Page 8 - February 18, 2019
P. 8
Town Council supports additional airport funding
by Cassie Kushniruk Municipalities Association (AUMA) to try and resurfacing and the other took the majority of
get a resolution. “If we're not the only ones the funding, it still would not be enough.
During the February 12 Committee of the having this problem, then maybe other “When we raised [the issue] in the two
Whole meeting, Town Council was made municipalities would be on board with meetings with the Transportation Minister, we
aware of a persisting issue currently faced by supporting that resolution,” she said. highlighted that the services link between all
Edson's airport, as well as a number of smaller CAO Mike Derricott replied that that is of these airports, but it didn't seem to matter,”
airports within Alberta. always an option if Council wanted to pursue a said Shine. “That's why we felt it's time to
“The AAMA [Alberta Airport Management secondary avenue for advocacy on this issue. move more to a political avenue rather than the
Association] acts as a voice for small airports “I'm sure the airport association would avenue that's available to us.”
in Alberta,” said Airport Manager Sam Shine. appreciate any efforts like that on their behalf,” Councillor Wilkinson agreed with the AUMA
“They try to resolve as many issues as they can he said. resolution suggestion, adding that Council
on behalf of all the airports in Alberta.” Derricott then addressed Shine, “How many should write the letter and have a meeting with
The Town of Edson sits on the AAMA Board communities are affected by this?” the local MLA to persuade them to put this on
of Directors. “There's close to 50 small airports in the agenda for the next election.
One of the issues that have been continually Alberta,” said Shine. “As a group, we have $2 General Manager of Infrastructure and
raised by AAMA is the lack of funding million to be shared amongst 50 airports. They Planning Martino Verhaeghe clarified that the
available for smaller airports in Alberta for specify that it is for resurfacing the runway and letter presented would be addressed to the
maintenance and upgrading purposes. lighting upgrades.” MLA, adding that it would be advantageous
Currently, Alberta's Community Airport Shine mentioned that the Peace River for the Yellowhead County to sign as they have
Program (CAP) allocates $2 million per year recently spent $15 million redoing their airport multiple MLAs within their jurisdiction.
for all 72 provincial airports to share for runway. “$2 million is a drop in the ocean and “I think the suggestion of considering this for PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
specific maintenance tasks and is limited to that's to be shared,” he said. “We're not eligible AUMA resolution is really good feedback and Professional Digital Passport System photos
funding 75% of the project cost. for federal funding, so it's the only funding Administration can start working on what that ready in minutes while you wait...
Shine presented a letter to Council which available to us.” might look like,” said Derricott in response to
outlined these issues faced by small provincial Councillor Trevor Bevan agreed with Council's approval for the AUMA resolution.
airports, which will be sent out to MLAs Councillor Baier's suggestion to bring the issue Mayor Kevin Zahara also agreed with the
within the affected communities. forward to AUMA, stressing the importance of AUMA suggestion, adding that Edson's airport
AAMA met with the Minister of Edson's airport, not only to Edson, but to the is vital to the community. “We can have a huge
Transportation Brian Mason on two separate surrounding communities as well. “If we can't economic impact with it if we had the
occasions, who indicated that there would be fly out of there to get around to the forest fires appropriate funds, and we have to make sure it
no increase in funding. in the area, we can also be a little hooped,” he remains viable,” he said. “I would suggest that
“The association hopes to raise this issue to said. [we send the letter] not only our local MLA,
Council, and with support, that Council would Councillor Gean Chouinard commented, “To but to all political parties so they can
hopefully take this to the local MLA for it to get a couple $100,000 we can do something understand this issue. “
be adopted by a political party and onto their with, but $27,000 probably wouldn't even Councillor Wilkinson closed, saying, “It's
agenda for the coming elections,” said Shine. change all the bulbs.” nice to be brought to our attention because
Councillor Krystal Baier suggested that the Shine agreed that it is an insufficient amount some of these things we don't know about.” DROP IN AND SEE!
issue be brought up to Alberta Urban of money, adding that even if one airport was 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
CEAT enlists help of Youth Council for Random Acts of Kindness week The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
The W
by Cassie Kushniruk Council. shirt on February 22 for Pink Shirt Day in
Lamb provided the youth with a variety of support of bullying awareness.
