Page 4 - February 11, 2019
P. 4
by Cassie Kushniruk
During the February 5 Town Council meeting,
Town Administration requested an additional
$70,000 to be removed from the Infrastructure
Reserve to fund added expenses for the Bench
Creek Bank Stabilization project.
In the summer of2013, bank sloughing at the
Bench Creek bordering the RCMP building was
first noticed and since then has become a
persisting problem for the Town.
Originally, Council had approved $690,190 for
the project from Give Bank Constructing Ltd,
which was the only bid they received for the
project. However, during the January 15 Council
meeting, an additional $260,000 was requested to
be removed from the Infrastructure Reserve to
fund the project due to complications.
Upon further consolation with the contractor CAO Mike Derricott (left) and Director of Engineering for the Town Dawit Solomon (right) during the Town
for the project, it was determined that in order to of Edson Council meeting on February 5. photo Cassie Kushniruk
obtain a natural and aesthetically pleasing discussions with the contractor. landfill. For $70,000 of taxpayers' dollars, I think
finished result, the project will require these Director of Engineering for the Town Dawit I am comfortable with this look and I think it can
extra funds. Solomon stated, ''The capping beam; we don't be beautiful."
"If we were to go with the original design, we know the cost for that yet. If we are to proceed Mayor Kevin Zahara then asked what the
anticipate it would be about $40,000 over the with the capping of the sheet pile and proceed money being requested would be used for.
existing budget," CAO Mike Derricott explained. with the other 1.2 meters of ScourLok behind the "If we have the numbers from capping the piles
"If we choose an alternative course of action, we sheet pile tying to the embankment of the RCMP, where we want them to be and there is this
have the opportunity to save approximately we are looking at a total of$75,000." additional money that the contractor wants to be
$70,000." Councillor Gean Chouinard expressed his paid," Solomon replied. "The two combined can
"If Cmmcil is to select the less aesthetically frustration with the project continually coming be compensated by removing the ScourLok."
outcome of having the sheet piles just capped back to Council for approval of additional funds, "I am not happy with how this project has
and remain there, the savings would be about "Where does this end?'' twisted and turned," said Zahara. ''We're talking
$70,000," Derricott added. "This would mean a 1 Councillor Jacqui Currie agreed with about this a week after we just approved 260,000
meter of exposed metal sheet pile instead of a Councillor Sorenson that Council should choose extra for this project. We need to get this thing
grassy finish." the less aesthetically pleasing fmish for the done."
Councillor Sorenson made the motion that project. "I believe beautification is the eye of the Derricott suggested that Council defeat the
Council choose the lower cost option of the less beholder and I am a fan of the look of industrial motions presented until further information and
aesthetically pleasing finish with the exposed in certain areas," she said. "I also know that the final costs can be provided.
sheet metal. bank is on the east, so on the highway you Council agreed unanimously to defeat the
It was also clarified during this time that the wouldn't actually see it. Realistically, the view of motion.
final cost for the project was not yet known as that is when you are going to the dump or the
the engineer for the project was still in
Two bedrooms and three bathrooms Vaulted ceiling Large
rounded window over front door floods the foyer with natural
light Master suite features a walk-in · This great room is truly
stunning. Centered in the vaulted ceiling and flanked by the
breakfast nook, the area is open yet intimate The island/eating
bar combination breaks up the room somewhat, yet allows for
casual living Rear entry is handy to a walk-in pantry, a half bath,
and laundry room Guys will love this garage, 36' by 24' with
and addition of 1 0' by 26' for storing those toys Partially
covered deck with stairs down to grade
Mr. Sub's co-owners Veer Singh and Raj Bansal opened the doors of their closet and a four-piece en suite The
new establishment in Edson to welcome customers on January 14. Pictured ~;
Far these plans
are Veer Singh and staff member Gurpreet Singh taking a few minutes to relax formal dining room is close to the
between customers (co-owner Raj Bansal was not available at the time of the kitchen, yet separated from the living {fSPECTRUM
,v.,., /,.:; .....
photo). Veer said, "The first week we opened has been very busy and we hope . . to the rear '"""'-'"""·~!'""~ tTU n\ h•l l'nC I"'\-._ • ..; .. -.l'n
people will come back. We admit we need to work into a routine and get faster.
We just want to welcome our customers and ensure their Sub is made to their Member of National Home Warranty Program
satisfaction. Right now we are open 9 a.m. unti/9 p.m. and we are looking at
opening at 6 a.m. for breakfast soon. We are a Canadian company since Phone: 780·723·2330
1968, and as time moves fotWard, we want to really get involved in the
community and sponsor some sports teams. But not only being involved by Fax: 780-723-5068
sponsoring, we want to be physically out in the community helping others."
photo Deanna Mitchener Email:
by Cassie Kushniruk
During the February 5 Town Council meeting,
Town Administration requested an additional
$70,000 to be removed from the Infrastructure
Reserve to fund added expenses for the Bench
Creek Bank Stabilization project.
In the summer of2013, bank sloughing at the
Bench Creek bordering the RCMP building was
first noticed and since then has become a
persisting problem for the Town.
Originally, Council had approved $690,190 for
the project from Give Bank Constructing Ltd,
which was the only bid they received for the
project. However, during the January 15 Council
meeting, an additional $260,000 was requested to
be removed from the Infrastructure Reserve to
fund the project due to complications.
Upon further consolation with the contractor CAO Mike Derricott (left) and Director of Engineering for the Town Dawit Solomon (right) during the Town
for the project, it was determined that in order to of Edson Council meeting on February 5. photo Cassie Kushniruk
obtain a natural and aesthetically pleasing discussions with the contractor. landfill. For $70,000 of taxpayers' dollars, I think
finished result, the project will require these Director of Engineering for the Town Dawit I am comfortable with this look and I think it can
extra funds. Solomon stated, ''The capping beam; we don't be beautiful."
"If we were to go with the original design, we know the cost for that yet. If we are to proceed Mayor Kevin Zahara then asked what the
anticipate it would be about $40,000 over the with the capping of the sheet pile and proceed money being requested would be used for.
existing budget," CAO Mike Derricott explained. with the other 1.2 meters of ScourLok behind the "If we have the numbers from capping the piles
"If we choose an alternative course of action, we sheet pile tying to the embankment of the RCMP, where we want them to be and there is this
have the opportunity to save approximately we are looking at a total of$75,000." additional money that the contractor wants to be
$70,000." Councillor Gean Chouinard expressed his paid," Solomon replied. "The two combined can
"If Cmmcil is to select the less aesthetically frustration with the project continually coming be compensated by removing the ScourLok."
outcome of having the sheet piles just capped back to Council for approval of additional funds, "I am not happy with how this project has
and remain there, the savings would be about "Where does this end?'' twisted and turned," said Zahara. ''We're talking
$70,000," Derricott added. "This would mean a 1 Councillor Jacqui Currie agreed with about this a week after we just approved 260,000
meter of exposed metal sheet pile instead of a Councillor Sorenson that Council should choose extra for this project. We need to get this thing
grassy finish." the less aesthetically pleasing fmish for the done."
Councillor Sorenson made the motion that project. "I believe beautification is the eye of the Derricott suggested that Council defeat the
Council choose the lower cost option of the less beholder and I am a fan of the look of industrial motions presented until further information and
aesthetically pleasing finish with the exposed in certain areas," she said. "I also know that the final costs can be provided.
sheet metal. bank is on the east, so on the highway you Council agreed unanimously to defeat the
It was also clarified during this time that the wouldn't actually see it. Realistically, the view of motion.
final cost for the project was not yet known as that is when you are going to the dump or the
the engineer for the project was still in
Two bedrooms and three bathrooms Vaulted ceiling Large
rounded window over front door floods the foyer with natural
light Master suite features a walk-in · This great room is truly
stunning. Centered in the vaulted ceiling and flanked by the
breakfast nook, the area is open yet intimate The island/eating
bar combination breaks up the room somewhat, yet allows for
casual living Rear entry is handy to a walk-in pantry, a half bath,
and laundry room Guys will love this garage, 36' by 24' with
and addition of 1 0' by 26' for storing those toys Partially
covered deck with stairs down to grade
Mr. Sub's co-owners Veer Singh and Raj Bansal opened the doors of their closet and a four-piece en suite The
new establishment in Edson to welcome customers on January 14. Pictured ~;
Far these plans
are Veer Singh and staff member Gurpreet Singh taking a few minutes to relax formal dining room is close to the
between customers (co-owner Raj Bansal was not available at the time of the kitchen, yet separated from the living {fSPECTRUM
,v.,., /,.:; .....
photo). Veer said, "The first week we opened has been very busy and we hope . . to the rear '"""'-'"""·~!'""~ tTU n\ h•l l'nC I"'\-._ • ..; .. -.l'n
people will come back. We admit we need to work into a routine and get faster.
We just want to welcome our customers and ensure their Sub is made to their Member of National Home Warranty Program
satisfaction. Right now we are open 9 a.m. unti/9 p.m. and we are looking at
opening at 6 a.m. for breakfast soon. We are a Canadian company since Phone: 780·723·2330
1968, and as time moves fotWard, we want to really get involved in the
community and sponsor some sports teams. But not only being involved by Fax: 780-723-5068
sponsoring, we want to be physically out in the community helping others."
photo Deanna Mitchener Email: