Page 6 - April 15, 2019
P. 6
Update on capital planning presented to Town Council
Councillors raise concerns over recommendation to reallocate Road Rehab funds
by Cassie Kushniruk allow them to go out as discrete
projects and not take a hit on the
On April 9, an update concerning delay in bidding and tendering those
Town of Edson's approved capital projects. I think that we would
planning programs and emergent overpay for them at this point.”
issues was presented to Town Council “One of the reasons why the
during their Committee of the Whole funding becomes sensitive is because
meeting. when the project was originally
“Currently within my department's considered, we had not known what
capital, we've completed at or below the amount was going to be approved
anticipated costs for all of our airport for the Multiplex, so we don't want to
related capital projects,” General put ourselves into a funding situation
Manager of Infrastructure and where there's any level of risk to the
Planning Martino Verhaeghe began. Multiplex,” Verhaeghe added.
Also noted under the 2019 funded Verhaeghe recommended that
capital projects is the extinguishment Council consider holding off on the
of the Edson Landfill fire in the Road Rehab program in order to
amount of $875,000. reallocate funds to more critical During the April 9 Committee of the Whole meeting, General Manager of
Verhaeghe added, “We have an items, such as the snow dump. “I Infrastructure and Planning Martino Verhaeghe presented Town Council with
approved Road Rehabilitation don't have a snow clearing program an update concerning the Town's capital planning programs. photo Cassie
program, which was $6.5 million. We for this winter and I have a limited
do have some slight delays.” timeframe to start that project,” program,” he said. establishing a snow dump location be
“Given some changes in situations Verhaeghe mentioned.
Deputy Mayor Troy Sorenson stated taken out of the Town's Reserves.
for core and critical infrastructure Councillor Krystal Baier asked that he was hesitant to postpone the “Those seem like emergency
within the town since the budget was Verhaeghe to provide more Road Rehab program for another unforeseen expenses so those to me
originally conceived, they're information on the issues requiring year. “We were told in the past by an seem like perfect opportunities to use
recommending some caution with more immediate attention, such as the engineer that if we don't spend $9 reserves,” he said.
proceeding with the full Road snow dump. million a year on road infrastructure Derricott replied, “If Council chose
Rehabilitation program, given that we “They're looking at capital costs at a we're going to hit someday $20 or not to reallocate the capital budget,
now have a series of new intervening minimum of $500,000 for any site $30 million in collapsing roads,” he our additional recommendation
financial related items,” Verhaeghe that we were to select to meet the said. would be to consider looking at our
explained, giving examples such as requirements of Environment for Councillor Jacqui Currie asked reserves to fund those projects.”
establishing a new cell at the Edson containment and testing and so on,” about the methods in place for “Administration is not saying that
Landfill to resume regular services, Verheaghe replied. “Technically dealing with potholes in town. the Road Rehab project isn't critically
which has not yet been funded for speaking, unless you have a “Those are dealt with through our important and that we don't believe in
this year. constructed snow dump site that's operational budget so we still proceed it, we just feel that it's better to hold
Another pressing issue that has not been approved, you have to move that with any major issues there,” off and that we may be better off in
yet been funded under the 2019 snow dump every year. We've used Derricott replied. the long run to do that than to try to
budget is the Town's snow dump, the same site for several decades so Deputy Mayor Sorenson suggested accomplish some Road Rehabilitation
which has been flagged by Alberta we are not compliant with the that funds for the Landfill fire programming this year under the
Environment. “We have to address regulator.” extinguishment project and stressed circumstances,” Derricott
capital improvements in order to meet CAO Mike Derricott added that the clarified.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the rigor of regulations according to location of the snow dump is
important due to trucking costs. “Our
the enforcement agencies,” said
Verhaeghe. “We could look at a preference at this point is to consider THIS WEEK’S FEATURE
temporary site somewhere else, but the required capital upgrades to meet
Professional Digital there are operational costs and the regulatory requirements to have a Mint Homes Ltd.
permanent snow dump in the existing
Passport System the Town were to suspend the Road location,” he said.
