Page 22 - September 16, 2019
P. 22
for kids


Holy Redeemer's

s UMMER recycle program

Fun for Kids landfill waste

by Brianne Benson

Holy Redeemer commemorated their first week
of running their new Recycling/Compost program
with a kick-off event and free barbeque held at the
school on Friday, September 6. Social Studies students who spearheaded the waste disposal program at Holy Redeemer break-in the
The Edson and District Recycling Society new recycle bins with local dignitaries. Pictured are Town Councillor Trevor Bevan, Laura Van Dyk, HRH
(E.D.R.S.) worked with students from four Principal Betty Churchill, Alexis DeLeeuw, Councillor (GFL rep) Gean Chouinard, Jayna Fedorak, HRH
different schools, including Holy Redeemer Vice Principal Mick Sahib, Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald Soroka, Morgan Steffler, Louise Connolly
Junior/Senior High School, to carry out waste from E.D.R.S., and Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara. photo Brianne Benson
audits in March of 2018.
The results of these audits concluded that only still kind of pricey, but when you start looking at this year's budget to start the program in
3% of the waste being sent to the landfill truly landfill cells —it's about 2.5 million dollars to September. The budget made enough room to
belonged in a landfill. The other 97% could have build a new cell”. purchase the various small bins, bags, and other
been either composted, recycled, or re-used. Connolly added, “As the County found out a materials needed to run the project. Several of the
Incorrect waste disposal such as this causes number of years ago — nobody wants a landfill in large bins placed outside were donated by G.F.L.
landfills to fill up more quickly than necessary. their backyard. So right now, the region shares the Environmental.
A group of students from Peter Taylor's Social one south of town and by doing these sorts of A number of local dignitaries were in attendance
Studies 10-1 class at Holy Redeemer are currently programs it means the landfill out there will be at the kick-off event including Edson Mayor
implementing the new waste reduction system. around for a lot longer”. Kevin Zahara along with several councillors,
The program works by replacing the standard Back in December of 2018 Peter Taylor's Social Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald Soroka, Louise
large garbage bins with various smaller bins for Studies 10-1 class began preparation for the Connolly from the Edson and District Recycling
each type of material. program. Part of the project required students to Society, and Holy Redeemer Principal Betty
Social Studies student Jayna Fedorak, who create a rundown of the objectives, costs, and Churchill and Vice Principal Mick Sahib.
helped greatly with the program, explains, “We benefits. Within the month, Anne Auriat from the At the event, a number of students involved in
have recycling bins for hard plastics, soft plastics, E.D.R.S. came to their school to do a presentation the program gave some details about how the
cardboard, office paper, metals, and snack about how the program could work and how it has program has been working for them in the first
wrappers. Then we have compost bins for worked in other schools. In January of 2019, the week back to school. Fedorak said, “Change is
organics, food waste, and low-grade paper”. Once class presented their idea to their Principal and hard for anyone and so some people get stuck in
the waste is placed in its respective bin, it is then Vice Principal. the habit of throwing things in the wrong bins
taken outside and transferred into larger bins to be In April, Morgan Steffler, one of the students because they're not used to having to really take a
picked up. G.F.L. Environmental picks up the who took the lead in the program and who was look at their waste and consider where it goes to.
cardboard and compost, while the E.D.R.S. picks also a Youth Council for the Town of Edson, But most kids are really good sports about it”.
up the remaining recyclables. presented the idea to the School Board. The only items students are finding they cannot
Taylor said, “Obviously there's a little bit of Steffler said, “I got invited to present about compost or recycle are styrofoam and rubber
extra costs like the bags and the bins but then Youth Council to the board. I also talked about erasers. Taylor states they are planning to mitigate
there's a cost savings”. The cost savings was how environmentally minded our council is and I the eraser problem by starting a bin for reusable
described by both Yellowhead County Mayor brought up this program because I feel like it's a items. That way students have a place for
Gerald Soroka and Louise Connolly from the great way to make the town a better place”. unwanted items that do not need to be thrown in
E.D.R.S. In May, former Principal Bill McGowan and the garbage bin and sent to the landfill.
Mayor Soroka said, “Right now composting is current Principal Betty Churchill made room in Ecole Pine Grove Middle School is also in the
process of carrying out a similar program. Taylor
hopes that the program will catch on at other
IT’S BACK schools in the community.
TO SCHOOL For more information on the program you can
WATCH FOR contact the EDRS at their office (780) 723-4002
SCHOOL or Holy Redeemer Junior/Senior High School at
ZONES! (780) 723-7437.


This is Emma Smith! Emma is an Ecole
This is Emma Smith! Emma is an Ecole
Pine Grove Student who will be going
Pine Grove Student who will be going
into grade six this September. Her
into grade six this September. Her
favourite activity during the summer
favourite activity during the summer
break this was summer has been going
break this was summer has been going
to Whitecourt's lazy river. Emma loves
to Whitecourt's lazy river. Emma loves
macaroni salad and hummus with pita
macaroni salad and hummus with pita
bread! Her favourite colour of all is
bread! Her favourite colour of all is
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality Workork
Holy Redeemer students enjoy beautiful weather at free barbeque Quality W
celebrating their new Recycling/Compost system on September 6.
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
photo Brianne Benson Serving Edson & District Since 1974
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