Page 11 - January 13 2020
P. 11
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
The headlines that shaped 2019: A Year in Review
continued from page 10
the keys at the end of 2019 and
Mackay and their concerns over the future of Farewell to old we'll be looking at moving
their programs.
Edson Playschool Association
Pinedale no President Stephanie Fossheim Rec Complex residents over probably early
2020 in March or April,
longer hold said, “After the last meeting, we In light of the proposed new depending on the weather,” said
took the information back to our
Hamlet board and our board made the Multi-Use Recreation Complex,
decision to work with
demolition of the Edson and
designation [Westhaven School Principal] District Recreation Complex Edson Honda
began on March 13 and
Stacy McGowan and have our
program transition under her continued for approximately 14 the victim of
The status of the Hamlet of administration. We had plenty of days.
MacKay and the Hamlet of discussion on moving and three thefts this
Pinedale were under discussion opening somewhere else, and
at the Yellowhead County unfortunately that's not NDP MLA Eric year
Council on February 26. something that we can financially Since the beginning of 2019,
Municipal Affairs defines a afford to do.” Rosendahl will Edson Honda has been the victim
Hamlet as a community that of theft on three separate
consists of five or more not seek re- occasions.
dwellings, has a generally Town Council On January 10 around 4 am, six
accepted boundary and name, election EU3000 and other larger
and contains land that is used for supports $70 generators were stolen from
non-residential purposes. Neither On March 3, West Yellowhead inside the Honda dealership after
McKay nor Pinedale actually million for MLA Eric Rosendahl announced perpetrator(s) broke through the
meet the MGA requirements for that he will not seek re-election service door window.
Hamlet status. Multi-Use in the spring as it is in his and his On February 4, six more
County gave three separate family's best interest to “spend generators were stolen after
readings for McKay and Pinedale Recreation less time in Edmonton” and perpetrator(s) towed the vehicle
passing the removal of the focus his energy “closer to blocking the service door across
hamlet designations. Complex home” as he approaches his 70 the Edson Honda parking lot and
On March 4 during their regular year. busted through the same window
scheduled meeting, Town that had been shattered during
GYPSD Council was presented with a the last incident.
request for decision concerning April 2019
On March 19, Edson Honda
preschool plans recommendations made by the became the victim of a third theft
when two sets of rear tires were
Multiplex Steering Committee in
may force relation to Edson's proposed stolen off of two 2019 Honda
Multi-Use Recreation Complex. Parkland
Civics parked in their lot.
closure of as it stands, is estimated at Lodge update
The proposed design concept,
Edson approximately $70 million. Province leaves
Additional costs will include the presented at
Playschool demolition of Repsol Place upon Edson's
completion of the new facility, as Town Council
Assoc. well as well as the potential to Provincial Wastewater
upgrade site utilities such as
water/sewer line, fire protection, plant high-and-
Following the February 6 traffic control, et cetera. government
Grande Yellowhead Public The motion to support the dry for funding
School Division (GYPSD) Multi-Use Recreational Complex announces an
meeting, in which plans for conceptual project scope, along On March 12 during the
implementing a Junior with the proposed project additional $8M Committee of the Whole
Kindergarten program into timeline and estimated cost of meeting, an update concerning
schools across the division were $70 million was carried for the project the Edson Wastewater Treatment
prepared, local groups running unanimously. Plant in relation to funding
preschool facilities expressed On March 26 during the provided by the Alberta
Committee of the Whole Municipal Water/Wastewater
Thank You meeting, Evergreens Foundation Partnership provincial grant was
CAO Kristen Chambers met with provided to Town Council.
On behalf of KATE'S KITCHEN , we would like to extend Town Council to provide an 35.67% of the funding for the
our heartfelt thanks to the following businesses update concerning the Parkland project was to be provided by the
and people who have made donations Lodge project. province through the Alberta
towards our monthly free lunch program during 2019. Chambers said, “Currently, the Municipal Water/Wastewater
We so greatly appreciate your generosity. Parkland Lodge project is going Partnership (AMWWP)
fantastic. It's been really well provincial grant program.
Mountain Pizza and Steakhouse Smitty's Restaurant done from the construction side.” The original budget amount of
Ricky's All Day Grill Legacy Market $13 million was submitted to the
Jeanette Gudmunson Tien Young “We're obviously pleased with
Des Tesfamari Alison Reid Joan Carter the government's announcement province for approval and on
and all the people who have brought in treats and desserts. to fund us the additional $8 September 4, 2015, a funding
million to complete the project,” agreement was signed,
We would also like to thank our many volunteers who make this Chambers mentioned. “That guaranteeing a grant amount of
venture possible, but especially we thank our guests who advances the rest of our projects $4.7 million to be provided to the
brighten our day when they come to share the meals. tremendously.” Town.
