Page 24 - March 4, 2019
P. 24
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events Intimate musical experience at third Chautauqua show
Upcoming Events
Mar 2: Join the Edson Muskeg Flyers for 40
Mooseheart Loppet at the Hornbeck trails.
Registration starts at 9 am and the race starts
at 11 am. Choose your own distance: 1k, 2.5k,
5k, 10k, or 15k. Come dressed in your seventies
gear. For more information, contact Steve/Lisa
at 780-712-6313.
Mar 2: To celebrate the 40 year of the
formation of the Edson Muskeg Flyers Nordic
Ski Club, the group will be hosting a dinner at
the Edson Pioneer Cabin starting at 6 pm
following the Mooseheart Loppet. Following
the dinner, a video of the 1986 Alberta Winter
Games skiing events will be shown. Everyone is
welcome to attend. RVSP to Barbara at or Anne at
Mar 5: Join Phyllis Roberto in examining 6
different areas of life during a 'Resilient You'
session held from 6 pm to 8 pm in the Repsol On February 23, Albertan singer/songwriter Leeroy Stagger, alongside his band—The Rebeltone
Place Hospitality Room. This program is for Sound—performed on the Red Brick Arts Centre stage for the third Chautauqua show of the season,
adults and is free to attend. Drop-ins are providing an intimate and unique musical experience for attendants to enjoy.
welcome, but registration is appreciated. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Register online at or in person at
Repsol Place. by Cassie Kushniruk life.
By sharing these personal stories with the
Mar 8: Come out to the Boys and Girls Club Community members were in for a unique and audience, Stagger connected with the attendants
from 4:30 pm to 6:30 for a free outdoor skate intimate musical experience on February 23 as and allowed for a more intimate experience as the
and warm up with some treats around the fire. Albertan singer/songwriter Leeroy Stagger and his audience began to feel like they knew this stranger
band braved the cold to perform for Chautauqua's a little better than before.
Mar 13: The last session of this year's third show of the season at the Red Brick Arts Although Stagger is normally part of a five-piece
Armchair Traveller series will start at 7 pm in Centre. rock-and-roll band, his presence in the 'Campfire
the Edson Public Library's community use In the early days of his musical career, Stagger Diaries Tour' was more simple and serene as all of
room, where Ciera Knight will share her performed in several bands before reinventing his songs were accompanied solely by acoustic
journey climbing Mount Everest. himself as a solo artist. After gaining the attention instruments, similar to what one would find during
from popular acts such as Hot Hot Heat and a sing-a-long around a campfire.
Mar 15: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free lunch Carolyn Mark, Stagger released his first EP—Six Each of Stagger's band members brought a
at St. Catherine's Anglican Church (617 Main Tales of Danger— in 2002. unique presence and sound to the stage as they all
Street) from 11:30am - 1pm. It is held every Since then, Stagger has toured the transitioned between different instruments between
third Thursday of each month and all are world—whether solo or alongside other well- songs.
welcome. known acts, such as Steve Earle and the The audience enjoyed the band's alternative
Pixies—promoting his music and inspiring people country style as they steered away from electrical
Mar 16: Parkland Lodge Auxiliary will be along the way. instruments and instead played traditional
holding their annual St. Patty's Day Tea and Throughout the years, Stagger has made his instruments, such as the banjo, acoustic guitar, and
Bake Sale starting at 1:30 pm at the Parkland name known in the music industry, and since the tambourine. Instead of a large drum set, the band
Lodge. Any baking donations can be dropped release of his eleventh studio album—Love instead used a portable box drum, which made the
off at the Lodge. For more information, call Versus—Stagger was awarded Solo Artist of the venue seem that much more friendly and intimate.
Carol at 780-723-5518 or Ann at 780-723- Year during the 2017 Canadian Folk Awards. After an outburst of applause and a standing
4522. Since June 2018, Stagger, alongside his three- ovation following the final song, Stagger and his
piece band—The Rebeltone Sound— have been band returned to the stage for one last song. This
Mar 24: Hymn Sing will be held at the Edson touring across North America on 'The Campfire time, instead of singing into their microphones on
stage, the band simply sat on the edge of the stage
Diaries Tour', bringing their alternative
Baptist Church located at 4717 9 Avenue. country/folk music style to stages across the with their instruments and invited the audience to
Doors open at 6 p.m., sing-a-long begins at continent to inspire love, kindness, and the sense of sing along to one last final song— making the
6:30 and goes until 7:30 p.m. Open to the community. venue feel like a real campfire sing-a-long.
public, free of charge. “When we started the tour, we asked ourselves,
Remember to drop off your 'Is love enough to save us?'” Stagger addressed the
donations for the See Classified Page for crowd. “As we toured across North America… we
EDSON FOOD BANK monthly meetings and activities saw so many stories of love and redemption and
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys struggle and trauma; and I think I came up with an
or the Edson Food Bank EDSON SENIOR’S answer.”
“Love is just a word, but with an action behind
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, TRANSPORTATION SOCIETY it, it's enough to change the world,” Stagger
the second and last Thursday of the Month continued. “That's what you guys are here doing
6:45-8:00 pm. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING tonight; showing up and getting out from under the
Open regular hours every Tuesday from TV or [social media] and we're putting community
9-11 am. back together again.”
March 27, 2019
780-723-1350 March 27, 2019 Throughout the performance, the theme of love
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and expressing kindness towards others was
6:30 p.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. 6:30 p.m. evident in many of Stagger's songs.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Before playing each song, Stagger shared the
Parkland Lodge particular story or memory that he had drawn from
Parkland Lodge
in the green room to create the song, whether inspired by a personal
in the green room
idol or by the hardships he has experienced in his
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events Intimate musical experience at third Chautauqua show
Upcoming Events
Mar 2: Join the Edson Muskeg Flyers for 40
Mooseheart Loppet at the Hornbeck trails.
