Page 10 - February 25, 2019
P. 10
Yellowhead County not in support of Bighorn Country Proposal
by Dana McArthur industry, local jobs, and off-road vehicle use. to Brazeau County stating that Yellowhead County
Mayor Soroka stated, “If you can keep doing is not in support of the Province's plan to move
Yellowhead County Council reviewed the everything the same, then why do you need a ahead with the Bighorn Country proposal.
Bighorn Country Proposal during its G&P meeting different land designation? Most of the park spaces Hamlet Amenities Chart: During the Strategic
on February 19. are already protected so I don't really see the real Planning session held by Council previously, it
Notley's government proposes to take a massive benefit of what's coming out of Bighorn.” was decided that Council wished to review the
track of land, including most of Brazeau County, to A group working to preserve ecosystems along amenities available in the various County hamlets,
create the north-eastern Alberta equivalent of the length of the Rocky Mountains dubbed the for the purpose of considering future projects,
Kananaskis Country. 'Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative' is standardization, etc.
Bighorn Country will encompass public lands among several groups lobbying the province for The purpose of the chart was to begin the
from the boundary of Banff National Park the Bighorn park designation. Brazeau and dialogue relative to future council direction on
eastward towards Drayton Valley including Yellowhead County both have large tracts of green services and amenities within the various hamlets
Clearwater County, most of Brazeau County, and zone land that clearly fall into this Yellowstone to of the County.
the current Bighorn Backcountry management Yukon pathway. The chart was presented at the February 19
area. Soroka said, “Usually if you start in one area, it meeting of County Council with the decision that
Residents, businesses, ATV users, and area starts spreading. Where is the next place that is each area councillor would be able to bring
officials including the Brazeau County Council going to be protected?” forward to Council any projects or improvement of
have all raised concerns about how the project County Council agreed to send a letter of support services related to their areas, for discussion.
might affect oil and gas exploration, the forestry
Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free 1-800-665-6030 Fax: 780-723-5066
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Yellowhead County is seeking
Town of Hinton/Yellowhead County proposals for seasonal
Intermunicipal Development Plan campground operations.
Yellowhead County and the Town of Hinton are working together to Campground operation includes but is not
develop a new Intermuncipal Development Plan (IDP). This plan will limited to:
address future growth and development-related matters of joint interest
between the municipalities. Living on-site at Bear Lake, managing
The Province of Alberta is implementing new changes to the Municipal reservations/sites/collecting fees, cleaning outhouses, removing
Government Act which now requires all municipalities that share a garbage, grounds maintenance/grass cutting, firewood sales,
boundary to prepare an IDP by April 2020. IDPs are beneficial tools for placement and removal of floating docks/swim-lines, roving
neighbouring municipalities to provide guidance for future growth, patrols, hiring and managing staff, providing all equipment and
facilitate joint economic development initiatives, and provide supplies as necessary.
mechanisms for cooperation in delivering services.
Grounds include: Bear Lake Campground, Long Lake
Have your say! The Town and County are hosting a public open house Campground, Shiningbank Lake Campground, Shiningbank
(come-and-go format) to gather feedback from landowners, residents Lake Day Use Area, Riverside Campground, Jerry Vanderwell
and stakeholders on the draft IDP. This feedback will be used by the Memorial Campground.
project team to refine and finalize the future land use concept and The operations contract would be for a period of three years for
policies. three operating seasons from 2019 to 2021.
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Please submit proposals online via the Alberta Purchasing
Time: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Connection (APC Opportunity: AB-2019-00896)
Place: Government Centre Lobby
131 Civic Centre Rd., Hinton For more information contact Kevin Myles, Parks and Special
Projects Coordinator at (780) 723-4800.
Yellowhead County not in support of Bighorn Country Proposal
by Dana McArthur industry, local jobs, and off-road vehicle use. to Brazeau County stating that Yellowhead County
Mayor Soroka stated, “If you can keep doing is not in support of the Province's plan to move
Yellowhead County Council reviewed the everything the same, then why do you need a ahead with the Bighorn Country proposal.
Bighorn Country Proposal during its G&P meeting different land designation? Most of the park spaces Hamlet Amenities Chart: During the Strategic
on February 19. are already protected so I don't really see the real Planning session held by Council previously, it
Notley's government proposes to take a massive benefit of what's coming out of Bighorn.” was decided that Council wished to review the
track of land, including most of Brazeau County, to A group working to preserve ecosystems along amenities available in the various County hamlets,
create the north-eastern Alberta equivalent of the length of the Rocky Mountains dubbed the for the purpose of considering future projects,
Kananaskis Country. 'Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative' is standardization, etc.
Bighorn Country will encompass public lands among several groups lobbying the province for The purpose of the chart was to begin the
from the boundary of Banff National Park the Bighorn park designation. Brazeau and dialogue relative to future council direction on
eastward towards Drayton Valley including Yellowhead County both have large tracts of green services and amenities within the various hamlets
Clearwater County, most of Brazeau County, and zone land that clearly fall into this Yellowstone to of the County.
the current Bighorn Backcountry management Yukon pathway. The chart was presented at the February 19
area. Soroka said, “Usually if you start in one area, it meeting of County Council with the decision that
Residents, businesses, ATV users, and area starts spreading. Where is the next place that is each area councillor would be able to bring
officials including the Brazeau County Council going to be protected?” forward to Council any projects or improvement of
have all raised concerns about how the project County Council agreed to send a letter of support services related to their areas, for discussion.
might affect oil and gas exploration, the forestry
Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free 1-800-665-6030 Fax: 780-723-5066
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Yellowhead County is seeking
Town of Hinton/Yellowhead County proposals for seasonal
Intermunicipal Development Plan campground operations.
Yellowhead County and the Town of Hinton are working together to Campground operation includes but is not
develop a new Intermuncipal Development Plan (IDP). This plan will limited to:
address future growth and development-related matters of joint interest
between the municipalities. Living on-site at Bear Lake, managing
The Province of Alberta is implementing new changes to the Municipal reservations/sites/collecting fees, cleaning outhouses, removing
Government Act which now requires all municipalities that share a garbage, grounds maintenance/grass cutting, firewood sales,
boundary to prepare an IDP by April 2020. IDPs are beneficial tools for placement and removal of floating docks/swim-lines, roving
neighbouring municipalities to provide guidance for future growth, patrols, hiring and managing staff, providing all equipment and
facilitate joint economic development initiatives, and provide supplies as necessary.
mechanisms for cooperation in delivering services.
Grounds include: Bear Lake Campground, Long Lake
Have your say! The Town and County are hosting a public open house Campground, Shiningbank Lake Campground, Shiningbank
(come-and-go format) to gather feedback from landowners, residents Lake Day Use Area, Riverside Campground, Jerry Vanderwell
and stakeholders on the draft IDP. This feedback will be used by the Memorial Campground.
project team to refine and finalize the future land use concept and The operations contract would be for a period of three years for
policies. three operating seasons from 2019 to 2021.
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Please submit proposals online via the Alberta Purchasing
Time: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Connection (APC Opportunity: AB-2019-00896)
Place: Government Centre Lobby
131 Civic Centre Rd., Hinton For more information contact Kevin Myles, Parks and Special
Projects Coordinator at (780) 723-4800.