Page 13 - February 25, 2019
P. 13
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T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm and Fieldarm and Field
News and Views
News and Views
March Mental Health Workshop for Local Producers
This March, Yellowhead County is celebrating its local farmers and producers
and we're focusing on an often overlooked side of the job: Mental health.
On March 1, join Bill Lee, farmer and life daily stress can take their toll. We know that you're not feeling occupational pressures, be
coach, in celebrating the mental health of farming isn't just a business—and it's not just a sure to come out and take advantage of this rare
Yellowhead County's local farmers and way of life—for most, it is their everything. education.
producers! Bill is eager to bring his knowledge Yellowhead County's Agricultural Services The session will be held at the Wildwood DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
about coping with farming stress so that you understands this, that's why we've invited Bill Community Hall (March 1st, from 1 to 4 PM).
and your family can learn to manage tough Lee to impart his skills on our proud community Please register before February 25th by calling
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
times. of producers. With Bill Lee's guidance, you'll 780-325-3782. 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Because let's face it, farming isn't easy. Three learn a number of stress-management
tough growing seasons, financial pressures, and techniques that are productive and fun! Even if
No Spray Program Yearly Renewal Reminder The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Yellowhead County Agriculture Services Once an agreement has been completed, you herbicide adjacent to non-compliant roadsides if
would like to remind residents who do not want must place no-spray signs in a highly visible necessary.
herbicide applied adjacent to their property to area as close as possible to the property line. If you chose not to renew your agreement for
enter into a no-spray agreement. No-spray signs must be purchased from the 2019, we ask that you please remove your signs
If you are a Yellowhead County landowner Yellowhead County Edson or Wildwood Offices prior to the start of the spray season starting
who does not want herbicide applied adjacent to at a cost of $5.00 for two signs. May 1st, 2019.
your property, you must enter into a no-spray Yellowhead County Agricultural Services Residents who have any concerns or
agreement with the County prior to April 1st of requires each landowner who has signed the questions are asked to contact Yellowhead
each year. This means that you will be agreement to fulfill their obligations before the County Agricultural Services at 1-800-814-
responsible for weed and brush control in the July 1st deadline. After the July 1st deadline, 3935 or (780) 325-3782.
designated areas, as defined by the no-spray Yellowhead County re-assumes responsibility
agreement. for weed and brush control and may apply
Grain dryer components
and the FEAP Program
The Farm Energy and Agri- Only cost of the options is eligible,
Processors (FEAP) Program not the cost of the standard dryer.
continues to share costs with The application must include detailed
producers who are upgrading quotes or invoices, specifications or
components of their grain dryers to calculations demonstrating energy
high-efficiency models. Katherine savings.”
Rogers, energy extension coordinator Eligible new components may
with Alberta Agriculture and include upgrade options such as:
Forestry, clarifies what is eligible for - Heat exchangers.
funding through this program. - Preheat systems utilizing
The program includes sharing exhaust air.
costs for components of a new dryer - Optional high-efficiency
or when retrofitting components of burners.
an existing dryer. - Variable speed drives (VSD)
“For retro-fit grain dryer for electric motors.
components,” says Rogers, - Optional automated moisture
“Eligibility is determined on a case- controllers.
by-case basis. You must include - Gravity-fill roofs used in place
detailed quotes, specifications, and if of powered leveling augers.
possible, calculations showing the Rogers adds that components
energy savings of the upgrade.” considered "business as usual," are
Eligible retrofits may include: not covered, including bins,
-Hopper covers. conveyors, legs and aeration fans.
- Automatic moisture controllers. The program is retroactive to
- New high-efficiency burners. April 1, 2016, so any upgrades or
- Variable speed drives (VSD) new construction projects done since
for electric motors. that date may be eligible for funding.
- PTO to electric motor Go to
conversion. to
- Insulated plenums. see the full funding list, application
- Exhaust air recirculation form and other eligibility
systems or secondary heat requirements.
exchangers. Outreach officers are available to
- Gravity-fill roofs that replace answer questions about the program
powered leveling augers. and can provide assistance with the
As for new grain dryer application process:
components, Rogers explains what - Northern Alberta - Amber
funding may cover. “Upgrade options Kenyon, 780-307-7849.
on new dryers are considered if they For further information, call the
are an optional upgrade from the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-
standard new dryer configuration. FARM (3276).
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm and Fieldarm and Field
News and Views
News and Views
March Mental Health Workshop for Local Producers
This March, Yellowhead County is celebrating its local farmers and producers
and we're focusing on an often overlooked side of the job: Mental health.
On March 1, join Bill Lee, farmer and life daily stress can take their toll. We know that you're not feeling occupational pressures, be
coach, in celebrating the mental health of farming isn't just a business—and it's not just a sure to come out and take advantage of this rare
Yellowhead County's local farmers and way of life—for most, it is their everything. education.
producers! Bill is eager to bring his knowledge Yellowhead County's Agricultural Services The session will be held at the Wildwood DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
about coping with farming stress so that you understands this, that's why we've invited Bill Community Hall (March 1st, from 1 to 4 PM).
and your family can learn to manage tough Lee to impart his skills on our proud community Please register before February 25th by calling
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
times. of producers. With Bill Lee's guidance, you'll 780-325-3782. 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Because let's face it, farming isn't easy. Three learn a number of stress-management
tough growing seasons, financial pressures, and techniques that are productive and fun! Even if
No Spray Program Yearly Renewal Reminder The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Yellowhead County Agriculture Services Once an agreement has been completed, you herbicide adjacent to non-compliant roadsides if
would like to remind residents who do not want must place no-spray signs in a highly visible necessary.
herbicide applied adjacent to their property to area as close as possible to the property line. If you chose not to renew your agreement for
enter into a no-spray agreement. No-spray signs must be purchased from the 2019, we ask that you please remove your signs
If you are a Yellowhead County landowner Yellowhead County Edson or Wildwood Offices prior to the start of the spray season starting
who does not want herbicide applied adjacent to at a cost of $5.00 for two signs. May 1st, 2019.
your property, you must enter into a no-spray Yellowhead County Agricultural Services Residents who have any concerns or
agreement with the County prior to April 1st of requires each landowner who has signed the questions are asked to contact Yellowhead
each year. This means that you will be agreement to fulfill their obligations before the County Agricultural Services at 1-800-814-
responsible for weed and brush control in the July 1st deadline. After the July 1st deadline, 3935 or (780) 325-3782.
designated areas, as defined by the no-spray Yellowhead County re-assumes responsibility
agreement. for weed and brush control and may apply
Grain dryer components
and the FEAP Program
The Farm Energy and Agri- Only cost of the options is eligible,
Processors (FEAP) Program not the cost of the standard dryer.
continues to share costs with The application must include detailed
producers who are upgrading quotes or invoices, specifications or
components of their grain dryers to calculations demonstrating energy
high-efficiency models. Katherine savings.”
Rogers, energy extension coordinator Eligible new components may
with Alberta Agriculture and include upgrade options such as:
Forestry, clarifies what is eligible for - Heat exchangers.
funding through this program. - Preheat systems utilizing
The program includes sharing exhaust air.
costs for components of a new dryer - Optional high-efficiency
or when retrofitting components of burners.
an existing dryer. - Variable speed drives (VSD)
“For retro-fit grain dryer for electric motors.
components,” says Rogers, - Optional automated moisture
“Eligibility is determined on a case- controllers.
by-case basis. You must include - Gravity-fill roofs used in place
detailed quotes, specifications, and if of powered leveling augers.
possible, calculations showing the Rogers adds that components
energy savings of the upgrade.” considered "business as usual," are
Eligible retrofits may include: not covered, including bins,
-Hopper covers. conveyors, legs and aeration fans.
- Automatic moisture controllers. The program is retroactive to
- New high-efficiency burners. April 1, 2016, so any upgrades or
- Variable speed drives (VSD) new construction projects done since
for electric motors. that date may be eligible for funding.
- PTO to electric motor Go to
conversion. to
- Insulated plenums. see the full funding list, application
- Exhaust air recirculation form and other eligibility
systems or secondary heat requirements.
exchangers. Outreach officers are available to
- Gravity-fill roofs that replace answer questions about the program
powered leveling augers. and can provide assistance with the
As for new grain dryer application process:
components, Rogers explains what - Northern Alberta - Amber
funding may cover. “Upgrade options Kenyon, 780-307-7849.
on new dryers are considered if they For further information, call the
are an optional upgrade from the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-
standard new dryer configuration. FARM (3276).