Page 2 - February 11, 2019
P. 2
GYPSD plans implementation of Jr. Kindergarten programs in schools
continued from front
licensing structures and what the them if they are wanting to work with a very tight budget and any amount decision," Clifton added. "It feels like
program might look like. us to deliver these programs within of kids that we would lose going over we're not valuing the programs that
"We have five very distinct our schools," Shipka replied, adding to the school playschool would most are already in this community."
communities and each community ... that conversations with these likely result in three staff being laid If GYPSD is to implement this
has different needs, so we wanted to organizations would be the next step off," Gomuwka said. "This also program in the future, Vander
ensure that if the programs were going to take concerning this matter if the would put in jeopardy our ability to Haeghe, and Clifton hope that they
to be established, that they were really program were to be approved by the pay for our accommodations at the will collaborate with preexisting
reflective of the needs of the board. Early Learning and Childhood Care programs in each of the communities.
community and that the community Board Chair Brenda Rosadiuk Centre." "It's not just Edson," said Vander
would be engaged in that asked if implementing the Junior Gomuwka added that any services Haeghe. "We're talking Peers and
conversation," said Acting Kindergarten Program into schools added to a community should be Niton as well; that they work directly
Superintendent of Schools Karen would increase service for children, done through community with each community and come to
Shipka. including occupational therapy and consultations or by working with the collaborative meetings that we
At this time, trustees were presented speech pathology services. existing services, which has not yet hold as an active participant."
with the opportunity to ask questions "Currently, if we have children that taken place. Following the February 6 GYPSD
and comment on the proposed Junior are being supported by programing or The Edson Friendship Centre sent meeting, GYPSD Communications
Kindergarten Program. funding in a kindergarten class or in a out 250 post cards within the Manager Nikki Gilks clarified the
Hinton Trustee Ellen Aust gave playschool program that's housed in a community asking they be signed and motion that was carried, "They're
mentions to the preschool program that school, they get seen weekly," replied forwarded to GYPSD board members looking at the Junior Kindergarten
is run through the Crescent Valley McConnell. "When the service in hope of building support. The [Program] across the division, but
Elementary School in Hinton. "It is run providers--whether they're GYPSD cards read, "I do not support the where viable. It doesn't necessarily
really well," she said. ''The facilitators or contracted services-they travel decision by Grande Yellowhead mean that it will be in every single
are highly educated because they have physically into the building once School Division to open playschools school, but the board has requested
a preschool license. every five weeks. If those in every school. The Play and Learn Administration to start working with
"These people are running a good playschools are on site, they can Program will be forced to shut down. the communities to see where the
program and those kids are coming connect through technology and kids It is not fair that GYPSD is communities would like us to
into our schools," Aust continued. "I'm can then be seen on a more regular competing against local non-profit implement them."
just wondering, what will happen to basis, but if they're offsite those organizations. This decision will Gilks also addressed comments
them?" opportunities don't exist." impact many organizations and about the division failing to properly
"In our conversations with "In addition to that, in our outreach services. Why has there been no consult with the preexisting
Children's Services, they were areas where we don't have the consultation with parents and the preschool programs in the
experiencing working with other availability of services on a regular community? Please reconsider your community, stating that there has
school divisions in the region," Shipka basis, we do employ therapy aids that decision." How many of the cards been no communication because the
replied. "They have said that many of work under the direction of a speech were received by the School Board board "hasn't given us official
the local societies have embraced language pathologist or an was not discussed during the approval to move forward."
working in partnership with the school occupational therapist," added meeting. Now, with the permission to move
divisions." Shipka. "Our PUF [Program Unity Anna Vander Haeghe with Early forward in investigating this program,
Shipka added that working with the Funding] dollars are finite and we Childhood Matters also expressed her Gilks said that GYPSD will probably
school division could provide some want to make sure we are using them worry that members of preexisting begin consulting with existing
advantages for these facilitators, "If a to the greatest extent that we can to preschool programs within the programs and investigating which
program is working really well, then provide services for kids." community have not been fairly communities need or want the
some of the advantages to being a part Trustee Aust asked about staffmg consulted on this matter. ''None of the program in their schools. "If it's a
of the school division are that we have for PUF children, relating to her playschool associations in Carrot really successful program maybe we
increased purchasing power, and we experiences collaborating with the Creek, Peers, the Play and Learn, and don't need to get involved at this
can offer a comprehensive Hinton Crescent Valley School the Edson Playschool Association; level,'' Gilks said.
employment package to those preschool program. "One of the none of them were approached by Gilks encourages community
teachers." challenges was when there were PUF GYPSD,'' she said. "If they were just members to put in a request with a
Jasper Trustee Dale Karpluk asked children put into the program, they doing investigative [work] seeing if it written question about the matter,
what type of benefits the Junior had to find their own staff or was a possibility, then I would expect which can be asked at the next board
Kindergarten Program would offer to somebody to work with that child. Is the same communication to have meeting.
children participating in the program. that something the division would occurred across all of their
"Students that have Inclusive Ed take over; funding and hiring those communities." During the February 6 GYPSD
needs would be in an inclusive people?" Early Childhood Coordinator Tina meeting, the Board of Trustees also
environment and they would be able to "If the playschools or the junior Clifton with the Edson Friendship put forward a notice of motion
learn from their peers ... they would kindergartens are under our umbrella Centre added, "It's not so much that proposing the transfer of the
benefit from friendship making," said then that would go through our the school division is not including us Wildwood School's junior high
McConnell. "It also goes the other way staffmg process based on the criteria in our decision, it's that we're fearful program to Grand Trunk High School
with the other children; they would be outlined in the framework and in the that we're going to lose our in Evansburg.
accepting and understanding of legislation for early learning," Shipka community programs that we worked A public meeting has been
students with special needs and replied. so hard to build and have a good scheduled for February 25 to discuss
together we start that early process of The motion to approve the Junior support for from the families in the viability of the junior high
being accepting of diversity in our Kindergarten Programs in all Edson. We feel that's being taken program at 7 pm at Wildwood
world." elementary schools in the GYPSD away from us." School. The fmal decision on this
McConnell added that children division was carried. "This is leading us to believe that matter will be made on April3 during
involved in the Junior Kindergarten Although questions were not open we are not being included in this a GYPSD Public Board Meeting.
Program would also have access to to the public during the meeting
resources already available within concerning the Junior Kindergarten
schools, such as libraries and Program, there have been concerns Pet of the week
gymnasiums. raised by local groups running can tor lntarmatlan 7, 2·8788 Ell9'l
"The other benefit would be that you preschool programs within Edson Email= Edson Animal Rescue Socleby
would have these children developing about the future of their programs.
relationships with a school where they Play and Learn is a playschool Skittles Is a young domestic short hair
may potentially go to Kindergarten," program run through the Edson cat who practices kitty yoga and Is a
McConnell added. "So both the Friendship Centre that has been in lounging expert. Our beautiful black-
parents and children are developing existence for over 1 0 years. colored lady Is looking for an Inside
those relationships with staff and With the news of GYPSD's Junior home to spend her days. She Is up to
reducing some of the anxiety around Kindergarten Program, Kristie date on her vaccinations and Is ready
sending your child off to school." Gomuwka with the Edson Friendship to find a place where she belongs. VIsit
Edson Trustee Fiona Fowler raised a Centre is concerned as to what future our FaceBook page to see more
concern that had been brought up to her holds for their preschool program if photos and learn more about this
by community members concerning these Junior Kindergarten Programs lovely lady.
preexisting preschool programs within are implemented in all schools across
the community and if GYPSD would the division. "We believe that it will ADOPTION EVENT: February 9 at the Edson Library
be working with these organizations impact our ability to run our
"The major concerns is that we're a Sponsoredby:JASON HIRD TRUCKING
when implementing their Junior program," she said.
Kindergarten Program.
