Page 6 - February 18, 2019
P. 6

MLA Rosendahl's office faces allegations

of partisan work on government time

by Cassie Kushniruk that Rosendahl's requests escalated last spring
when he told her that he would be changing her
In January, former Legislative Assembly of hours to evenings and weekends to focus on his
Alberta (LAO) employee Kathleen Westergaard re-election campaign.
has reportedly made allegations against employer Westergaard reminded Rosendahl in a text
MLA Eric Rosendahl, claiming that he pressured message that party business correspondence is
her into doing partisan work for the NDP party prohibited from being sent through the office
on government time. addresses, Rosendahl allegedly replied that she
While staff members with the LAO are often would have no future with the LAO if she
tasked with assisting MLAs with the operation of refused to work on his campaign. Westergaard
constituency offices, they are prohibited to presented screenshots of these text messages as
participate in any partisan work, such as part of that report.
lobbying votes for a party candidate or Westergaard remained at her job for some time
displaying materials with party logos. following these requests, but when she
In a recent interview with The Weekly Anchor, eventually refused to do Rosendahl's party work,
MLA Rosendahl addressed the issue, “It's a she was reportedly fired without cause in June
personnel thing and it has to stay with that.” 2018.
Rosendahl would provide no further comment. Westergaard told an Edmonton media outlet
After the 2015 election, Kathleen Westergaard that she believed her termination was a result of
moved to Hinton to work for MLA Rosendahl as her refusal to work on Rosendahl's re-election
LAO staff. campaign.
Westergaard told global news in an interview There is no known investigation currently
that she was directed by Rosendahl to do party taking place concerning this matter. The Weekly
work for the NDP shortly after being hired. Anchor contacted Westergaard for comment but MLA Rosendahl's faces allegations of having a
According to the report, Westergaard alleged received no reply as of press time. staff member do partisan work on government

County discusses local improvement rates in Evansburg

by Dana McArthur County CAO Jack Ramme. of 47 Ave. some of the lots have fairly similar."
Council had included some different configurations and using Council voted in favour of a
Phase III of the Evansburg water, initial funds in the 2019 budget to frontage would not be the most calculation based on the lot size of
sewer and sidewalk improvements begin the local improvement fair method. "For the most part each property along 47 Ave.
which will be taking place along process. using frontage or lot size will be
47 Avenue, will move ahead with "The particular section of
construction scheduled to begin in neighbourhood being improved
2020. has a few lots of differing
During the Yellowhead County size/shape and as such, to avoid THIS WEEK’S FEATURE
Council meeting on February 12, conflicts, utilizing the option of
Council to decided upon the best 'unit of area' makes for a clean
method to base local improvement allocation of costs and it likely the Mint Homes Ltd.
rates, as part of the Evansburg fairest method to utilize," said
Water/Sewer Local Improvement Ramme.
Plan. The options that were before
The estimated costs of the Council with respect to how the
project (water/sewer replacement tax could be based included: The
and new pavement and sidewalks) assessment prepared in
at $4.4 million with $840,000 accordance with legislation; each
attributed to the 50/50 cost share parcel of land; each unit of
between the County and the frontage, or; each unit of area.
residents. "Approximately Councillor Shawn Berry
$420,000 will be charged back via commented that in the past the
local improvement charges if the County has used frontage to base
project does not get petitioned improvement assessments on.
down by the residents," stated Ramme responded that at the end

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