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Upcoming Events McMan goes 'ale' out for 18th annual Oktoberfest
Upcoming Events

$15,000 raised to provide clients with additional funding

Until October 18: Order delicious cupcakes
from Amanda's Tea Infused Cupcakes and
$20/dozen will go directly back to support

Oct 18: Join the Edson Baptist Church for a
town-wide youth event at the Yellowhead
Koinonia Christian School from 7-9 pm.
Recommended for youth ages 6-12. Laser tag,
game, food, and fun will be provided.

Oct 19: Visit the Red Brick Arts Centre from 10
am to 3 pm for a Harvest Bazaar and Tea. Visit
the home-based businesses and craft tables
upstairs in the dance studios, stock up on
preserves and baking in the gallery, and grab a
quick lunch in Tillie's Tea Room.

Oct 20: Join the Edson Baptist Church from 1-
4 pm for an afternoon of walking the Edson McMan held their annual Oktoberfest fundraiser at the Edson Legion on October 5. Pictured is
Hornbeck Cross Country Ski Trails (Range Road Edson McMan staff, all of whom were essential in bringing the fundraiser together. photo Cassie
184, Yellowhead County). A chili and bun Kushniruk
lunch will be provided before heading out on
the walk. Feel free to bring lawn chairs and by Cassie Kushniruk Zachurak added, “It has also covered some fun
dress to be outdoors for an extended length things like trips and furnishings for their homes.”
of time. Edson McMan Youth, Family and Community In previous years, McMan decided to change
Services Association went 'ale' out for their 18th Oktoberfest to reflect more of a harvest theme
Oct 25-26: EARS will be hosting their Haunted annual Oktoberfest fundraiser on October 5 as after noticing that their attendance was starting to
Forest Fundraiser at the historic Murray's guests were treated to a wonderful evening drop more and more each year. Unfortunately the
Haunted House location. Scaredy Cat time is harvest theme did not attract as many guests as
from 6-7 pm (no active scares), then all in complete with German snacks, beer, and the they were hoping, so McMan decided to bring
from 7-9 pm each night. A bake sale, chance to help out a local cause.
campfire, outdoor movie, and many more 18 years ago, McMan noticed an apparent need back the Oktoberfest theme this year, which saw
surprises will be available. All money raised for additional funding for their clients.“They get great success. “So far it's been a hit,” said
will go towards rescuing and rehoming an AISH allowance from the government once a McMan Supervisor Mary-Anne Bittner. “We sold
animals in need in the Jasper/Hinton/Edson month, but it's not even $1800. It has to cover 120 tickets and we've been selling some at the
area. their rent, their bills, food, and other expenses, door, so we could be sitting anywhere between
which leaves nothing for medical costs, travel 140-150 people.”
Oct 26: Join the Edson United Church for an expenses, or anything else that they need,” said Edson McMan staff were essential in bringing
evening of music at 7 pm featuring Lois and McMan Program Supervisor Samantha the 18th annual Oktoberfest event together, and
the Brians. Tickets include light refreshments. Zachurak. many were even seen volunteering throughout
A cash bar and 50/50 draw will also be For this reason, McMan created an the night dressed in traditional German costumes.
available. Tickets are available at the United Improvement of Life Fund to help offset these “The staff at McMan worked their butts off for 3
Church office, the Heart of Edson Gallery, costs, as well as their annual Oktoberfest months for the event,” Bittner said.
Sacred Groundz, or by calling 780-712-0776. fundraiser to help supplement the funding. Bittner also gave mentions to the Edson Legion
With the funds raised through their Oktoberfest for their generous hospitalityacting as host for
Remember to drop off your Oct 27: Visit the Park Court Hall for a harvest event, McMan has been able to purchase office the event.
donations for the dinner from 12:30 pm to 2 pm. Everyone is vehicles for client transportation, and have also At the end of the night, McMan was able to
EDSON FOOD BANK invited to celebrate the end of another been able to help clients with medical costs, raise $15,000 during their 2019 Oktoberfest
harvest season and join us for a great meal,
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys quilt raffle, and 50/50 draw. Please call 780- medications, and medical assisted devices. fundraiser, all of which will benefit clients in
need of extra funding and support.
or the Edson Food Bank 727-4476 or 780-727-2138 for more The Art of Maud Lewis featured at Town's mini art school
The Food Bank will be open Nov 1: Join Riderz at 6:30 pm for a free by Lara Felsing inspired by the colours and imagery of Lewis'
two Thursday evenings, Avalanche Awareness Seminar presented by paintings.
the second and last Thursday of Lead Guide/Avalanche Educator Marshall Tuesday, October 15 marked the last instalment For more information on registering for classes
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Dempster. The seminar is open to riders of all of the Town of Edson's three-part mini art school with the town of Edson please visit
Remember to drop off your Open regular hours every brands and skill levels and will include new
donations for the Tuesday from 9-11 am. information, including an updated look at for ages 6 to 11.
The three week course has covered three very
EDSON FOOD BANK Rescue Techniques. different artists - Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock,
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys and Canada's Maud Lewis. After a snack and a
or the Edson Food Bank Nov 2: Beaver Meadow Ag Society is hosting a lesson in the artist's background and process, the
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, supper and dance at the Beaver Meadow Hall attendees had the chance to create a piece of art
(55518 RR123 Yellowhead County). There will
the second and last Thursday of the Month 780-723-1350 be a silent auction with 50% of the proceeds in their featured artist's signature style.
6:45-8:00 pm. Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. going to the non-profit Alberta cancer support The final class had students learn about folk
Open regular hours every Tuesday from Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. society 'Haying in the 30's'. Cocktails at 6 pm, artist Maud Lewis, who painted bright and
9-11 am. supper at 6:30 pm. To reserve a ticket call cheerful paintings of everyday life on Canada's
780-723-1350 Food Bank located at Gladys at 780-723-1435, Pat at 780-712-0049, East Coast.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 4511 5th Ave., Edson or Carolyn at 780-906-4708. Lewis painted from memory and received no
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. formal training; other than lessons from her
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Nov 23: Visit Fulham Hall for their Xmas mother when she was young and ill with juvenile
Bazaar from 10 am to 2 pm. To book a table or arthritis. Her paintings depicted ocean
for more information call Terena at 780-712- landscapes, lighthouses, wildlife, flowers, cats
9866. and everyday outings, which she would paint in
her tiny one room house which she shared with
See Classified Page for her husband Everett. The Maud Lewis class works on their folk art felt
monthly meetings and activities The class had a chance to design felt boards - board projects during the October 15 class. photo
Lara Felsing
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