Page 21 - March 12, 2018
P. 21
15 Annual
Larry Iwaschuk
swamp cartoons
Memorial Poker Rally TIGER
by Dawn Olsvik “Even before the official rally was CARTOONS
started, friends who were in a rally
While much of Alberta was under
the weekend after his passing wore
Comics changed for March 12 issue a winter storm warning on March 3, armbands in his memory. This was
sledding enthusiasts from all over
the beginning of the idea for an
the province converged in Edson for annual event to honor him.” The
the 15 Annual Larry Iwaschuk Rally has taken place every year
Memorial Poker Rally. since, except for one that was
Participants from as far away as cancelled due to a lack of snow. th
Blue River and Cochrane braved the After a snowy day of sledding just Riders heading out on the trails at the 15 Annual Larry Iwaschuk
conditions to take part in this annual over 100km, participants were Memorial Poker Rally. photo Dawn Olsvik
event put on by the Edson Sno- bussed to the Edson Legion for
Seekers Snowmobile Club. refreshments and to get the final Congratulatio
A record 368 riders, ranging in card for their poker hands. Door
age from 4 to 72 years old, prizes were handed out as well as
registered for the ride which is the prizes for the oldest and youngest
major fundraiser for the club. sledders. Winners included: 3
On August 12, 2017ugust 12, 2017
The money raised enables them to Place Blake Shabada with a full On A
maintain and groom trails in the house (Queens/Aces); 2 Place The W
The West and East est and East
Edson area. Some of the trails Teresa Tailby with four of a kind
were united at
were united at
groomed include Edson to Silver (4s with a 2); and 1 Place Shawn Lilly Lake, New Brunswicke, New Brunswick
HIDE DENIS Robb, and the Rally loop South of with a Jack). married her best friend,
Summit to Tom Hill, Edson to
Lilly Lak
Weeteringen with four of a kind (4s
the Rec Complex. The group also
Melissa Donkin, who kept
married her best friend,
builds and maintains warm-up
volunteers organized and things
shacks along the trails.
In 2002, the year following the running smoothly throughout the NICK CAND
day said, “The club would like to
Welcome to our family.elcome to our family.
tragic passing of Larry Iwaschuk in send out a huge thank you to all of W
a snowmobile accident, family and our volunteers for all their hard
friends started the rally in his work and to our sponsors for their
Mom, Dad, Lori and Scottd, Lori and Scott
memory. Larry's wife Marion said, support.” Mom, Da
T he Weekly ANCHOR A page for Kids and Kids at heart page for Kids and Kids at heart
DENNIS Comics & Fun Our goal with this new page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by providing some amusing
reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and reading with younger children is a great way for families
CARTOONS to spend some quality time. And for us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic ...enjoy!
Find the
little 1/4 inch
Dennis hidden
inside this
and enter
our monthly
draw for
a prize!
Email us the page
number he’s on
to: anchorwk@
(or call)
Enter every week!
(ages 0-18)
Q: Why did the girl nibble on her calendar?
A: She really liked sundaes.
Q: What happens when you tell an egg a joke?
A: It cracks up.
Q: What do you take before your breakfast?
A: A seat.
Joke of Q: When do you stop at green? Q: What looks like half a horse?
In the News
the Week: A: When you're eating a watermelon. A: The other half of a horse.
Q: How does a lion greet animals?
A: Pleased to eat you.
Q: What did the tree wear swimming?
A: Swimming trunks.
T he Weekly ANCHOR A pa Our goal with this new page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video Q: Why did the leaf go to the hospital?
A page for Kids and Kids at heartge for Kids and Kids at heart
A: It was feeling a bit green.
Comics & Fun screens by providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood Q: What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A: A palm tree.
literacy. Sitting and reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend
some quality time. And for us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic ...enjoy!
Q: How do trees connect to the internet?
15 Annual
Larry Iwaschuk
swamp cartoons
Memorial Poker Rally TIGER
by Dawn Olsvik “Even before the official rally was CARTOONS
started, friends who were in a rally
While much of Alberta was under
the weekend after his passing wore
Comics changed for March 12 issue a winter storm warning on March 3, armbands in his memory. This was
sledding enthusiasts from all over
the beginning of the idea for an
the province converged in Edson for annual event to honor him.” The
the 15 Annual Larry Iwaschuk Rally has taken place every year
Memorial Poker Rally. since, except for one that was
Participants from as far away as cancelled due to a lack of snow. th
Blue River and Cochrane braved the After a snowy day of sledding just Riders heading out on the trails at the 15 Annual Larry Iwaschuk
conditions to take part in this annual over 100km, participants were Memorial Poker Rally. photo Dawn Olsvik
event put on by the Edson Sno- bussed to the Edson Legion for
Seekers Snowmobile Club. refreshments and to get the final Congratulatio
A record 368 riders, ranging in card for their poker hands. Door
age from 4 to 72 years old, prizes were handed out as well as
registered for the ride which is the prizes for the oldest and youngest
major fundraiser for the club. sledders. Winners included: 3
On August 12, 2017ugust 12, 2017
The money raised enables them to Place Blake Shabada with a full On A
maintain and groom trails in the house (Queens/Aces); 2 Place The W
The West and East est and East
Edson area. Some of the trails Teresa Tailby with four of a kind
were united at
were united at
groomed include Edson to Silver (4s with a 2); and 1 Place Shawn Lilly Lake, New Brunswicke, New Brunswick
HIDE DENIS Robb, and the Rally loop South of with a Jack). married her best friend,
Summit to Tom Hill, Edson to
Lilly Lak
Weeteringen with four of a kind (4s
the Rec Complex. The group also
Melissa Donkin, who kept
married her best friend,
builds and maintains warm-up
volunteers organized and things
shacks along the trails.
In 2002, the year following the running smoothly throughout the NICK CAND
day said, “The club would like to
Welcome to our family.elcome to our family.
tragic passing of Larry Iwaschuk in send out a huge thank you to all of W
a snowmobile accident, family and our volunteers for all their hard
friends started the rally in his work and to our sponsors for their
Mom, Dad, Lori and Scottd, Lori and Scott
memory. Larry's wife Marion said, support.” Mom, Da
T he Weekly ANCHOR A page for Kids and Kids at heart page for Kids and Kids at heart
DENNIS Comics & Fun Our goal with this new page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by providing some amusing
reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and reading with younger children is a great way for families
CARTOONS to spend some quality time. And for us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic ...enjoy!
Find the
little 1/4 inch
Dennis hidden
inside this
and enter
our monthly
draw for
a prize!
Email us the page
number he’s on
to: anchorwk@
(or call)
Enter every week!
(ages 0-18)
Q: Why did the girl nibble on her calendar?
A: She really liked sundaes.
Q: What happens when you tell an egg a joke?
A: It cracks up.
Q: What do you take before your breakfast?
A: A seat.
Joke of Q: When do you stop at green? Q: What looks like half a horse?
In the News
the Week: A: When you're eating a watermelon. A: The other half of a horse.
Q: How does a lion greet animals?
A: Pleased to eat you.
Q: What did the tree wear swimming?
A: Swimming trunks.
T he Weekly ANCHOR A pa Our goal with this new page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video Q: Why did the leaf go to the hospital?
A page for Kids and Kids at heartge for Kids and Kids at heart
A: It was feeling a bit green.
Comics & Fun screens by providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood Q: What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A: A palm tree.
literacy. Sitting and reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend
some quality time. And for us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic ...enjoy!
Q: How do trees connect to the internet?