“They're on target to hand us
YOU ARE ALL STARS. continued on page 12
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
The headlines that shaped 2019: A Year in Review
continued from page 10
the keys at the end of 2019 and
Mackay and their concerns over the future of Farewell to old we'll be looking at moving
their programs.
Edson Playschool Association
Pinedale no President Stephanie Fossheim Rec Complex residents over probably early
2020 in March or April,
longer hold said, “After the last meeting, we In light of the proposed new depending on the weather,” said
took the information back to our
Hamlet board and our board made the Multi-Use Recreation Complex,
decision to work with
demolition of the Edson and
designation [Westhaven School Principal] District Recreation Complex Edson Honda
began on March 13 and
Stacy McGowan and have our
program transition under her continued for approximately 14 the victim of
The status of the Hamlet of administration. We had plenty of days.
MacKay and the Hamlet of discussion on moving and three thefts this
Pinedale were under discussion opening somewhere else, and
at the Yellowhead County unfortunately that's not NDP MLA Eric year
Council on February 26. something that we can financially Since the beginning of 2019,
Municipal Affairs defines a afford to do.” Rosendahl will Edson Honda has been the victim
Hamlet as a community that of theft on three separate
consists of five or more not seek re- occasions.
dwellings, has a generally Town Council On January 10 around 4 am, six
accepted boundary and name, election EU3000 and other larger
and contains land that is used for supports $70 generators were stolen from
non-residential purposes. Neither On March 3, West Yellowhead inside the Honda dealership after
McKay nor Pinedale actually million for MLA Eric Rosendahl announced perpetrator(s) broke through the
meet the MGA requirements for that he will not seek re-election service door window.
Hamlet status. Multi-Use in the spring as it is in his and his On February 4, six more
County gave three separate family's best interest to “spend generators were stolen after
readings for McKay and Pinedale Recreation less time in Edmonton” and perpetrator(s) towed the vehicle
passing the removal of the focus his energy “closer to blocking the service door across
hamlet designations. Complex home” as he approaches his 70 the Edson Honda parking lot and
On March 4 during their regular year. busted through the same window
scheduled meeting, Town that had been shattered during
GYPSD Council was presented with a the last incident.
request for decision concerning April 2019
On March 19, Edson Honda
preschool plans recommendations made by the became the victim of a third theft
when two sets of rear tires were
Multiplex Steering Committee in
may force relation to Edson's proposed stolen off of two 2019 Honda
Multi-Use Recreation Complex. Parkland
Civics parked in their lot.
closure of as it stands, is estimated at Lodge update
The proposed design concept,
Edson approximately $70 million. Province leaves
Additional costs will include the presented at
Playschool demolition of Repsol Place upon Edson's
completion of the new facility, as Town Council
Assoc. well as well as the potential to Provincial Wastewater
upgrade site utilities such as
water/sewer line, fire protection, plant high-and-
Following the February 6 traffic control, et cetera. government
Grande Yellowhead Public The motion to support the dry for funding
School Division (GYPSD) Multi-Use Recreational Complex announces an
meeting, in which plans for conceptual project scope, along On March 12 during the
implementing a Junior with the proposed project additional $8M Committee of the Whole
Kindergarten program into timeline and estimated cost of meeting, an update concerning
schools across the division were $70 million was carried for the project the Edson Wastewater Treatment
prepared, local groups running unanimously. Plant in relation to funding
preschool facilities expressed On March 26 during the provided by the Alberta
Committee of the Whole Municipal Water/Wastewater
Thank You meeting, Evergreens Foundation Partnership provincial grant was
CAO Kristen Chambers met with provided to Town Council.
On behalf of KATE'S KITCHEN , we would like to extend Town Council to provide an 35.67% of the funding for the
our heartfelt thanks to the following businesses update concerning the Parkland project was to be provided by the
and people who have made donations Lodge project. province through the Alberta
towards our monthly free lunch program during 2019. Chambers said, “Currently, the Municipal Water/Wastewater
We so greatly appreciate your generosity. Parkland Lodge project is going Partnership (AMWWP)
fantastic. It's been really well provincial grant program.
Mountain Pizza and Steakhouse Smitty's Restaurant done from the construction side.” The original budget amount of
Ricky's All Day Grill Legacy Market $13 million was submitted to the
Jeanette Gudmunson Tien Young “We're obviously pleased with
Des Tesfamari Alison Reid Joan Carter the government's announcement province for approval and on
and all the people who have brought in treats and desserts. to fund us the additional $8 September 4, 2015, a funding
million to complete the project,” agreement was signed,
We would also like to thank our many volunteers who make this Chambers mentioned. “That guaranteeing a grant amount of
venture possible, but especially we thank our guests who advances the rest of our projects $4.7 million to be provided to the
brighten our day when they come to share the meals. tremendously.” Town.
“They're on target to hand us
YOU ARE ALL STARS. continued on page 12