Page 4 - February 18, 2019
P. 4


All 12 members of the Town of Edson's Youth Council gathered at the Council Chambers on February 11 for their second meeting of the year. photo Cassie
Youth Council in favour of Sports Field User Fees

by Cassie Kushniruk astronomical amount to pay as many people spend Byers added that information for these programs
$20 on things they do not need. can be relayed to parents through the email fan-out
Following the January 22 Committee of the Whole Youth Councillor Leah Desautels asked how much that is usually provided by schools.
meeting, in which Town Councillors discussed the money is needed for the maintenance of these fields. In response to the suggestion to create awareness
implementation of the new Sports Field User Fee, it “The soccer pitches are costing us about $30,000 per for these programs through pamphlets, Bittner
was suggested that the matter be taken to Youth year,” Mayor Zahara replied. “Maintaining these stated that this would not be the most effective
Council to allow for further input. facilities are coming directly from the taxpayers, but solution, as students normally do not take care of
On February 11, Youth Council gathered to discuss the users are both Town and County [residents]. pamphlets when they receive them.
this matter during their second official meeting of Right now the County isn't really contributing Bradbury suggested advertising these programs
the year. directly for the maintenance of these facilities.” through school events, such as parent teacher
Backgrounder —After the collapse of the Edson Community Development Manager Tanya Byers, interviews.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Kinsmen Club, who was responsible for who was another Town representative at the Youth “I think pamphlets at parent teacher interviews are

maintenance of the Vision Park baseball diamonds, Council meeting, mentioned that although the $20 a really good way to get it out into the parent
the Town now manages 29 diamonds. fee may not seem much to most, there are certainly community,” Nelson said. “I don't think we should
Similarly, the Town has also taken over the those who cannot afford the extra cost. “A just rely on email.”
Professional Digital maintenance of the soccer and Parkland rugby fields consideration to counteract that is we do have Edson Youth Councillor Rory Kwantes added that

Passport System after rolling back the grant they provided to the Kids in Sports and Jumpstart funding available so if posters advertising these programs can be posted at
Edson Minor Soccer Association for the upkeep of the $20 is going to be a deal breaker, they can apply local events, such as at Repsol Place during hockey
photos ready the facilities. and get subsides.” games and swim events.
Youth Councillor Kieran Bradbury agreed with
Traditionally, no fees have been charged to minor
After each member of Youth Council provided
in minutes sports field users in Edson. Byers' statement that the cost may be a problem for their opinion, Mayor Zahara led the group through a
However, after a Field User Group meeting in the some people, but stated that it would not make much motion, which stated that Youth Council supports
while you wait... fall of 2018, it was discussed that a user fee system of a difference for most. the $20 user fee, but encourages Town Council to
would be developed, spurred from the issues Steffler commented on Mayor Zahara's statement, ensure that there is education around these subsidy
surrounding Vision Park which have arisen over the stating her opinion that Yellowhead County programs available.
The Weekly Anchor last two and half years. residents that use the fields should also be charged, The motion was carried by the majority of Youth
Since the maintenance of these facilities is funded not just the Edson taxpayers. “It takes everything off Council.
During the February 11 Youth Council meeting,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson through taxpayer dollars, the implementation of a the Town of Edson and spreads everything around,” the group also discussed possible dates to sit in on a
Sports Field User Fee would only charge those using she said.
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 the fields. — Youth Councillor Maggy Woelfing agreed that the Town Council meeting, and decided that February
Although Edson Minor Ball players have not $20 fee is reasonable, but suggested that the Town 26 would be the best option. “It would be a really
provided much negative feedback concerning this works towards making more of the sports subsidy great opportunity for everybody to actually see a
matter, Minor Soccer players have expressed their programs, such as Jumpstart and Edson Kids in council meeting and meet everybody on Council,”
concern with the implementation of a sports user Sports, known to the community. Zahara said, mentioning that the Council members
fee. “I agree that we should really start encouraging the were all looking forward to meeting them.
“The discussion is proposing to charge soccer programs that will help the families struggling,” The group also set the dates for future Youth
users with the Edson Minor Soccer Association $20 said Youth Councillor Morgan Nelson. Council meetings during this time, deciding that the
per player per year,” said Mayor Kevin Zahara to Mayor Zahara then asked, “Do you think the Town second Monday of every month would be suitable.
Youth Council. “[Does] Youth Council think that we of Edson should work with, say, Minor Soccer to The next Youth Council meeting will take place on
should be charging Edson Minor Soccer for usage of ensure that they are aware that those programs exist, March 11 at 5 pm.
PASSPORT those soccer pitches, or do you believe that would be or do you think the Town of Edson should just be
PHOTOS & MORE a detriment from encouraging youth to participate in trying to communicate it to the public?” EDSON DRY CLEANERS
Professional Digital soccer?” “I think you should try to communicate with
Passport System Councillor Krystal Baier, who was one of the two Minor Soccer to try and get their doorways open 780-723-7503
photos ready Town Councillors in attendance at the Youth because some people don't know how to apply for 108 50 Street
in minutes... Council meeting, added that the Town's standard that funding,” Nelson replied. “Even if they are
practice for charging fees is 40% of the operating struggling, most people don't want to speak up.”
costs of that particular facility, which is currently Byers explained that one can apply for Jumpstart
used for Minor Hockey and the swim club. “It's a online without anyone knowing. All F/R
way to keep it so 100% of the tax base isn't paying “The nice thing about the two of them is that Edson
for all the programming,” she said. “It leans it more Kids in Sports usually funds the fees to get into the
towards the people who are using that facility, sports, whereas Jumpstart can fund, say, soccer Coveralls
whether that's an arena or pool or soccer field. The cleats and shin pads,” Byers mentioned. “You can
costs of maintaining those are different, so that 40% apply for both. Sometimes the fee is the smallest part
amount is going to be different for those user of what it costs to actually be a part of a team.”
groups.” Nelson suggested that more awareness for these
The Weekly Anchor “I believe that's a fair way to go about it because programs, through things such as flyers and 10%
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson we can't treat soccer people with more respect than pamphlets, be introduced into schools.
“Every year we get this booklet telling us about the
780-723-5787 the hockey people,” said Youth Councillor Danielle school, so somewhere in there we can have
Youth Councillor Morgan Steffler agreed that the information on the fees,” Youth Councillor Nicholas off
proposed fee is reasonable, adding that $20 is not an Hill proposed.

Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...

The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
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