Page 10 - November 4, 2019
P. 10

s CHOOL HRH ‘Chicago’ tickets

Times on sale soon

PCHS presents 'The submitted Hart.

“This show is certainly a lot of
work compared to past years,” says
Tickets for Holy Redeemer's
Mummy' escape room production of Chicago: High Blue, who is also a recent Festival
School Edition go on sale on
award winner for Best Actress.
“There is so much singing and
Tuesday, November 5 . And if the
past few years have been any dancing. But at the same time, it is
indication of what to expect, it is a so much fun!”
crazy experience trying to buy There are a number of newcomers
tickets. to the world of drama who will be
“Two years ago we sold out all of making their HRH theatrical debuts
our shows in less than 90 minutes,” in December. This includes grade 7
says Drama Teacher Peter Taylor. students Gabe Baleja, Denelle
“Last year, we sold out in less than Broderson, Kaytlynn Comeau,
30 minutes. This is a good problem Camryn Leslie, Hayden Roth, and
to have, but it is still a problem; and Nevaeh Severson; grade 8 students
something we want to fix.” Emilee Bradet, Bria Sabourin, and
Tickets will go on sale at 8:00 am Dylan Watson; grade 9 students
on the 5 . There will be tickets Josslyn Miller, Alyse Mitchell, and
available for all of the public Rayna Matthews; grade 10 students
performances, which will run Blare Benson and Skylar Hansen;
nightly at 7 pm from December 4 and one of the school's exchange
to 7 , plus two matinees on the 7 at students Mia Cattanach.
10:30 am and 2:00 pm. “We have to On top of having a high calibre
make sure the cast and crew have cast, the show's crew is also top
Parkland Composite High School student Gabe Banack was an instrumental tickets for their families. This will notch. Led by Stage Manager
contributor in the creation of the school's third escape room titled 'The Tomb'. Mekha George, the team is made up
photo Brianne Benson be done ahead of time. From there,
we will make sure each show has of Assistant Stage Managers
by Brianne Benson Grade 12 student Gabe Banack is tickets available for the public,” Danielle Bittner, Josina Kennedy,
and Kirsten Landry, and Sound
in the Advanced Placement says Taylor.
A group of students from Parkland Environmental Science class who Over 45 grade 7 to 12 students Technician Haley Squire.
The HRH Drama Department is
Composite High School organized emerged as a leader in the group, will be taking part in the currently looking for local
their third annual escape room to playing a large role in the planning production, which tells the story of
raise funds for a trip to the and construction of the escape Roxie Hart (Katie Blue and Morgan businesses to help sponsor the
show. Thus far Bannister GM has
Galapagos Islands. room. The construction process was Steffler), a young lady in 1920's stepped forward to be a major
The theme for this year's escape largely contributed to by student Chicago who dreams of becoming a
room was inspired by The Mummy Kade Mathers. star. After murdering her ex- sponsor. “So many businesses help
sponsor our play each and every
movies, and features many intricate Materials from the PCHS boyfriend, she becomes a
props and artifacts to help create a woodshop class were used to create sensational star in the media's eyes, year,” says Taylor. Companies
interested in sponsoring the
thrilling experience for participants. the room and the various props and thanks to her lawyer, Billy Flynn production are encouraged to
“The planning has been in the furniture, including a sarcophagus. (Thomas Pennings). The book was
works for about a year,” said Students have enjoyed building written by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse, contact the school for more
Parkland teacher and escape room the escape rooms so much that a music by John Kander, and lyrics by th
coordinator Kevin Anderson. number of them have also Fred Ebb. Be sure to circle November 5 in
“It's a fundraiser for us, but also a volunteered to help with the escape The production will see a number your calendar as this show is still
number of us just really enjoy doing rooms offered at the Galloway of returning actors that audiences expected to sell out fast.
escape rooms,” Anderson added. Station Museum. may remember from previous If you would like more
“We put together some escape Parkland's 'The Tomb' escape shows. Joining Blue, Pennings, and information on this article please
rooms last year and they were well room will be running from 4pm to Steffler on stage in some of the feel free to contact the school at
received so we are doing it again 7pm until November 7, and will be major roles will be Jayna Fedorak 780-723-7437, visit our website at, or join our
because people have really enjoyed accepting non-perishable food items and Ava Simmons as Velma Kelly, social media pages.
it.” for the Edson Food Bank Society. Carissa Simmons as Matron Mama
Morton, and Jesse Cesario as Amos

Meet Tyson Bryldt! Tyson is 10 years old
and enjoys learning math at Fulham
School. He loves the colour blue and his
favorite superhero is Batman. Tyson
loves dogs and enjoys going sledding in
winter. When Tyson grows up, he wants
to be a carpenter!

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