Registration starts at 9 am and the race starts
at 11 am. Choose your own distance: 1k, 2.5k,
5k, 10k, or 15k. Come dressed in your seventies
gear. For more information, contact Steve/Lisa
at 780-712-6313.
Mar 2: To celebrate the 40 year of the
formation of the Edson Muskeg Flyers Nordic
Ski Club, the group will be hosting a dinner at
the Edson Pioneer Cabin starting at 6 pm
following the Mooseheart Loppet. Following
the dinner, a video of the 1986 Alberta Winter
Games skiing events will be shown. Everyone is
welcome to attend. RVSP to Barbara at or Anne at
Mar 5: Join Phyllis Roberto in examining 6
different areas of life during a 'Resilient You'
session held from 6 pm to 8 pm in the Repsol On February 23, Albertan singer/songwriter Leeroy Stagger, alongside his band—The Rebeltone
Place Hospitality Room. This program is for Sound—performed on the Red Brick Arts Centre stage for the third Chautauqua show of the season,
adults and is free to attend. Drop-ins are providing an intimate and unique musical experience for attendants to enjoy.
welcome, but registration is appreciated. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Register online at or in person at
Repsol Place. by Cassie Kushniruk life.
By sharing these personal stories with the
Mar 8: Come out to the Boys and Girls Club Community members were in for a unique and audience, Stagger connected with the attendants
from 4:30 pm to 6:30 for a free outdoor skate intimate musical experience on February 23 as and allowed for a more intimate experience as the
and warm up with some treats around the fire. Albertan singer/songwriter Leeroy Stagger and his audience began to feel like they knew this stranger
band braved the cold to perform for Chautauqua's a little better than before.
Mar 13: The last session of this year's third show of the season at the Red Brick Arts Although Stagger is normally part of a five-piece
Armchair Traveller series will start at 7 pm in Centre. rock-and-roll band, his presence in the 'Campfire
the Edson Public Library's community use In the early days of his musical career, Stagger Diaries Tour' was more simple and serene as all of
room, where Ciera Knight will share her performed in several bands before reinventing his songs were accompanied solely by acoustic
journey climbing Mount Everest. himself as a solo artist. After gaining the attention instruments, similar to what one would find during
from popular acts such as Hot Hot Heat and a sing-a-long around a campfire.
Mar 15: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free lunch Carolyn Mark, Stagger released his first EP—Six Each of Stagger's band members brought a
at St. Catherine's Anglican Church (617 Main Tales of Danger— in 2002. unique presence and sound to the stage as they all
Street) from 11:30am - 1pm. It is held every Since then, Stagger has toured the transitioned between different instruments between
third Thursday of each month and all are world—whether solo or alongside other well- songs.
welcome. known acts, such as Steve Earle and the The audience enjoyed the band's alternative
Pixies—promoting his music and inspiring people country style as they steered away from electrical
Mar 16: Parkland Lodge Auxiliary will be along the way. instruments and instead played traditional
holding their annual St. Patty's Day Tea and Throughout the years, Stagger has made his instruments, such as the banjo, acoustic guitar, and
Bake Sale starting at 1:30 pm at the Parkland name known in the music industry, and since the tambourine. Instead of a large drum set, the band
Lodge. Any baking donations can be dropped release of his eleventh studio album—Love instead used a portable box drum, which made the
off at the Lodge. For more information, call Versus—Stagger was awarded Solo Artist of the venue seem that much more friendly and intimate.
Carol at 780-723-5518 or Ann at 780-723- Year during the 2017 Canadian Folk Awards. After an outburst of applause and a standing
4522. Since June 2018, Stagger, alongside his three- ovation following the final song, Stagger and his
piece band—The Rebeltone Sound— have been band returned to the stage for one last song. This
Mar 24: Hymn Sing will be held at the Edson touring across North America on 'The Campfire time, instead of singing into their microphones on
stage, the band simply sat on the edge of the stage
Diaries Tour', bringing their alternative
Baptist Church located at 4717 9 Avenue. country/folk music style to stages across the with their instruments and invited the audience to
Doors open at 6 p.m., sing-a-long begins at continent to inspire love, kindness, and the sense of sing along to one last final song— making the
6:30 and goes until 7:30 p.m. Open to the community. venue feel like a real campfire sing-a-long.
public, free of charge. “When we started the tour, we asked ourselves,
Remember to drop off your 'Is love enough to save us?'” Stagger addressed the
donations for the See Classified Page for crowd. “As we toured across North America… we
EDSON FOOD BANK monthly meetings and activities saw so many stories of love and redemption and
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys struggle and trauma; and I think I came up with an
or the Edson Food Bank EDSON SENIOR’S answer.”
“Love is just a word, but with an action behind
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, TRANSPORTATION SOCIETY it, it's enough to change the world,” Stagger
the second and last Thursday of the Month continued. “That's what you guys are here doing
6:45-8:00 pm. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING tonight; showing up and getting out from under the
Open regular hours every Tuesday from TV or [social media] and we're putting community
9-11 am. back together again.”
March 27, 2019
780-723-1350 March 27, 2019 Throughout the performance, the theme of love
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and expressing kindness towards others was
6:30 p.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. 6:30 p.m. evident in many of Stagger's songs.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Before playing each song, Stagger shared the
Parkland Lodge particular story or memory that he had drawn from
Parkland Lodge
in the green room to create the song, whether inspired by a personal
in the green room
idol or by the hardships he has experienced in his