Verhaeghe suggested that even if
Councillor Janet Wilkinson asked
photos ready Rehabilitation project for the 2019 how much the Town typically spends
in minutes year, the $850,000 drainage program on the Road Rehab project each year.
should proceed as it prevents property
Although there has been no set
while you wait... damage. amount, Derricott stated that their
When looking at the Town's water
general approach in the last several
security issues, Verhaeghe mentioned seasons has been to do a project of
that it may be necessary to proceed approximately $4-6 million every
T with a more expensive well. “It's other season, with paving taking
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson proved to have good volume; it's just place in the alternate seasons. “Our
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
general interest in maintaining that
more costly,” he said.
Water security and aquifer reports
approach is there, but we have a
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 are also being prepared for Council number of other emergent issues that
review. The initial review is
require some financial resources,” he
recommending consideration of
another source of water longer term “One other element that hasn't been
and near-term and of a high volume mentioned yet is we do anticipate
well at Vision Park with cost shortly having the completed asset Compact and affordable Three bedrooms,
estimates of $660,000 for water only management plan in place, which I two bathrooms Large country kitchen c/w
and $900,000 for upgrade including think will add another level of context
change rooms/bathrooms. to Council's decision making walk-in pantry and island Bay window in dining
“With regards to the Wastewater process,” Derricott added.
Treatment Plant, the number of wells Councillor Wilkinson noted, area, rear access to deck Optional gas
that came back from our study has “Formerly Council thought it was fireplace Full basement (optional development
come to about 25 wells at minimum, very important to continue on with
so that's around $625,000 in the Road Rehab because I think we plan available) Ample two-car garage
construction for the wells itself,” are known as a town with poor roads
Verhaeghe said. and our piping underneath the roads For these plans
Looking at these current needs, we thought was really critical. It
estimated needs, and current surprises me now that it isn't as
approvals, Verhaeghe stated that there critical.”
are some “complexities” with the Verhaeghe clarified that although Member of National Home Warranty Program
Road Rehabilitation program that has the Road Rehab and underground
been given to the Town. “The original utilities programs are both extremely
estimate for that group of projects important, there are more pressing Phone: 780-723-2330
was $8 million, however, we only issues. “It won't get worse if I leave
have $6.5 million,” said Verhaeghe. it, however, if I don't do a snow Fax: 780-723-5068
“It would be difficult at this stage to dump, we don't have a snow clearing Email:
Update on capital planning presented to Town Council
Councillors raise concerns over recommendation to reallocate Road Rehab funds
by Cassie Kushniruk allow them to go out as discrete
projects and not take a hit on the
On April 9, an update concerning delay in bidding and tendering those
Town of Edson's approved capital projects. I think that we would
planning programs and emergent overpay for them at this point.”
issues was presented to Town Council “One of the reasons why the
during their Committee of the Whole funding becomes sensitive is because
meeting. when the project was originally
“Currently within my department's considered, we had not known what
capital, we've completed at or below the amount was going to be approved
anticipated costs for all of our airport for the Multiplex, so we don't want to
related capital projects,” General put ourselves into a funding situation
Manager of Infrastructure and where there's any level of risk to the
Planning Martino Verhaeghe began. Multiplex,” Verhaeghe added.
Also noted under the 2019 funded Verhaeghe recommended that
capital projects is the extinguishment Council consider holding off on the
of the Edson Landfill fire in the Road Rehab program in order to
amount of $875,000. reallocate funds to more critical During the April 9 Committee of the Whole meeting, General Manager of
Verhaeghe added, “We have an items, such as the snow dump. “I Infrastructure and Planning Martino Verhaeghe presented Town Council with
approved Road Rehabilitation don't have a snow clearing program an update concerning the Town's capital planning programs. photo Cassie
program, which was $6.5 million. We for this winter and I have a limited
do have some slight delays.” timeframe to start that project,” program,” he said. establishing a snow dump location be
“Given some changes in situations Verhaeghe mentioned.
