Page 3 - April 15, 2019
P. 3
Province dissolves funding for Regional
Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator
continued from front
address elder abuse and provide elders with believe are in provincial purview, such as 211 provincial government support in helping us
the necessary resources to receive help. and some of the other initiatives,” said Mayor with achieving the goals that we have in our
Since 2014, the provincial government has Zahara. community, especially when to comes to things
provided $3.6 million to 31 communities to In July of 2018, Mayor Zahara sent a letter to that support our vulnerable communities,” he
develop or enhance a CCR model to address, the Minister of Seniors and Housing Lori said.
prevent, and respond to elder abuse at a local Sigurdson in effort to receive continued Whether in the form of financial, physical,
level. funding for the positon, explaining the strides verbal, or some other form of abuse, elder
Under the local CCR initiative, the Regional the Coordinator has made in the community in abuse certainly occurs in communities. “Some
Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator positon addressing elder abuse. of these seniors are in vulnerable positions
was created. Charlene Sitar, who took on the Sigurdson responded to Zahara's letter in where they don't know what to do or how they
position, worked on a regular basis to better September, explaining the importance of can get help,” said Zahara. “It may not be
connect seniors with resources across the working to address and prevent elder abuse criminal in nature, but there's still maybe some
region, coordinate a variety of programs, and and the other funding opportunities available abuse going on. If there are any seniors out
has been a guest speaker at events such as the for delivery of services in addressing family there that think they are experiencing some
Young at Heart Seniors Conference and World violence. “They didn't really respond to some sort of abuse, we certainly encourage them to
Elder Abuse Awareness Day. “She did some of the questions we had,” mentioned Zahara. connect with 211 and get the resources that
really good work the last couple of years,” said The Town of Edson recently applied for the they need.”
Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara. “It was New Horizons for Seniors Program grant in
definitely very beneficial.” hopes to continue funding the Coordinator
Sitar also acted as the driving force behind position. “There is certainly benefits to having
another successful program: 211, the elder a regional position, but in being regional, the
abuse linking protocol which put seniors in focus isn't necessarily always on Edson, so
touch with local resources by calling 211. with this new grant that we've applied for, that
Unfortunately, the Town of Edson received position would be dedicated solely on Edson
news that the provincial government would no and area issues,” said Zahara.
longer be providing the Taking Action Against When asked if the results from the upcoming
Elder Abuse Coordinated Community Reponse election would be able to help with reinstating
grant past December of 2018, which has also the Coordinator position, Zahara said,
dissolved the Regional Elder Abuse Prevention “Probably not.”
Coordinator position. “With the election ongoing and the new
“The Town of Edson was not in a position to government coming in, we'll be continuing to
continue funding that position based on the highlight the things we're working on both
other initiatives that we're funding that we locally and regionally and looking for
Elect your local United Conservative Candidate
Like many who now call Alberta home, I moved to West Yellowhead more than a decade ago
because I believed that in Alberta, through hard work, determination, and sacrifice, anyone could
prosper. But I see how the NDP’s misguided and out of touch regulations and taxes are pushing
jobs out of the province, squeezing working families, and eroding the Alberta Advantage that
helped my family thrive. I chose to get involved in politics because the people of West Yellowhead
deserve better. We shouldn’t have to feel like a revenue source for an NDP government that has
been lock-step with Justin Trudeau in attacking the industry that powers our economy. As a lifelong
volunteer, I know the positive impact we can have on our community and that’s why I want to
work with Jason Kenney and our UCP team to stop the NDP and help restore the Alberta
Authorized by the official agent of Martin Long with phone number 780-268-UCP1(8271)
Can we count on your support? Get involved by contacting us
PHONE: 780-268-ucp1 | WEBSITE: | EMAIL:
Follow us on Social Media tagline Facebook Martin Long UCP , twitter/Instagram @Martinlongucp
Province dissolves funding for Regional
Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator
continued from front
address elder abuse and provide elders with believe are in provincial purview, such as 211 provincial government support in helping us
the necessary resources to receive help. and some of the other initiatives,” said Mayor with achieving the goals that we have in our
Since 2014, the provincial government has Zahara. community, especially when to comes to things
provided $3.6 million to 31 communities to In July of 2018, Mayor Zahara sent a letter to that support our vulnerable communities,” he
develop or enhance a CCR model to address, the Minister of Seniors and Housing Lori said.
prevent, and respond to elder abuse at a local Sigurdson in effort to receive continued Whether in the form of financial, physical,
level. funding for the positon, explaining the strides verbal, or some other form of abuse, elder
Under the local CCR initiative, the Regional the Coordinator has made in the community in abuse certainly occurs in communities. “Some
Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator positon addressing elder abuse. of these seniors are in vulnerable positions
was created. Charlene Sitar, who took on the Sigurdson responded to Zahara's letter in where they don't know what to do or how they
position, worked on a regular basis to better September, explaining the importance of can get help,” said Zahara. “It may not be
connect seniors with resources across the working to address and prevent elder abuse criminal in nature, but there's still maybe some
region, coordinate a variety of programs, and and the other funding opportunities available abuse going on. If there are any seniors out
has been a guest speaker at events such as the for delivery of services in addressing family there that think they are experiencing some
Young at Heart Seniors Conference and World violence. “They didn't really respond to some sort of abuse, we certainly encourage them to
Elder Abuse Awareness Day. “She did some of the questions we had,” mentioned Zahara. connect with 211 and get the resources that
really good work the last couple of years,” said The Town of Edson recently applied for the they need.”
Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara. “It was New Horizons for Seniors Program grant in
definitely very beneficial.” hopes to continue funding the Coordinator
Sitar also acted as the driving force behind position. “There is certainly benefits to having
another successful program: 211, the elder a regional position, but in being regional, the
abuse linking protocol which put seniors in focus isn't necessarily always on Edson, so
touch with local resources by calling 211. with this new grant that we've applied for, that
Unfortunately, the Town of Edson received position would be dedicated solely on Edson
news that the provincial government would no and area issues,” said Zahara.
longer be providing the Taking Action Against When asked if the results from the upcoming
Elder Abuse Coordinated Community Reponse election would be able to help with reinstating
grant past December of 2018, which has also the Coordinator position, Zahara said,
dissolved the Regional Elder Abuse Prevention “Probably not.”
Coordinator position. “With the election ongoing and the new
“The Town of Edson was not in a position to government coming in, we'll be continuing to
continue funding that position based on the highlight the things we're working on both
other initiatives that we're funding that we locally and regionally and looking for
Elect your local United Conservative Candidate
Like many who now call Alberta home, I moved to West Yellowhead more than a decade ago
because I believed that in Alberta, through hard work, determination, and sacrifice, anyone could
prosper. But I see how the NDP’s misguided and out of touch regulations and taxes are pushing
jobs out of the province, squeezing working families, and eroding the Alberta Advantage that
helped my family thrive. I chose to get involved in politics because the people of West Yellowhead
deserve better. We shouldn’t have to feel like a revenue source for an NDP government that has
been lock-step with Justin Trudeau in attacking the industry that powers our economy. As a lifelong
volunteer, I know the positive impact we can have on our community and that’s why I want to
work with Jason Kenney and our UCP team to stop the NDP and help restore the Alberta
Authorized by the official agent of Martin Long with phone number 780-268-UCP1(8271)
Can we count on your support? Get involved by contacting us
PHONE: 780-268-ucp1 | WEBSITE: | EMAIL:
Follow us on Social Media tagline Facebook Martin Long UCP , twitter/Instagram @Martinlongucp