Page 10 - January 13 2020
P. 10
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
The headlines that shaped 2019: A Year in Review
continued from page 8
economic, recreation, and obtain a natural and aesthetically (Science, Technology, Industrial fire
tourism opportunities”, residents, pleasing finished result, the Engineering, Mathematics).
Once a week from 4 pm to 5
businesses, ATV users, and area project will require these extra pm, children ages 6 to 12 have and explosion
officials including the Brazeau funds.
County Council raised concerns “If Council is to select the less the opportunity to learn about at Pinnacle
about how the project might aesthetically outcome of having STEM through the three
affect oil and gas exploration, the the sheet piles just capped and engineers Shell provides as tutors
forestry industry, local jobs, and remain there, the savings would for the program. Plan near
off-road vehicle use. be about $70,000,” Derricott
added. “This would mean a 1 Evansburg
meter of exposed metal sheet pile Conceptual
$70,000 of instead of a grassy finish.” Emergency crews from
Councillor Sorenson made the design and
additional motion that Council choose the Parkland County and Yellowhead
County were called to the scene
funds lower cost option of the less location chosen of an industrial explosion and
aesthetically pleasing finish with
fire at the Pinnacle Renewable
for Edson
requested for the exposed sheet metal. Multi-Use Energy Plant in Enwistle at
Council agreed unanimously to
approximately 2:30 p.m. on
Bench Creek defeat the motion. Recreation February 11.
Pinnacle announced on the
project Boys and Girls same day that operations at its
wood pellet production facility in
Club launch Complex Entwistle would be temporarily
During the February 5 Town suspended.
Council meeting, Town The joint Town of Edson and
Administration requested an STEM tutoring Yellowhead County Steering
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE additional $70,000 to be removed program Committee agreed to the project March 2019
Professional Di
Professional Digital gital from the Infrastructure Reserve scope, location, timeline, and
cost of the proposed Multi-Use
Passport Sy
Passport System stem to fund added expenses for the In partnership with Shell and Recreation Complex to be
Bench Creek Bank Stabilization
photos ready
photos ready project. with support from GYPSD, the constructed in Edson at Griffiths County agrees
in mi
in minutes nutes Upon further consolation with Boys and Girls Club launched Park.
while you wait... the contractor for the project, it their free afterschool tutoring The project is estimated to cost to support
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T was determined that in order to program for children interested in $70M, through the proposed
development and construction Multi-Use
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 pursuing careers in STEM timeline will allow both
7 PUBLIC NOTICE communities to budget in a Recreation
objective of a limited impact on Complex at
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! ACREAGE PHARMS LTD. responsible manner with the
NOTICE OF APPLICATION future tax rates and consider the
current and future impacts of the $70M
Notice is given that Acreage Pharms Ltd. has filed an application under the local economy. During their February 26
provisions of the Water Act for a Licence to divert 78,475 cubic metres per year of
water from an aquifer accessed by two wells with production intervals of 53.6 metres meeting, Yellowhead County
to 64.0 metres located at SW 35-054-14-W5 for the purpose of Commercial Council considered accepting the
Remember to drop off your Any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement MLA recommendations of the Joint
Steering Committee in relation to
donations for the of concern to within 30 days of the date of this notice to: building a Multi-Use Recreation
EDSON FOOD BANK Environment and Parks Rosendahl's complex in Edson.
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Regulatory Approvals Centre office faces It is estimated that the project,
5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
or the Edson Food Bank 9915 108 Street as it is currently being proposed,
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8
Phone: 780-427-6311 allegations of will cost $70 million dollars.
The Food Bank will be open Fax: 780-422-0154 Additional costs will include the
two Thursday evenings, partisan work demolition of Repsol Place (with
the second and last Thursday of The written statement of concern should include the following: the town to determine a
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. · · the application number: 001-00449765 demolition cost). The town also
describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Water Act
Open regular hours every · explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activity on government needs to confirm that no
Tuesday from 9-11 am. · and/or diversion of water proposed in the application time additional off site work (such as
provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where
the concerns described are believed to be applicable water/sewer line upgrades, fire
· state the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site protection, intersection traffic
in the application In January, former Legislative control devices etc.) would be
· contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Assembly of Alberta employee
780-723-1350 Please provide the telephone number and/or email address for ease of Kathleen Westergaard reportedly required to support the initiative.
The motion was passed
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more made allegations against unanimously to support the
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. information if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject employer MLA Eric Rosendahl, recommendation.
their written submission as a valid statement of concern. The Public Notice of this
Food Bank located at application will also be posted on the Department's website at claiming that he pressured her continued on page 11
4511 5th Ave., Edson . into doing partisan work on
Please quote file number: 00435441 government time.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor In an interview with The
Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which Weekly Anchor, MLA Rosendahl
are accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern
may affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board. addressed the issue, “It's a
personnel thing and it has to stay
Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
Remember to drop off your with that.” Rosendahl would
donations for the David Macintyre provide no further comment.
Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd.
EDSON FOOD BANK Phone: 780-702-6235
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys
or the Edson Food Bank
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings,
the second and last Thursday of the Month
6:45-8:00 pm.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from
9-11 am.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
The headlines that shaped 2019: A Year in Review
continued from page 8
economic, recreation, and obtain a natural and aesthetically (Science, Technology, Industrial fire
tourism opportunities”, residents, pleasing finished result, the Engineering, Mathematics).
Once a week from 4 pm to 5
businesses, ATV users, and area project will require these extra pm, children ages 6 to 12 have and explosion
officials including the Brazeau funds.
County Council raised concerns “If Council is to select the less the opportunity to learn about at Pinnacle
about how the project might aesthetically outcome of having STEM through the three
affect oil and gas exploration, the the sheet piles just capped and engineers Shell provides as tutors
forestry industry, local jobs, and remain there, the savings would for the program. Plan near
off-road vehicle use. be about $70,000,” Derricott
added. “This would mean a 1 Evansburg
meter of exposed metal sheet pile Conceptual
$70,000 of instead of a grassy finish.” Emergency crews from
Councillor Sorenson made the design and
additional motion that Council choose the Parkland County and Yellowhead
County were called to the scene
funds lower cost option of the less location chosen of an industrial explosion and
aesthetically pleasing finish with
fire at the Pinnacle Renewable
for Edson
requested for the exposed sheet metal. Multi-Use Energy Plant in Enwistle at
Council agreed unanimously to
approximately 2:30 p.m. on
Bench Creek defeat the motion. Recreation February 11.
Pinnacle announced on the
project Boys and Girls same day that operations at its
wood pellet production facility in
Club launch Complex Entwistle would be temporarily
During the February 5 Town suspended.
Council meeting, Town The joint Town of Edson and
Administration requested an STEM tutoring Yellowhead County Steering
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE additional $70,000 to be removed program Committee agreed to the project March 2019
Professional Di
Professional Digital gital from the Infrastructure Reserve scope, location, timeline, and
cost of the proposed Multi-Use
Passport Sy
Passport System stem to fund added expenses for the In partnership with Shell and Recreation Complex to be
Bench Creek Bank Stabilization
photos ready
photos ready project. with support from GYPSD, the constructed in Edson at Griffiths County agrees
in mi
in minutes nutes Upon further consolation with Boys and Girls Club launched Park.
while you wait... the contractor for the project, it their free afterschool tutoring The project is estimated to cost to support
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T was determined that in order to program for children interested in $70M, through the proposed
development and construction Multi-Use
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5 pursuing careers in STEM timeline will allow both
7 PUBLIC NOTICE communities to budget in a Recreation
objective of a limited impact on Complex at
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! ACREAGE PHARMS LTD. responsible manner with the
NOTICE OF APPLICATION future tax rates and consider the
current and future impacts of the $70M
Notice is given that Acreage Pharms Ltd. has filed an application under the local economy. During their February 26
provisions of the Water Act for a Licence to divert 78,475 cubic metres per year of
water from an aquifer accessed by two wells with production intervals of 53.6 metres meeting, Yellowhead County
to 64.0 metres located at SW 35-054-14-W5 for the purpose of Commercial Council considered accepting the
Remember to drop off your Any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement MLA recommendations of the Joint
Steering Committee in relation to
donations for the of concern to within 30 days of the date of this notice to: building a Multi-Use Recreation
EDSON FOOD BANK Environment and Parks Rosendahl's complex in Edson.
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Regulatory Approvals Centre office faces It is estimated that the project,
5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
or the Edson Food Bank 9915 108 Street as it is currently being proposed,
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8
Phone: 780-427-6311 allegations of will cost $70 million dollars.
The Food Bank will be open Fax: 780-422-0154 Additional costs will include the
two Thursday evenings, partisan work demolition of Repsol Place (with
the second and last Thursday of The written statement of concern should include the following: the town to determine a
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. · · the application number: 001-00449765 demolition cost). The town also
describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Water Act
Open regular hours every · explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activity on government needs to confirm that no
Tuesday from 9-11 am. · and/or diversion of water proposed in the application time additional off site work (such as
provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where
the concerns described are believed to be applicable water/sewer line upgrades, fire
· state the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site protection, intersection traffic
in the application In January, former Legislative control devices etc.) would be
· contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Assembly of Alberta employee
780-723-1350 Please provide the telephone number and/or email address for ease of Kathleen Westergaard reportedly required to support the initiative.
The motion was passed
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more made allegations against unanimously to support the
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. information if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject employer MLA Eric Rosendahl, recommendation.
their written submission as a valid statement of concern. The Public Notice of this
Food Bank located at application will also be posted on the Department's website at claiming that he pressured her continued on page 11
4511 5th Ave., Edson . into doing partisan work on
Please quote file number: 00435441 government time.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor In an interview with The
Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which Weekly Anchor, MLA Rosendahl
are accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern
may affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board. addressed the issue, “It's a
personnel thing and it has to stay
Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
Remember to drop off your with that.” Rosendahl would
donations for the David Macintyre provide no further comment.
Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd.
EDSON FOOD BANK Phone: 780-702-6235
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys
or the Edson Food Bank
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings,
the second and last Thursday of the Month
6:45-8:00 pm.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from
9-11 am.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson