Page 23 - September 16, 2019
P. 23
for kids
Fun for Kids
The Learning Connection is very proud of the accomplishments of all of our students and we are very pleased to see TLC Edson's class of 2019 featured on the
cover of the GYPSD calendar. This great photo was taken by a former student, Jordan Conarroe. It's inspiring to start the school year by reflecting on our
students' achievements. submitted Barbara Shepherd, Assistant Principal
First week back to school at PCHS and MBE
by Brianne Benson they finish high school and what they're going to stress of coming to a new school,” said Principal
do and what that's going to look like,” said Maris.
Mark Maris, principal at Parkland Composite Maris. To kick off the new school year Parkland's
High School, and Darcy Reynolds, principal at Parkland helps to mitigate a lot of first day Student Council is having a free barbeque for all
Mary Bergeron Elementary School stated their anxiety by hosting an orientation for the new the students. “We are very excited about the new
schools had a smooth first week back to school. students in grade nine a week ahead of time so year and we are very pleased that our population
Principal Reynolds said, “It was one of the that the students can see what the school is like is going up — it is very exciting for Parkland,"
smoothest and most organized starts to the school and find their lockers. “It's important to us to said Principal Maris.
year I've ever had as a principal.” He added that make them feel welcome and to decrease the
one of the contributing factors was the opening
of their new bus lane.
In order to help create a positive atmosphere
the staff put a lot of time and thought into
making up the class lists to ensure each child is
matched well with their teachers.
When asked what difficulties they faced during
the first week of school, Principal Reynolds
mentioned their switch to an online registration
system, “You always get a fair amount of kids
that are new to the community or new to the
school who come in but are not registered. It's a
bit of a juggling act especially when our main
priority is to make them feel welcome. I have to
give kudos to the ladies in the front office who
make that happen”.
Despite the small hiccups, Reynolds said,
“Everyone is really happy, settled down, and
ready to work”. He also looks forward to the
upcoming Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday,
September 12 at 4:00pm where parents of
students can come for an informal visit with the
Parkland Composite High School reports taking
in higher population of kids than anticipated this
year. "We are very pleased to receive about 25
more kids than we thought,” said Principal
In terms of school activities, Parkland is hitting
the ground running. They have already held a
grad meeting for their 2020 graduates and their
senior volleyball team is heading out to a
tournament the weekend of September 8.
Principal Maris said, “This year we're really
focussing on our Pacers success centre where
we're developing a plan wrapped around the idea
of 'your future, your plan'. We are working with
kids trying to figure out what they want to do
when they get out of school”.
This new initiative includes, "Having a meeting Helena and Harley Kwantes were playing together at one of the many play stations at the FCSS
with the students in grade nine and speaking to ParentLink Centre on September 4. Harley is three years old and was enjoying time playing with his
them about the idea of starting a plan for when mom. photo Deanna Mitchener
for kids
Fun for Kids
The Learning Connection is very proud of the accomplishments of all of our students and we are very pleased to see TLC Edson's class of 2019 featured on the
cover of the GYPSD calendar. This great photo was taken by a former student, Jordan Conarroe. It's inspiring to start the school year by reflecting on our
students' achievements. submitted Barbara Shepherd, Assistant Principal
First week back to school at PCHS and MBE
by Brianne Benson they finish high school and what they're going to stress of coming to a new school,” said Principal
do and what that's going to look like,” said Maris.
Mark Maris, principal at Parkland Composite Maris. To kick off the new school year Parkland's
High School, and Darcy Reynolds, principal at Parkland helps to mitigate a lot of first day Student Council is having a free barbeque for all
Mary Bergeron Elementary School stated their anxiety by hosting an orientation for the new the students. “We are very excited about the new
schools had a smooth first week back to school. students in grade nine a week ahead of time so year and we are very pleased that our population
Principal Reynolds said, “It was one of the that the students can see what the school is like is going up — it is very exciting for Parkland,"
smoothest and most organized starts to the school and find their lockers. “It's important to us to said Principal Maris.
year I've ever had as a principal.” He added that make them feel welcome and to decrease the
one of the contributing factors was the opening
of their new bus lane.
In order to help create a positive atmosphere
the staff put a lot of time and thought into
making up the class lists to ensure each child is
matched well with their teachers.
When asked what difficulties they faced during
the first week of school, Principal Reynolds
mentioned their switch to an online registration
system, “You always get a fair amount of kids
that are new to the community or new to the
school who come in but are not registered. It's a
bit of a juggling act especially when our main
priority is to make them feel welcome. I have to
give kudos to the ladies in the front office who
make that happen”.
Despite the small hiccups, Reynolds said,
“Everyone is really happy, settled down, and
ready to work”. He also looks forward to the
upcoming Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday,
September 12 at 4:00pm where parents of
students can come for an informal visit with the
Parkland Composite High School reports taking
in higher population of kids than anticipated this
year. "We are very pleased to receive about 25
more kids than we thought,” said Principal
In terms of school activities, Parkland is hitting
the ground running. They have already held a
grad meeting for their 2020 graduates and their
senior volleyball team is heading out to a
tournament the weekend of September 8.
Principal Maris said, “This year we're really
focussing on our Pacers success centre where
we're developing a plan wrapped around the idea
of 'your future, your plan'. We are working with
kids trying to figure out what they want to do
when they get out of school”.
This new initiative includes, "Having a meeting Helena and Harley Kwantes were playing together at one of the many play stations at the FCSS
with the students in grade nine and speaking to ParentLink Centre on September 4. Harley is three years old and was enjoying time playing with his
them about the idea of starting a plan for when mom. photo Deanna Mitchener