"We would be working and asking nonprofit organization so we work on
GYPSD plans implementation of Jr. Kindergarten programs in schools
continued from front
licensing structures and what the them if they are wanting to work with a very tight budget and any amount decision," Clifton added. "It feels like
program might look like. us to deliver these programs within of kids that we would lose going over we're not valuing the programs that
"We have five very distinct our schools," Shipka replied, adding to the school playschool would most are already in this community."
communities and each community ... that conversations with these likely result in three staff being laid If GYPSD is to implement this
has different needs, so we wanted to organizations would be the next step off," Gomuwka said. "This also program in the future, Vander
ensure that if the programs were going to take concerning this matter if the would put in jeopardy our ability to Haeghe, and Clifton hope that they
to be established, that they were really program were to be approved by the pay for our accommodations at the will collaborate with preexisting
reflective of the needs of the board. Early Learning and Childhood Care programs in each of the communities.
community and that the community Board Chair Brenda Rosadiuk Centre." "It's not just Edson," said Vander
would be engaged in that asked if implementing the Junior Gomuwka added that any services Haeghe. "We're talking Peers and
conversation," said Acting Kindergarten Program into schools added to a community should be Niton as well; that they work directly
Superintendent of Schools Karen would increase service for children, done through community with each community and come to
Shipka. including occupational therapy and consultations or by working with the collaborative meetings that we
At this time, trustees were presented speech pathology services. existing services, which has not yet hold as an active participant."
with the opportunity to ask questions "Currently, if we have children that taken place. Following the February 6 GYPSD
and comment on the proposed Junior are being supported by programing or The Edson Friendship Centre sent meeting, GYPSD Communications
Kindergarten Program. funding in a kindergarten class or in a out 250 post cards within the Manager Nikki Gilks clarified the
Hinton Trustee Ellen Aust gave playschool program that's housed in a community asking they be signed and motion that was carried, "They're
mentions to the preschool program that school, they get seen weekly," replied forwarded to GYPSD board members looking at the Junior Kindergarten
is run through the Crescent Valley McConnell. "When the service in hope of building support. The [Program] across the division, but
Elementary School in Hinton. "It is run providers--whether they're GYPSD cards read, "I do not support the where viable. It doesn't necessarily
really well," she said. ''The facilitators or contracted services-they travel decision by Grande Yellowhead mean that it will be in every single
are highly educated because they have physically into the building once School Division to open playschools school, but the board has requested
a preschool license. every five weeks. If those in every school. The Play and Learn Administration to start working with
"These people are running a good playschools are on site, they can Program will be forced to shut down. the communities to see where the
program and those kids are coming connect through technology and kids It is not fair that GYPSD is communities would like us to
into our schools," Aust continued. "I'm can then be seen on a more regular competing against local non-profit implement them."
just wondering, what will happen to basis, but if they're offsite those organizations. This decision will Gilks also addressed comments
them?" opportunities don't exist." impact many organizations and about the division failing to properly
"In our conversations with "In addition to that, in our outreach services. Why has there been no consult with the preexisting
Children's Services, they were areas where we don't have the consultation with parents and the preschool programs in the
experiencing working with other availability of services on a regular community? Please reconsider your community, stating that there has
school divisions in the region," Shipka basis, we do employ therapy aids that decision." How many of the cards been no communication because the
replied. "They have said that many of work under the direction of a speech were received by the School Board board "hasn't given us official
the local societies have embraced language pathologist or an was not discussed during the approval to move forward."
working in partnership with the school occupational therapist," added meeting. Now, with the permission to move
divisions." Shipka. "Our PUF [Program Unity Anna Vander Haeghe with Early forward in investigating this program,
Shipka added that working with the Funding] dollars are finite and we Childhood Matters also expressed her Gilks said that GYPSD will probably
school division could provide some want to make sure we are using them worry that members of preexisting begin consulting with existing
advantages for these facilitators, "If a to the greatest extent that we can to preschool programs within the programs and investigating which
program is working really well, then provide services for kids." community have not been fairly communities need or want the
some of the advantages to being a part Trustee Aust asked about staffmg consulted on this matter. ''None of the program in their schools. "If it's a
of the school division are that we have for PUF children, relating to her playschool associations in Carrot really successful program maybe we
increased purchasing power, and we experiences collaborating with the Creek, Peers, the Play and Learn, and don't need to get involved at this
can offer a comprehensive Hinton Crescent Valley School the Edson Playschool Association; level,'' Gilks said.
employment package to those preschool program. "One of the none of them were approached by Gilks encourages community
teachers." challenges was when there were PUF GYPSD,'' she said. "If they were just members to put in a request with a
Jasper Trustee Dale Karpluk asked children put into the program, they doing investigative [work] seeing if it written question about the matter,
what type of benefits the Junior had to find their own staff or was a possibility, then I would expect which can be asked at the next board
Kindergarten Program would offer to somebody to work with that child. Is the same communication to have meeting.
children participating in the program. that something the division would occurred across all of their
"Students that have Inclusive Ed take over; funding and hiring those communities." During the February 6 GYPSD
needs would be in an inclusive people?" Early Childhood Coordinator Tina meeting, the Board of Trustees also
environment and they would be able to "If the playschools or the junior Clifton with the Edson Friendship put forward a notice of motion
learn from their peers ... they would kindergartens are under our umbrella Centre added, "It's not so much that proposing the transfer of the
benefit from friendship making," said then that would go through our the school division is not including us Wildwood School's junior high
McConnell. "It also goes the other way staffmg process based on the criteria in our decision, it's that we're fearful program to Grand Trunk High School
with the other children; they would be outlined in the framework and in the that we're going to lose our in Evansburg.
accepting and understanding of legislation for early learning," Shipka community programs that we worked A public meeting has been
students with special needs and replied. so hard to build and have a good scheduled for February 25 to discuss
together we start that early process of The motion to approve the Junior support for from the families in the viability of the junior high
being accepting of diversity in our Kindergarten Programs in all Edson. We feel that's being taken program at 7 pm at Wildwood
world." elementary schools in the GYPSD away from us." School. The fmal decision on this
McConnell added that children division was carried. "This is leading us to believe that matter will be made on April3 during
involved in the Junior Kindergarten Although questions were not open we are not being included in this a GYPSD Public Board Meeting.
Program would also have access to to the public during the meeting
resources already available within concerning the Junior Kindergarten
schools, such as libraries and Program, there have been concerns Pet of the week
gymnasiums. raised by local groups running can tor lntarmatlan 7, 2·8788 Ell9'l
"The other benefit would be that you preschool programs within Edson Email= Edson Animal Rescue Socleby
would have these children developing about the future of their programs.
relationships with a school where they Play and Learn is a playschool Skittles Is a young domestic short hair
may potentially go to Kindergarten," program run through the Edson cat who practices kitty yoga and Is a
McConnell added. "So both the Friendship Centre that has been in lounging expert. Our beautiful black-
parents and children are developing existence for over 1 0 years. colored lady Is looking for an Inside
those relationships with staff and With the news of GYPSD's Junior home to spend her days. She Is up to
reducing some of the anxiety around Kindergarten Program, Kristie date on her vaccinations and Is ready
sending your child off to school." Gomuwka with the Edson Friendship to find a place where she belongs. VIsit
Edson Trustee Fiona Fowler raised a Centre is concerned as to what future our FaceBook page to see more
concern that had been brought up to her holds for their preschool program if photos and learn more about this
by community members concerning these Junior Kindergarten Programs lovely lady.
preexisting preschool programs within are implemented in all schools across
the community and if GYPSD would the division. "We believe that it will ADOPTION EVENT: February 9 at the Edson Library
be working with these organizations impact our ability to run our
"The major concerns is that we're a Sponsoredby:JASON HIRD TRUCKING
when implementing their Junior program," she said.
Kindergarten Program.
"We would be working and asking nonprofit organization so we work on