Page 10 - April 22, 2019
P. 10
Willing to pay the price?
It's been nearly one year since Albertans were hit with an increased carbon tax at $30 per
tonne on January 1, 2018. The controversial, and some say nefarious, tax is now two years old.
With this spike in the cost of living we now pay more for everything from home heating bills THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 PAGE 10
and gasoline, to groceries, rent, and consumer goods. The Weekly Anchor
There are rebates for mid-low income households, but as with any rebates, they never keep
pace with the inflation caused by the rising prices of consumer goods. And frankly, when the PAGE 10 MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 Your Local Independent Newspaper
gas bill is due, waiting for a quarterly rebate has not bee much comfort for many financially THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
struggling households.
So for our pain and suffering it's time to take a look and what this has 'bought' us in real T he Weekly ANCHOR 6,292 Audited Circulation
75% of Canadians believe governments should take action on climate change according to a Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
recent survey. But they also say any plan shouldn't drive up the cost of living too much.
A carbon tax attempts to reduce emissions by making everything more expensive. It's a Comment SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS!
forced attempt to solicit lifestyle changes through cost increases. OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
In real terms, are Albertans willing to pay $20 more for a tank of gas or willing pay 15% or Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
even 20% more for groceries? Most would answer: NO! DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Call
The simple fact is even at Trudeau's $50 per tonne mandate by 2022 it's nowhere near enough Prosecutorial independence... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
to have any significantly measurable effect on carbon or climate change. Environment Canada
has stated the figure would have to be close to $300 per tonne to reach emission targets (adding Member of the Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. Canadian
Media Circulation
roughly 70 cents to a litre of gas) —political suicide. Canada's first proverbial bus soon, Letter to the Editor Policy Edson & District 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
So why has Alberta's NDP government been so far ahead of the federally mandated minimum Indigenous Attorney From the and recorded the call The Weekly Anchor Welcomes Letters to the Editor Telephone: (780) 723-5787
Fax: (780) 723-5725
carbon price of $20 per tonne for 2019? General Jody Publisher’s Desk as backup All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who Chamber of Email: Weekly Newspapers
More tax dollars out of hardworking Albertan's pockets, for no significant results —plain and Wilson-Raybould Dana McArthur —completely legal reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters published do Commerce Website: Association
simple. was expelled from and understandable. not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All letters
Prime Minister Since then, must bear the name of the writer and include the address and telephone
Justin Trudeau's Liberal caucus Trudeau's government has gone on a number, which will not be published.
following her whistle-blowing litany of denials, deflections, ever-
testimony of political interference in a changing explanations, and even
judicial process. shutting down two parliamentary
Trudeau also expelled former Treasury committees —all while the Liberal
Board president Jane Philpott, who had government's approval ratings Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Cassie Deanna
Sue Ann
earlier resigned from cabinet after plummeted. To top it off, during Publisher/Owner Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener
saying she had lost confidence in Prime Trudeau's first public appearance after
Minister's handling of the allegations. expelling the former ministers, the self-
Wilson-Raybould apparently refused proclaimed feminist stood aghast as one
to cow-down to “inappropriate” political by one, more than 40 women rose from
pressure to intervene in a criminal case their seats to turn their backs on him.
to help SNC-Lavalin escape trial for The spiral continued as Prime Minister
allegations of bribing Libyan officials Trudeau threatened to sue Conservative
with tens of millions of dollars. If leader Andrew Scheer over statements
Riding Update: convicted, it would be one of the worst made during the scandal. It was no
surprise when Scheer heartily welcomed
cases of corporate corruption in
Open Letter: Canadian history. the lawsuit stating Trudeau would Letter to the Editor Policy
Wilson-Raybould named 11 top
finally be forced to testify under oath
political staffers, including Prime and would not be able to shut down
Minister Justin Trudeau, who she said proceedings like he had in Parliament!
were behind the “consistent and routine, there is a very serious issue The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters
Despite efforts to dismiss this as
Misadventures since been muzzled by demands of underlying all of this –prosecutorial to the Editor
sustained effort”. Both women have
solicitor-client privilege and/or imposed
independence and no one should settle
cabinet confidentiality. for excuses. Only prosecutors should All letters are published at the discretion of the
Attempts have also been made to decide whether to take charges to trial, editor-publisher who reserves the right to edit for
smear these women's reputations and only a Court of Law should find clarity, length and libel.
including Wilson-Raybould's recording someone guilty. In a free county it Letters published do not necessarily reflect the
of a phone call with Clerk of the Privy should never be up for political debate Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
Council Michael Wernick. However, or pressure as to who should or policies or beliefs of this newspaper.
All letters must bear the name of the writer and
Letter to the Editor what the 'media' is not reporting is that shouldn't be put on trial. include the address and telephone number, which
there was nothing illegal about the
Make no mistake, what precedent is
Media Release: recording —as long as one of the parties set here will decide the course of will not be published.
in the conversation knew it was being Canada's future as a country that
Open Letter: recorded — which was Wilson- upholds and respects the rule of law Letter to the Editor Policy
Raybould herself! Raybould no doubt —or not. And as Canadians we deserve
realized she may be thrown under the truthful answers as to what actually The Weekly Anchor welcomes
happened. letters to the editor
ViewPoint All letters are published at the discretion of
by Adrienne Tait Local doctor receives awards the editor-publisher who reserves the right
to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters
published do not necessarily reflect the
Dear Editor, The SRPC presented 19 Awards for policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All
We are delighted to share that one of your the Fellowship of rural and remote letters must bear the name of the writer
locals, Dr. Roderick Oishi, Edson, AB was a medicine of the SRPC (FRRMS) this and include the address and telephone
recipient of two awards this year at our 27th year. number, which will not be published.
Annual Rural and Remote Medicine course. The Fellowship of Rural and Remote
Dr. Oishi was presented with the Rural Long Medicine of the SRPC was presented
Service award and the Fellowship of Rural and for the first time in 2009. It is designed
Remote Medicine of the SRPC in recognition of to recognize expertise in the practice
his many years of rural service on Friday April 5 of rural medicine in Canada. The
in Halifax Nova Scotia. SRPC President Dr. Fellowship award is presented to
MLA Margaret Tromp and chair of the nominations physicians who are previous recipients Views & News
and award committee Dr. Tom Smith-Windsor
of the Rural Service Award and have a
Eric Rosendahl presented the awards. minimum of 10 points and who have by Deanna Mitchener
The Society of Rural Physicians of Canada
feels it is important to provide recognition to been members of the SRPC for the last
5 consecutive years.
persons or organizations that have made a Dr. Roderick Oishi of Edson was a recipient of two awards at the 27th
Annual Rural and Remote Medicine course.
significant contribution to rural medicine in
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
The SRPC presented 26 rural long service The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian
Media Circulation
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
awards (RLSA) this year. Local Independent Newspaper Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 Telephone: (780) 723-5787
Sonia Roy
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fax: (780) 723-5725
First presented in 2012, the Rural Long Service DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Call Email: Association Administration
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Front Desk
Weekly Newspapers
Award is given to physicians who have been CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website:
members of the SRPC for the last 5 consecutive Member of the
years, have served rural Canada for 20 years or Edson & District Jim Eglinski
CORRECTION more, who live in rural Canada and have Chamber of
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a previously received the Rural Service Award. Commerce Dana McArthur Sue Ann Cindy Weisser Cassie Deanna
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is Publisher/Owner Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener MP Yellowhead
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener
Deanna has a new photo

Jim Eglinski

MP Yellowhead
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