Deputy Mayor Troy Sorenson stated taken out of the Town's Reserves.
for core and critical infrastructure Councillor Krystal Baier asked that he was hesitant to postpone the “Those seem like emergency
within the town since the budget was Verhaeghe to provide more Road Rehab program for another unforeseen expenses so those to me
originally conceived, they're information on the issues requiring year. “We were told in the past by an seem like perfect opportunities to use
recommending some caution with more immediate attention, such as the engineer that if we don't spend $9 reserves,” he said.
proceeding with the full Road snow dump. million a year on road infrastructure Derricott replied, “If Council chose
Rehabilitation program, given that we “They're looking at capital costs at a we're going to hit someday $20 or not to reallocate the capital budget,
now have a series of new intervening minimum of $500,000 for any site $30 million in collapsing roads,” he our additional recommendation
financial related items,” Verhaeghe that we were to select to meet the said. would be to consider looking at our
explained, giving examples such as requirements of Environment for Councillor Jacqui Currie asked reserves to fund those projects.”
establishing a new cell at the Edson containment and testing and so on,” about the methods in place for “Administration is not saying that
Landfill to resume regular services, Verheaghe replied. “Technically dealing with potholes in town. the Road Rehab project isn't critically
which has not yet been funded for speaking, unless you have a “Those are dealt with through our important and that we don't believe in
this year. constructed snow dump site that's operational budget so we still proceed it, we just feel that it's better to hold
Another pressing issue that has not been approved, you have to move that with any major issues there,” off and that we may be better off in
yet been funded under the 2019 snow dump every year. We've used Derricott replied. the long run to do that than to try to
budget is the Town's snow dump, the same site for several decades so Deputy Mayor Sorenson suggested accomplish some Road Rehabilitation
which has been flagged by Alberta we are not compliant with the that funds for the Landfill fire programming this year under the
Environment. “We have to address regulator.” extinguishment project and stressed circumstances,” Derricott
capital improvements in order to meet CAO Mike Derricott added that the clarified.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the rigor of regulations according to location of the snow dump is
important due to trucking costs. “Our
the enforcement agencies,” said
Verhaeghe. “We could look at a preference at this point is to consider THIS WEEK’S FEATURE
temporary site somewhere else, but the required capital upgrades to meet
Professional Digital there are operational costs and the regulatory requirements to have a Mint Homes Ltd.
permanent snow dump in the existing
Passport System the Town were to suspend the Road location,” he said.
Verhaeghe suggested that even if
Councillor Janet Wilkinson asked
photos ready Rehabilitation project for the 2019 how much the Town typically spends
in minutes year, the $850,000 drainage program on the Road Rehab project each year.
should proceed as it prevents property
Although there has been no set
while you wait... damage. amount, Derricott stated that their
When looking at the Town's water
general approach in the last several
security issues, Verhaeghe mentioned seasons has been to do a project of
that it may be necessary to proceed approximately $4-6 million every
T with a more expensive well. “It's other season, with paving taking
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson proved to have good volume; it's just place in the alternate seasons. “Our
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
general interest in maintaining that
more costly,” he said.
Water security and aquifer reports
approach is there, but we have a
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 are also being prepared for Council number of other emergent issues that
review. The initial review is
require some financial resources,” he
recommending consideration of
another source of water longer term “One other element that hasn't been
and near-term and of a high volume mentioned yet is we do anticipate
well at Vision Park with cost shortly having the completed asset Compact and affordable Three bedrooms,
estimates of $660,000 for water only management plan in place, which I two bathrooms Large country kitchen c/w
and $900,000 for upgrade including think will add another level of context
change rooms/bathrooms. to Council's decision making walk-in pantry and island Bay window in dining
“With regards to the Wastewater process,” Derricott added.
Treatment Plant, the number of wells Councillor Wilkinson noted, area, rear access to deck Optional gas
that came back from our study has “Formerly Council thought it was fireplace Full basement (optional development
come to about 25 wells at minimum, very important to continue on with
so that's around $625,000 in the Road Rehab because I think we plan available) Ample two-car garage
construction for the wells itself,” are known as a town with poor roads
Verhaeghe said. and our piping underneath the roads For these plans
Looking at these current needs, we thought was really critical. It
estimated needs, and current surprises me now that it isn't as
approvals, Verhaeghe stated that there critical.”
are some “complexities” with the Verhaeghe clarified that although Member of National Home Warranty Program
Road Rehabilitation program that has the Road Rehab and underground
been given to the Town. “The original utilities programs are both extremely
estimate for that group of projects important, there are more pressing Phone: 780-723-2330
was $8 million, however, we only issues. “It won't get worse if I leave
have $6.5 million,” said Verhaeghe. it, however, if I don't do a snow Fax: 780-723-5068
“It would be difficult at this stage to dump, we don't have a snow clearing Email: