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Professional Digital Passport System photos THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY APRIL 15, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

Youth Council discuss recycling

and possible ban on plastic bags

continued from front
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front on what we're expecting our residents to deal
D continued from front with.”
continued from front
Town Councillor Troy Sorenson later mentioned
continued from front that the Recycling Society conducted an audit of
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front the Town of Edson last year and said they were
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
continued from front doing well in relation to their recycling efforts.
“One of the things they mentioned was our signage
780-723-5787 and our dividing cans are different in this building
than they are in other buildings,” said Sorenson.
“They said we should have the exact same cans,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE signage, and colors in all Town buildings so that it's
Youth Councillor Morgan Nelson gave mentions
to Pine Grove's excellent recycling program that
was implemented late last school year, “They don't
Professional Digital even have actual garbage cans; they separate
Professional Digital
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Passport System everything. I think we should start looking at
putting that in more schools and start
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photos ready implementing that around all of Edson, not just in
one specific place.”
Youth Councillor Nicholas Hill, who helped
in minutes
in minutes initiate the recycling program at Pine Grove, Town of Edson Youth Council's monthly meeting was held on April 8, in which youth discussed the Town's
recycling program as well as the possibility of implementing a plastic bag ban across the community.
while you wait...
while you wait... mentioned that plans are in the works to implement Pictured are Youth Council members and Town Council representatives sporting their new Youth Council
the same program into each school in town, with jackets. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Holy Redeemer High School next on the list. “The
issue is they haven't gotten enough funding,” Hill make up for the cost and energy used to make a city of New York, which has begun the
said. paper bag, you have to use it 43 times to be implementation process of a plastic bag ban. “If the
Mayor Zahara pointed out the Town's organics equivalent to [plastic bags],” Youth Councillor city of New York with [8.6 million] people can do
program that was implemented last year, “Other Mekha George said in response. it, then I believe that Edson can do it.”
municipalities in the area are looking at doing the Woelfing said, “I believe we should really go for Councillor Kieran Bradbury asked, “Does
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor same, but we're the first in the region that have the all-out ban. I'm really about pushing to get the anyone think it's worth advertising with the youth
actually stepped up and done it.”
at schools?”
least amount of environmental impact as we can.”
Similar to the communities of Wood Buffalo and Mayor Zahara stated that he was in agreement “I think that's a really good idea but instead of
5 Wetaskiwin, Mayor Zahara suggested the idea of with Woelfing's statement, explaining the issues telling them that it's happening, I think we should PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
implementing a plastic bag ban across the
associated with a levy, “I don't like the levy idea go and see what their opinion is,” Nelson replied.
community. “As we know, plastics are one of the because you're giving people an outlet to not do the “That's the whole point of Youth Council—to get The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
780-723-578780-723-5787 most costly things to deal with in a recycling point right thing and they get mad because now they the youth's opinion in Edson.” 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
of view and they're probably one of the worst
Youth Councillor Rory Kwantes suggested
have to pay for it. If you want to make a statement
things for the environment,” Zahara said, inviting
Youth Council members to comment on the and make the right decision, sometimes you just setting up a suggestion box outside of school DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-578780-723-5787
offices to allow students the opportunity to share
have to take that stand.”
Nelson insisted that the switch from bags to no their ideas concerning the topic.
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! associated with the plastic bag ban is that a number bags be gradual in order to provide businesses with Town of Edson Community Development
Mayor Zahara mentioned that one challenge
of businesses have invested money into purchasing enough time to use their plastic bags but not Manager Tanya Byers suggested that Youth
Council put together a presentation on the
enough time to purchase a new supply.
bulk amounts of plastic bags. “They don't want to Hill suggested implementing a reward system in environmental impacts being discussed to be
just throw that out,” said Zahara. which one reusable bag be provided in exchange presented to Town Council at a future date.
Councillor Sorenson then explained an for 10 plastic bags, for example. “Not only in front of Council, but in front of ASSIGNMENT WRITER
“Would we be able to do compostable bags that classrooms so they have the awareness as well,”
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE additional option available for plastic bag are still like plastic but can compost?” George added Bradbury. Enjoy getting out and meeting
use,“Another option is to have a levy, so if you buy
a plastic bag at the checkout, a dollar levy comes
back to the Town and we build up money that we asked. Woelfing added that the presentation should be people?
“I don't think compostable bags are the way to go based on facts and research rather than opinions.
Professional Digital Passport System photos can spend on recycling.” because they break really easily,” said youth Youth Councillor Nelson made a motion that The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
assignment Writer!
Youth Councillor Danielle Bittner suggested a
ready in minutes while you wait... gradual switch from plastic bags to paper bags councillor Morgan Steffler in response. Youth Council develop a public presentation on the person with good writing skills to write about
The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
Although some may believe successfully impact of plastic bags in the community, which
Professional Digital leading to an all-out ban of all disposable bags. implementing a plastic bag ban across town will was carried unanimously by Youth Council local events
“Paper bags are better for the environment, but to
not be possible, Woelfing compared Edson to the members.
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week Training provided. Great for added income.
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788
in minutes Edson McDonald’sdson McDonald’s Call for information 712-6788 Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Email: Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Join us for the Mr. Maverick is a unique, spunk-tacular boy (or sent to the Publisher by email at
Join us for the
who is ready to find where he fits in. Maverick is
Fun Family Experience a 1.5 year old Sharpei cross who is full of
Fun Family Experience
smarts, enthusiasm and willingness to please.
on Wednesday night He is food motivated and eager to please.
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April 24 from 5-7 pm.
and some of the inherent behaviours
Games, Activities and Crafts
Games, Activities and Crafts associated with his breed at
Sunday, April 14 starting at Noon.
Congrats to March’s
Congrats to March’s Watch for details of the event on our Facebook page.
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Employee of the Month, Garry
D 780-712-949380-712-9493 Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
T Work from home and/or our office.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
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