Page 22 - March 4, 2019
P. 22
PAGE 22 MONDAY MARCH 4, 2019 Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by:
Times Times
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality Work
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
On February 21st, Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara visited with students at Holy Redeemer to talk about local issues and how youth can
contribute to the community. There were plenty of great questions from the students, everything from the municipal organics program, curbside
recycling, what will be included in the proposed multiplex and the huge desire for a new theatre and timeline to see it come become a reality.
Parkland's Archery aims to get more students into athletics
The Parkland Pacers Archery team hold their bows in preparation during a practice. photo Shaylyn Thornton
by Shaylyn Thornton Although some students may have been positive and understanding so that you can keep
involved in archery for years, like team member going.” Langston's favorite part of being on the
A sport as interesting as archery likely comes Gracie Zadderey, others like Christopher Archery team is “the atmosphere and the
with some misconceptions. For example, you Hemsworth heard about the team through school coaches”, who clearly work hard to help their
may not think that students would be able to and decided to just give it a try. Hemsworth said students succeed.
practice their shooting technique from a high he stuck around because he enjoys challenging Coach Ryan Hall said, “Some students who
school hallway. However, the Parkland Pacers himself and believes the most important traits to may not be interested in other sports are able to
Archery team would beg to differ, as they set up find success with archery are being “serious, get involved in archery,” which allows them to
their targets, arrows, and bows in the Pacers focused, and coachable.” learn what it's like to be a part of a team. Coach
Passage. Zadderey agreed that staying focused was Hall also said that he is very grateful to the
Another misconception may be that archery is important, and also said, “You have to be Edson Chapter of the Wild Sheep Foundation, for
too dangerous for high school students to take positive and confident, and you always want to their continuous support of Pacers Archery.
part in. But again, the Pacers would have to be in competition with yourself to get better.” The students on this team work hard to perfect
disagree. From large wood and cloth backdrops Zadderey was first introduced to archery by her their mindsets, form, and technique. This hard
to very specific rules and instructions given by mom in Niton and is still happily competing six work will be put to the test on March 15, as these
the Parkland Pacers coaching team, the safety of years later. young archers compete in Provincials at the
their students is of the utmost importance. Archer Korben Langston was introduced to the Boats and Sportsman Show in Edmonton.
Finally, you may think that you'd have to come sport in his Outdoor Ed class, which happened to With 80 other schools and approximately 2000
with a lot of experience before joining something be taught by one of the Archery team's coaches, archers, the level of competition this team faces
like the archery team. However, the Parkland Kandel Vick. Langston ended up having a is incredible. But if their practices are any
Pacers Archery team offers an exciting and natural talent for archery and has become one of indication, those other archers best be prepared if
interesting introduction to competitive shooting, the best archers on the team. He said, “I'm really they want to beat the students of the Parkland
and the coaches are happy to help students learn competitive, so I always push myself. It's really Pacers archery team.
the sport. hard when you mess up, but you have to stay
PAGE 22 MONDAY MARCH 4, 2019 Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by:
Times Times
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality Work
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
On February 21st, Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara visited with students at Holy Redeemer to talk about local issues and how youth can
contribute to the community. There were plenty of great questions from the students, everything from the municipal organics program, curbside
recycling, what will be included in the proposed multiplex and the huge desire for a new theatre and timeline to see it come become a reality.
Parkland's Archery aims to get more students into athletics
The Parkland Pacers Archery team hold their bows in preparation during a practice. photo Shaylyn Thornton
by Shaylyn Thornton Although some students may have been positive and understanding so that you can keep
involved in archery for years, like team member going.” Langston's favorite part of being on the
A sport as interesting as archery likely comes Gracie Zadderey, others like Christopher Archery team is “the atmosphere and the
with some misconceptions. For example, you Hemsworth heard about the team through school coaches”, who clearly work hard to help their
may not think that students would be able to and decided to just give it a try. Hemsworth said students succeed.
practice their shooting technique from a high he stuck around because he enjoys challenging Coach Ryan Hall said, “Some students who
school hallway. However, the Parkland Pacers himself and believes the most important traits to may not be interested in other sports are able to
Archery team would beg to differ, as they set up find success with archery are being “serious, get involved in archery,” which allows them to
their targets, arrows, and bows in the Pacers focused, and coachable.” learn what it's like to be a part of a team. Coach
Passage. Zadderey agreed that staying focused was Hall also said that he is very grateful to the
Another misconception may be that archery is important, and also said, “You have to be Edson Chapter of the Wild Sheep Foundation, for
too dangerous for high school students to take positive and confident, and you always want to their continuous support of Pacers Archery.
part in. But again, the Pacers would have to be in competition with yourself to get better.” The students on this team work hard to perfect
disagree. From large wood and cloth backdrops Zadderey was first introduced to archery by her their mindsets, form, and technique. This hard
to very specific rules and instructions given by mom in Niton and is still happily competing six work will be put to the test on March 15, as these
the Parkland Pacers coaching team, the safety of years later. young archers compete in Provincials at the
their students is of the utmost importance. Archer Korben Langston was introduced to the Boats and Sportsman Show in Edmonton.
Finally, you may think that you'd have to come sport in his Outdoor Ed class, which happened to With 80 other schools and approximately 2000
with a lot of experience before joining something be taught by one of the Archery team's coaches, archers, the level of competition this team faces
like the archery team. However, the Parkland Kandel Vick. Langston ended up having a is incredible. But if their practices are any
Pacers Archery team offers an exciting and natural talent for archery and has become one of indication, those other archers best be prepared if
interesting introduction to competitive shooting, the best archers on the team. He said, “I'm really they want to beat the students of the Parkland
and the coaches are happy to help students learn competitive, so I always push myself. It's really Pacers archery team.
the sport. hard when you mess up, but you have to stay