From February 18-22, the Community Action examples that could be arranged for Random
Engagement Team (CEAT) will be promoting Acts of Kindness week, such as setting up a hot
Random Acts of Kindness Week, and have chocolate stand on Main Street or offering to BILL MITCHELL EDSON DRY CLEANERS
enlisted the help of Youth Council to help people carry groceries to their vehicles.
participate in these activities. “Part of the reason that we do this is we try to NORTH NEW TRUCK SALES 780-723-7503
CEAT is a group of community members from kick start the community to have a good
an array of different professional fields—from understanding of how important it is that every 108 50 Street
RCMP, Children's Services, Health, Town of little thing that you do matters,” said Byers. Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
Edson, and the School Divisions—who come “It's one of those things that you hope has a 24210 114 Avenue
together to work towards community initiatives ripple effect and that someone's naturally Acheson, AB T7X 6B9 All F/R
that will make a difference in the community. encouraged to pass on the nice favor or kind Website:
“It's a great cross section of adults,” said Town gesture.”
of Edson Community Development Manager Councillor Krystal Baier, who is a member of Coveralls
Tanya Byers to Youth Council during their the Kinette Club of Edson, mentioned that the
February 11 meeting. Kinettes will be offering a free swim to Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
For the past two or so years, CEAT has been community members this year as part of Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
active during Random Acts of Kindness Week, Random Acts of Kindness week. In the past the 10%
participating in activities such as arranging for Kinettes have done activities such as playing
Summers Drilling
free tea and coffee through drive thrus in town games and sharing stories with seniors at the Summers Drilling
and bringing baked goods baked by students to Parkland Lodge. “There's lots of different
Water Well Drilling
oilfield workers around town. opportunities for how you spread your off
“Random Acts of Kindness week is a passive kindness,” she said. Water Well Drilling
and 'as it comes' activity for CEAT,” said Town Youth Councillor Ryan Chouinard asked if
of Edson Community Development going to Parkland Lodge was something Youth
A pr
Coordinator Ali Broda in an interview with The Council could do for Random Acts of Kindness A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Weekly Anchor. “The nature of the week is week, backed up with support from other Youth Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
going to be random, so with that we don't Council members. drilling and water well r
typically plan too much.” “I think the Lodge would be a really nice place
This year, CEAT has purchased phone pop to do cookies and hot chocolate and share
sockets that will distributed to students and the stories with seniors,” Byers added, suggesting
public throughout town as a gift to reward that one of the Youth Council members take
kindness, because “kindness wins”, says Broda. charge and contact the Lodge to set up a
“[CEAT] wants to enlist the help of Youth meeting date.
Council to help with some of these activities,” Youth Councillor Morgan Nelson offered to
Town of Edson Community Development take on the challenge.
4405 50 street
Coordinator Scott Lamb explained to Youth CEAT encourages everyone to wear a pink t- 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
Town Council supports additional airport funding
by Cassie Kushniruk Municipalities Association (AUMA) to try and resurfacing and the other took the majority of
get a resolution. “If we're not the only ones the funding, it still would not be enough.
During the February 12 Committee of the having this problem, then maybe other “When we raised [the issue] in the two
Whole meeting, Town Council was made municipalities would be on board with meetings with the Transportation Minister, we
aware of a persisting issue currently faced by supporting that resolution,” she said. highlighted that the services link between all
Edson's airport, as well as a number of smaller CAO Mike Derricott replied that that is of these airports, but it didn't seem to matter,”
airports within Alberta. always an option if Council wanted to pursue a said Shine. “That's why we felt it's time to
“The AAMA [Alberta Airport Management secondary avenue for advocacy on this issue. move more to a political avenue rather than the
Association] acts as a voice for small airports “I'm sure the airport association would avenue that's available to us.”
in Alberta,” said Airport Manager Sam Shine. appreciate any efforts like that on their behalf,” Councillor Wilkinson agreed with the AUMA
“They try to resolve as many issues as they can he said. resolution suggestion, adding that Council
on behalf of all the airports in Alberta.” Derricott then addressed Shine, “How many should write the letter and have a meeting with
The Town of Edson sits on the AAMA Board communities are affected by this?” the local MLA to persuade them to put this on
of Directors. “There's close to 50 small airports in the agenda for the next election.
One of the issues that have been continually Alberta,” said Shine. “As a group, we have $2 General Manager of Infrastructure and
raised by AAMA is the lack of funding million to be shared amongst 50 airports. They Planning Martino Verhaeghe clarified that the
available for smaller airports in Alberta for specify that it is for resurfacing the runway and letter presented would be addressed to the
maintenance and upgrading purposes. lighting upgrades.” MLA, adding that it would be advantageous
Currently, Alberta's Community Airport Shine mentioned that the Peace River for the Yellowhead County to sign as they have
Program (CAP) allocates $2 million per year recently spent $15 million redoing their airport multiple MLAs within their jurisdiction.
for all 72 provincial airports to share for runway. “$2 million is a drop in the ocean and “I think the suggestion of considering this for PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
specific maintenance tasks and is limited to that's to be shared,” he said. “We're not eligible AUMA resolution is really good feedback and Professional Digital Passport System photos
funding 75% of the project cost. for federal funding, so it's the only funding Administration can start working on what that ready in minutes while you wait...
