Page 7 - February 18, 2019
P. 7
Local student awarded year-long exchange to Switzerland
by The Weekly Anchor
On February 12, at their regular
Rotary meeting, the Edson Rotary
Club announced that Rotary youth
exchange participant Kaelan Tait
will be spending his exchange year
in Switzerland.
The Rotary International Youth
Exchange program is a year-long
exchange program for youths aged
15-19 during which time the youth
live with multiple exchange families
and attend local schools. The first
youth exchange took place in 1927
but the year-long exchange program
in its current form was established in
1958 with many of the same rules
and practices in place today. Since it
began, the international program has
expanded and now boasts
approximately 9,000 youth
participants annually.
The idea of participating in a year-
long exchange program was first Rotary Club of Edson announced at their February 12 meeting that Kaelan Tait will spend a year in Switzerland as the
discussed when an announcement at Rotary Club's exchange student. Pictured here are Edson Rotary members along with exchange student Kaelan Tait.
Holy Redeemer High School advised
of an information session about the
program for interested eligible immersed in the culture and the HRH School travel club. During Club accepted me as a member and
students. Danielle Nadeau and exchange Rotary discourages that trip, with which Nadeau was a they have been exceptionally
Vivian Williams told students about families from visiting during the supervisor, students were able to welcoming and supportive. Danielle
the program and later held a joint exchange and discourages too much visit the Columbia University Nadeau in particular has been really
parent-student information night. contact with the youth. Once a week campus. Upon returning Tait said amazing throughout this process and
Successful candidates, and their phone calls and online updates are that would be his dream University. I am grateful for everything she has
families, must complete both a encouraged. Tait said, “They told Of the program and the local club helped me with and for introducing
written application and a dual me not to talk to people every day Tait said, “I am glad to have been me to the Rotary program.”
interview process. The club has but to stay connected I will call, given this opportunity by the Rotary Kaelan will be required to
participated in the exchange in the Skype, or Facetime my family once Club. This experience wouldn't have participate in outbound and inbound
past but had taken a break for a a week. I can upload pictures and been possible without them. The camps as part of the exchange to
couple of years. post an update to Instagram or Rotary exchange program has been help him prepare for the experience,
While Kaelan knew for a few Facebook to keep everyone caught in place for decades so it is well as well as to help prepare future
weeks that he had been accepted into up. Rotary suggested I start a blog respected and known as one of the youth exchange students.
the program, the destination (or something similar) so I will look best programs.The Edson Rotary
remained a surprise until Tuesday, deeper into that.”
February 12. Tait will spend what would have
Kaelan's reaction when he heard it been his grade 12 year in
was Switzerland was excitement as it Switzerland. He will return to
was his first choice of possible host complete his high school and gain
countries. “I was extremely excited. his diploma through Alberta
I wondered where I was going to go Education and Living Waters.
in Switzerland, but it doesn't matter “It is going to be hard, I think, to
the whole country looks like it could learn their curriculum and especially
be a screensaver!” said Tait. The social studies. We have learned
club and Tait’s family will learn about Canada [mostly] our whole
which specific town/region in a few school career. That and learning
weeks. new subject matter in a language I
Prior to applying as an exchange am not familiar with will be a
student Tait said he didn't know challenge. Culturally, I have looked
much about Switzerland other than up some of the “norms” in
that it is known for its chocolate, Switzerland and they are considered
banking and neutrality. “Even quite quiet and polite,” said Tait.
before I knew, I started researching a What does he hope to take away
lot and found a bunch of cool stuff from this experience? “A new
like how every single male citizen language, and to see the world
has to enlist in the army [women can through a different lens. To become
voluntarily enlist],” said Tait. a more interesting, well rounded
When asked if he expects person,” said Tait.
homesickness to be one of the When making the announcement
challenges, he said, “Absolutely. I Edson Rotarian and exchange
think it would with anyone. I'm coordinator Danielle Nadeau gave
going to miss the small things I think Tait his first official welcome to the
– like my own bed, driving etc.” Rotary Club. Nadeau gave a few
In order to ensure students are fully hints as to the location including,
“This country will help
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: you with your math and
finance skills, to help
you get into Columbia
“I want to go to
University to earn a
Commerce or Finance
degree. That is one of
the reasons I was
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling attracted to Switzerland.
They are known
Quality Work throughout the world as a
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 leader in commerce,”
said Tait.
780-723-5152 Tait had previously
visited New York with
Local student awarded year-long exchange to Switzerland
by The Weekly Anchor
On February 12, at their regular
Rotary meeting, the Edson Rotary
Club announced that Rotary youth
exchange participant Kaelan Tait
will be spending his exchange year
in Switzerland.
The Rotary International Youth
Exchange program is a year-long
exchange program for youths aged
15-19 during which time the youth
live with multiple exchange families
and attend local schools. The first
youth exchange took place in 1927
but the year-long exchange program
in its current form was established in
1958 with many of the same rules
and practices in place today. Since it
began, the international program has
expanded and now boasts
approximately 9,000 youth
participants annually.
The idea of participating in a year-
long exchange program was first Rotary Club of Edson announced at their February 12 meeting that Kaelan Tait will spend a year in Switzerland as the
discussed when an announcement at Rotary Club's exchange student. Pictured here are Edson Rotary members along with exchange student Kaelan Tait.
Holy Redeemer High School advised
of an information session about the
program for interested eligible immersed in the culture and the HRH School travel club. During Club accepted me as a member and
students. Danielle Nadeau and exchange Rotary discourages that trip, with which Nadeau was a they have been exceptionally
Vivian Williams told students about families from visiting during the supervisor, students were able to welcoming and supportive. Danielle
the program and later held a joint exchange and discourages too much visit the Columbia University Nadeau in particular has been really
parent-student information night. contact with the youth. Once a week campus. Upon returning Tait said amazing throughout this process and
Successful candidates, and their phone calls and online updates are that would be his dream University. I am grateful for everything she has
families, must complete both a encouraged. Tait said, “They told Of the program and the local club helped me with and for introducing
written application and a dual me not to talk to people every day Tait said, “I am glad to have been me to the Rotary program.”
interview process. The club has but to stay connected I will call, given this opportunity by the Rotary Kaelan will be required to
participated in the exchange in the Skype, or Facetime my family once Club. This experience wouldn't have participate in outbound and inbound
past but had taken a break for a a week. I can upload pictures and been possible without them. The camps as part of the exchange to
couple of years. post an update to Instagram or Rotary exchange program has been help him prepare for the experience,
While Kaelan knew for a few Facebook to keep everyone caught in place for decades so it is well as well as to help prepare future
weeks that he had been accepted into up. Rotary suggested I start a blog respected and known as one of the youth exchange students.
the program, the destination (or something similar) so I will look best programs.The Edson Rotary
remained a surprise until Tuesday, deeper into that.”
February 12. Tait will spend what would have
Kaelan's reaction when he heard it been his grade 12 year in
was Switzerland was excitement as it Switzerland. He will return to
was his first choice of possible host complete his high school and gain
countries. “I was extremely excited. his diploma through Alberta
I wondered where I was going to go Education and Living Waters.
in Switzerland, but it doesn't matter “It is going to be hard, I think, to
the whole country looks like it could learn their curriculum and especially
be a screensaver!” said Tait. The social studies. We have learned
club and Tait’s family will learn about Canada [mostly] our whole
which specific town/region in a few school career. That and learning
weeks. new subject matter in a language I
Prior to applying as an exchange am not familiar with will be a
student Tait said he didn't know challenge. Culturally, I have looked
much about Switzerland other than up some of the “norms” in
that it is known for its chocolate, Switzerland and they are considered
banking and neutrality. “Even quite quiet and polite,” said Tait.
before I knew, I started researching a What does he hope to take away
lot and found a bunch of cool stuff from this experience? “A new
like how every single male citizen language, and to see the world
has to enlist in the army [women can through a different lens. To become
voluntarily enlist],” said Tait. a more interesting, well rounded
When asked if he expects person,” said Tait.
homesickness to be one of the When making the announcement
challenges, he said, “Absolutely. I Edson Rotarian and exchange
think it would with anyone. I'm coordinator Danielle Nadeau gave
going to miss the small things I think Tait his first official welcome to the
– like my own bed, driving etc.” Rotary Club. Nadeau gave a few
In order to ensure students are fully hints as to the location including,
“This country will help
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: you with your math and
finance skills, to help
you get into Columbia
“I want to go to
University to earn a
Commerce or Finance
degree. That is one of
the reasons I was
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling attracted to Switzerland.
They are known
Quality Work throughout the world as a
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 leader in commerce,”
said Tait.
780-723-5152 Tait had previously
visited New York with