Page 23 - March 12, 2018
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Information Day Passport•Citizenship•Rifle Arms Licence• Credit Union ad
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Elementary DROP IN AND SEE! must stay on Page 7
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
by Deanna Mitchener
Information tours of Mary Bergeron 780-723-5787
Elementary School were given on March 7 for The Weekly Anchor
parents and children considering Kindergarten Assistant Principal Debra Boos at the Mary Bergeron School talking with Johann, Bianca and
enrollment in the school. Emilie (4) Coetee during the Kindergarten tours at the school on March 7. photo Deanna
"Today we are inviting parents with perspective Mitchener
kindergarten students in the Fall of 2018, to
come into the school. We invite them to have a Edson Funeral Home
tour of the school and the kindergarten classes, question and gathering information. For families School Division bus transportation, Language
and to hear about our great programming. And to that have a child heading off to kindergarten for Enrichment Program, and the PUF Funding FIRST WEEK OF THE MONTH
register as a student, if they would like to as well. the first time, many found it reassuring to have Program were available.
Our kindergarten classes will run five days a their questions answered and their child made to Mary Bergeron Elementary will be offered Must stay on page 7
week," said Assistant Principal Debra Boos. feel welcome and offered snacks. Information tours again on March 21 from 9 a.m.
Families enjoyed touring the school, asking Information on Grande Yellowhead Public until 11 a.m., and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. As per Sue
Vanier Catholic School holds Kindergarten information session On right hand side
by Deanna Mitchener out and we hope that you find we are the right fit "If we are the right fit for you as a school, then of the page
for your child. We have three Kindergarten the Catholic faith is part of what we teach every
Vanier Community Catholic School held an teachers Qwen KcKay, Kim Haland, and Shelley day. It's about being good, honest, and caring. We
information session for parents on March 6 for Simmons (who was sick and unable attend). We talk about God, and we talk about what would
their Kindergarten Program. have Michelle Campbell who is our Speech Jesus do in life. We use it in our discipline policy
Vanier offers a full day Kindergarten program Therapist and Anna Vander Haeghe will be so it's all about decisions, consequences and how
that runs Monday to Friday. The school follows joining us shortly from Occupational Therapy." to make decisions in life. We do take our faith
the Kindergarten Program of Studies as "We always start off with a prayer so I would very seriously. So if your child attends our school
prescribed by Alberta Education. They follow like to say a prayer for us tonight," said the there is no opting out for faith; like saying I don't
seven learning areas including Early Learning, Principal, "We ask you Lord to bless our school want my child to go to church on Friday when we
Early Numeracy, Citizenship and Identity, and our children. Let our school be a place that go for a visit. We are not here to convert, but we
Environmental and Community Awareness, and will always provide us with safety and security are here to educate," said Principal Churchill.
Personal Expression. for our children, a place we can all find strength, Each of the Kindergarten teachers, speech and
As a faith-based school they encourage understanding and support, and a place where we occupational therapists talked about how they do
academic, physical, and spiritual growth. can always help one another to grow in your things and made time for questions afterward.
Principal Betty Churchill, said, "I have worked love..." Then parents and youngsters also had the
here at the school since 1996 and have been in Principal Churchill continued, "As you all opportunity to take a tour of the whole school. It
administration since 2000. Vanier is in my heart know we are a Catholic School and we have was a very welcoming and informative night for
and I see many people here tonight that have children that come to us who are not Catholic. the many families who came out seeking
come to Vanier as students, who now have their That is fine, as we are not here to convert you to information about Vanier's Kindergarten
children here." Catholicism —that's not what we are about. But program.
Addressing the parents, Principal Churchill we do expect you to respect our Catholic faith
said, "We are pleased that you came to check us when you send your children to our school."
Michelle Campbell
(Speech Therapist),
Kim Haland
(Teacher), Qwen
McKay (Teacher)
and Betty Churchill
(Principal) at Vanier
Community Catholic
information session.
Shelley Simmons
(Teacher) and Anna
Vander Haeghe
Therapist) missing
from photo.
photo Deanna
ready in minutes while you wait...
Information Day Passport•Citizenship•Rifle Arms Licence• Credit Union ad
at Mary Bergeron Permanent Resident•Photos & more
Elementary DROP IN AND SEE! must stay on Page 7
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
by Deanna Mitchener
Information tours of Mary Bergeron 780-723-5787
Elementary School were given on March 7 for The Weekly Anchor
parents and children considering Kindergarten Assistant Principal Debra Boos at the Mary Bergeron School talking with Johann, Bianca and
enrollment in the school. Emilie (4) Coetee during the Kindergarten tours at the school on March 7. photo Deanna
"Today we are inviting parents with perspective Mitchener
kindergarten students in the Fall of 2018, to
come into the school. We invite them to have a Edson Funeral Home
tour of the school and the kindergarten classes, question and gathering information. For families School Division bus transportation, Language
and to hear about our great programming. And to that have a child heading off to kindergarten for Enrichment Program, and the PUF Funding FIRST WEEK OF THE MONTH
register as a student, if they would like to as well. the first time, many found it reassuring to have Program were available.
Our kindergarten classes will run five days a their questions answered and their child made to Mary Bergeron Elementary will be offered Must stay on page 7
week," said Assistant Principal Debra Boos. feel welcome and offered snacks. Information tours again on March 21 from 9 a.m.
Families enjoyed touring the school, asking Information on Grande Yellowhead Public until 11 a.m., and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. As per Sue
Vanier Catholic School holds Kindergarten information session On right hand side
by Deanna Mitchener out and we hope that you find we are the right fit "If we are the right fit for you as a school, then of the page
for your child. We have three Kindergarten the Catholic faith is part of what we teach every
Vanier Community Catholic School held an teachers Qwen KcKay, Kim Haland, and Shelley day. It's about being good, honest, and caring. We
information session for parents on March 6 for Simmons (who was sick and unable attend). We talk about God, and we talk about what would
their Kindergarten Program. have Michelle Campbell who is our Speech Jesus do in life. We use it in our discipline policy
Vanier offers a full day Kindergarten program Therapist and Anna Vander Haeghe will be so it's all about decisions, consequences and how
that runs Monday to Friday. The school follows joining us shortly from Occupational Therapy." to make decisions in life. We do take our faith
the Kindergarten Program of Studies as "We always start off with a prayer so I would very seriously. So if your child attends our school
prescribed by Alberta Education. They follow like to say a prayer for us tonight," said the there is no opting out for faith; like saying I don't
seven learning areas including Early Learning, Principal, "We ask you Lord to bless our school want my child to go to church on Friday when we
Early Numeracy, Citizenship and Identity, and our children. Let our school be a place that go for a visit. We are not here to convert, but we
Environmental and Community Awareness, and will always provide us with safety and security are here to educate," said Principal Churchill.
Personal Expression. for our children, a place we can all find strength, Each of the Kindergarten teachers, speech and
As a faith-based school they encourage understanding and support, and a place where we occupational therapists talked about how they do
academic, physical, and spiritual growth. can always help one another to grow in your things and made time for questions afterward.
Principal Betty Churchill, said, "I have worked love..." Then parents and youngsters also had the
here at the school since 1996 and have been in Principal Churchill continued, "As you all opportunity to take a tour of the whole school. It
administration since 2000. Vanier is in my heart know we are a Catholic School and we have was a very welcoming and informative night for
and I see many people here tonight that have children that come to us who are not Catholic. the many families who came out seeking
come to Vanier as students, who now have their That is fine, as we are not here to convert you to information about Vanier's Kindergarten
children here." Catholicism —that's not what we are about. But program.
Addressing the parents, Principal Churchill we do expect you to respect our Catholic faith
said, "We are pleased that you came to check us when you send your children to our school."
Michelle Campbell
(Speech Therapist),
Kim Haland
(Teacher), Qwen
McKay (Teacher)
and Betty Churchill
(Principal) at Vanier
Community Catholic
information session.
Shelley Simmons
(Teacher) and Anna
Vander Haeghe
Therapist) missing
from photo.
photo Deanna