Page 12 - February 25, 2019
P. 12


6th Annual Fancy Tea at Wildwood Seniors

submitted Connie Gatzke Wildwood School is truly blessed to have We were fortunate to have more dignitaries
teachers of such calibre. attend. Jim Eglinski, MP for Yellowhead and
Despite the wickedly cold temperatures, the The Seniors in the Grandparent program met his wife Nancy attended as they have for many
6th Annual Fancy Tea sponsored by the at ten o'clock in the morning and did the prep years. Mr. Eglinski expressed his thoughts
Wildwood Grandparent program was a warm work for the fancy tea. Grandma Anna about a program he had been involved in,
success. Hutchison and Grandma Pat Foisy appeared to pairing Senior High School students with
Each year the program uses the luncheon to be the driving force in the kitchen. Grandma Seniors. He praised our program, stressing that
pay tribute to one of its components. We are Pat baked sugar cookies at home that were seniors have much knowledge to share with
super thankful to the FCSS for the yearly decorated with strawberries and blueberries children. Mr. Eglinski honoured me by giving
continued financial support to operate the creating a dessert that has become a signature me a Challenge Medal, “In Recognition of
program. confection for our fancy tea. Your Service” a medal possessed by service
We were pleased to have Wendy Robinson Caroline Pudlo took pictures. Elizabeth members inscribed with his name and his
from Yellowhead County and Karla Boswell, Bobelik, Rebecca Lindsay Connie Fahrion, RCMP regiment number. I feel honoured to
FCSS board member attend. Just as we had Nancy Johnson, Jean Riehl, Germain Spink, receive such a token.
honoured the FCSS last year we chose this Joan Brown, Amber Anderson and Grandpa Gerald Soroka, Mayor of Yellowhead County
year to honour the School. Barry Fahrion all participated in other forms of thanked the seniors for their volunteer time to
We are very aware how important the the prep work. We had a special guest worker make the program possible.
cooperation between the Wildwood School and Great Grandma Marjorie Russell. Many of the Anthony Giezen, Councillor of Ward 2, and
the Wildwood Seniors is. Mr. Randal, the Grandmas brought trays of squares from home his wife Scarlet were also able to attend. He
principal, was able to attend and expressed his that complimented our dessert array. brought personal praise of the program
praise of the program noting how expectant the When the children came from school at noon, knowing first hand many of the children who
grade fours are to attend. they arranged the tables and chairs , set out the have participated over the years citing their
A highlight of the afternoon was to have Ms table cloths, flowers, napkins and plates, pleasure in attending the weekly sessions at the
Gunderman, the grade 4 teacher, bring her silverware and fancy tea cups. They created seniors.
recently awarded medal along with an fancy sandwiches, devilled eggs, cracker As coordinator of the Grandparent Program, I
explanatory chart and tell about the program snacks and were ready to greet guests. basked in more than my share of praise for the
that she and a teaching partner were involved At 2 o'clock when the guests began to arrive program. I continue though, to stress that we
in that led to the nomination and the awarding the children greeted them, requested they sign are so successful because of the great rapport
of a Governor General Medal in History. She the guest book, arranged for them to be seated we have with Wildwood School, because of
thanked the Wildwood Grandparents for their and served coffee and tea. Children in the the financial support of FCSS and because of
small part in her program when we program this year are Shyanne Ogley-Brown, the remarkable senior members who attend the
accompanied the children to Stone's Fish Pond Lauren Ice, Morgan Pudlo, Wyatt Boswell, program every week from October until May
last year. She commended the Chip Lake Rhianna Riehl, Jacob W, Amy Lee, Deacon each year. We are in our 21st year and some
History Society for creating the two volumes Raymond and Makayla Morrison. After we seniors have been attending nearly that long.
of Where the River Lobstick Flows citing these heard from Mr. Randal and Ms Gunderman Remarkable.
books are valuable references in her program. lunch was served by the children.

Edson Fire

Department School Buses For Sale
School Buses For Sale
kept on their toes...

Bids must be submitted by
Bids must be submitted by
4:00 p.m. March 7, 2019 to:
4:00 p.m. March 7, 2019 to:
by Cassie Kushniruk
Corey Halabi – Director of Transportation
Corey Halabi – Director of Transportation
Since the beginning of the year, the Edson Fire Grande Yellowhead Public School Division #77
Grande Yellowhead Public School Division #77
Department has been kept on their toes and remains st st
3656 1 Avenue
busy due to the vast number of response calls and 3656 1 Avenue
Edson, Alberta T7E 0A5
public request events. “2019 has been busy thus far,” Edson, Alberta T7E 0A5
said Edson Fire Department Fire Chief Tyler Robinson. E:
Ph: (780) 712-0677
From January 1 to February 15, the Edson Fire Ph: (780) 712-0677
Department responded to 75 emergency incidents,
including motor vehicle collisions, alarm calls,
structural fires, uncontrolled fires, and medical assist

This spring, the Edson Fire Department will be
recruiting new firefighters to join the department.
“Official recruitment will begin in the coming weeks,”
Robinson said. Bids will be accepted via email only. If you need more
From June 1-2, the Edson Fire Department will be information please contact Corey Halabi.
hosting the Northern Prairie Regional Scott FireFit Highest and/or any bid not necessarily accepted.
Championships, in which firefighters across Western All units sold as is.
Canada will attend to compete in the demanding event,
putting their firefighting skills to the test.
Buses and vehicles are located in Edson, Alberta and
can be viewed by appointment at the number above.
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17