Shine presented a letter to Council which available to us.” might look like,” said Derricott in response to
outlined these issues faced by small provincial Councillor Trevor Bevan agreed with Council's approval for the AUMA resolution.
airports, which will be sent out to MLAs Councillor Baier's suggestion to bring the issue Mayor Kevin Zahara also agreed with the
within the affected communities. forward to AUMA, stressing the importance of AUMA suggestion, adding that Edson's airport
AAMA met with the Minister of Edson's airport, not only to Edson, but to the is vital to the community. “We can have a huge
Transportation Brian Mason on two separate surrounding communities as well. “If we can't economic impact with it if we had the
occasions, who indicated that there would be fly out of there to get around to the forest fires appropriate funds, and we have to make sure it
no increase in funding. in the area, we can also be a little hooped,” he remains viable,” he said. “I would suggest that
“The association hopes to raise this issue to said. [we send the letter] not only our local MLA,
Council, and with support, that Council would Councillor Gean Chouinard commented, “To but to all political parties so they can
hopefully take this to the local MLA for it to get a couple $100,000 we can do something understand this issue. “
be adopted by a political party and onto their with, but $27,000 probably wouldn't even Councillor Wilkinson closed, saying, “It's
agenda for the coming elections,” said Shine. change all the bulbs.” nice to be brought to our attention because
Councillor Krystal Baier suggested that the Shine agreed that it is an insufficient amount some of these things we don't know about.” DROP IN AND SEE!
issue be brought up to Alberta Urban of money, adding that even if one airport was 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
CEAT enlists help of Youth Council for Random Acts of Kindness week The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
The W
by Cassie Kushniruk Council. shirt on February 22 for Pink Shirt Day in
Lamb provided the youth with a variety of support of bullying awareness.
From February 18-22, the Community Action examples that could be arranged for Random
Engagement Team (CEAT) will be promoting Acts of Kindness week, such as setting up a hot
Random Acts of Kindness Week, and have chocolate stand on Main Street or offering to BILL MITCHELL EDSON DRY CLEANERS
enlisted the help of Youth Council to help people carry groceries to their vehicles.
participate in these activities. “Part of the reason that we do this is we try to NORTH NEW TRUCK SALES 780-723-7503
CEAT is a group of community members from kick start the community to have a good
an array of different professional fields—from understanding of how important it is that every 108 50 Street
RCMP, Children's Services, Health, Town of little thing that you do matters,” said Byers. Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
Edson, and the School Divisions—who come “It's one of those things that you hope has a 24210 114 Avenue
together to work towards community initiatives ripple effect and that someone's naturally Acheson, AB T7X 6B9 All F/R
that will make a difference in the community. encouraged to pass on the nice favor or kind Website:
“It's a great cross section of adults,” said Town gesture.”
of Edson Community Development Manager Councillor Krystal Baier, who is a member of Coveralls
Tanya Byers to Youth Council during their the Kinette Club of Edson, mentioned that the
February 11 meeting. Kinettes will be offering a free swim to Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
For the past two or so years, CEAT has been community members this year as part of Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
active during Random Acts of Kindness Week, Random Acts of Kindness week. In the past the 10%
participating in activities such as arranging for Kinettes have done activities such as playing
Summers Drilling
free tea and coffee through drive thrus in town games and sharing stories with seniors at the Summers Drilling
and bringing baked goods baked by students to Parkland Lodge. “There's lots of different
Water Well Drilling
oilfield workers around town. opportunities for how you spread your off
“Random Acts of Kindness week is a passive kindness,” she said. Water Well Drilling
and 'as it comes' activity for CEAT,” said Town Youth Councillor Ryan Chouinard asked if
of Edson Community Development going to Parkland Lodge was something Youth
A pr
Coordinator Ali Broda in an interview with The Council could do for Random Acts of Kindness A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Weekly Anchor. “The nature of the week is week, backed up with support from other Youth Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
going to be random, so with that we don't Council members. drilling and water well r
typically plan too much.” “I think the Lodge would be a really nice place
This year, CEAT has purchased phone pop to do cookies and hot chocolate and share
sockets that will distributed to students and the stories with seniors,” Byers added, suggesting
public throughout town as a gift to reward that one of the Youth Council members take
kindness, because “kindness wins”, says Broda. charge and contact the Lodge to set up a
“[CEAT] wants to enlist the help of Youth meeting date.
Council to help with some of these activities,” Youth Councillor Morgan Nelson offered to
Town of Edson Community Development take on the challenge.
4405 50 street
Coordinator Scott Lamb explained to Youth CEAT encourages everyone to wear a pink t- 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB