; I
Soroka served as Vice President and think it's staggering and I'm very
President of the West Central proud of that,” he said.
Forage Association, as well as Vice Soroka noted that he will miss the
President of the Alberta Forage opportunity to have direct input
Council. over issues pertaining to
With a great desire to improve his Yellowhead County residents. He
community, Soroka decided to run added that he enjoyed the structure
for Yellowhead County Division of his mayoral position in that he
One Councillor in 2004. Upon could tailor his schedule. “There are
winning, he served one term before many community events you can go
running for Yellowhead County to …but if not this week, you'll
Mayor in 2007. have that opportunity maybe
Soroka was serving in his fourth another two more times this year, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2019
term as County Mayor before he but as an MP, you're not going to
handed in his resignation on see these individual communities as
September 17, stating he wanted to often,” he said, referring to the
offer some certainty to the mayor's much larger Yellowhead district and
position and those wishing to run. the time needed in Ottawa. “That's
“Regardless of whether I went for the disappointing side.”
Councillor or Mayor, it was always With the Yellowhead County
about trying to make the community mayoral election scheduled for
better,” Soroka said. “I just wanted December 16, 2019, Soroka's advise
to see improvements being made.” to the next Mayor would be to avoid
Over nearly 15 years serving as a jumping to conclusions and to
voice for Yellowhead County “listen to the discussion and look at
residents, Soroka noticed significant the other side before giving
changes in municipal government, answers”. “And definitely read
“15 years ago, any time we did a between the lines,” Soroka added.
project it was always, 'Do we have Soroka thanked Yellowhead
the money to do it?'. Now the first County residents for their continued Pledge Forms are available at Fineline,
question is, 'What's our liability by support over the years, “I want to
doing this?'” thank them for having faith in me Edson Library, ATB, Sobeys.
When asked what moments he for the last almost 15 years. I
will remember most during his appreciate their confidence in me,
terms as Yellowhead County Mayor, which kept me there that long."