Page 11 - September 23, 2019
P. 11
Town Council supports Edson Citizens on Patrol with upgraded radios
by Brianne Benson volunteer's safety at risk. up to $5,380. communicate. They're a fantastic
Vanderhoek also said in her letter Community and Protective service for our community. They
Town Council recently approved that, "Over the years we have been Services Director Al Shram said, have done some great things in the
the purchase of new Sonim able to assist the RCMP on issues "We think it's very critical that this past and this gives them the tools to
communications devices to help such as impaired drivers, stolen group has that ability to do that job better".
Edson Citizens on Patrol (COP) vehicles, thefts, and other matters
maintain immediate radio contact due to us having immediate radio
with RCMP members during their contact with the RCMP. It has
shifts. allowed our group to be effective in
Citizens on Patrol is a non-profit reducing crime and improving the THIS WEEK'S FEATURE
organization that acts as an extra set safety of Edson"
of eyes and ears for the RCMP. The COP group found that Mint Homes Ltd.
The new devices will give COP without this direct communication,
access to the RCMP's new radio they sometimes would have to
system that they began switching to report information by dialling 911,
last spring. The new provincially which significantly dragged out the
funded Alberta First Responders time length of each encounter,
Radio Communication System rendering their work less efficient.
{AFRRCS) allows for a more In addition, volunteers for the
secure line that only radios on a group often find themselves in
permitted radio list are allowed to high-risk or dangerous situations
access. due to the nature and criminal
Although the permitted list for elements of the tasks at hand.
access to AFRRCS includes first Immediate communications with
responder agencies for no cost, RCMP officers have been crucial in
secondary responders can only ensuring the safety of the
access it with a fee. volunteers.
Julie Vanderhoek, President of Each device will cost $380, with
Edson's Citizens on Patrol, wrote a an additional $60 monthly charge Country Kitchen with corner pantry and angled
letter to the Town of Edson in per device to allow access to the counter,dining area has a 8 foot bay window and there is
August to bring to light that no system as secondary responders.
provisions had been made to allow This means initially $2,240 will access to the rear deck. All3 bedrooms are quite large for a
their volunteers access to this new come out of the Public Safety house of this size. The hallway gives the floor plan a
radio system, and to request Initiative Fund to cover the four custom feel . There is direct access from the foyer which
funding to allow them to achieve units and the fees for the months of has a coat closet over the basement stairs .The entrance is
and maintain access to AFRRCS. October, November, and December covered by a 6 foot overhang. In the living room the
Since the RCMP made the radio 2019. fireplace and the 11 foot bay window are featured and the
system switch, COP had been left Vanderhoek also requested that
without a form of instantaneous their yearly grant be increased by wall beside the stairs can be opened +
communication with RCMP $2,880 to cover the ongoing up with railing to create a larger ~ For these plans
officers on shift, which has not only charges of continuous access to the feeling. The garage is 22x22 feet. 1f8PECTRUM
J/t%-n• ,_9%,.,
hindered their ability to help the AFRRCS in the year 2020. This '-V'-"W .s p cctcru n-. h o n -. c p la n >; . cO m
RCMP, but also put their will bring their total operating grant
Member of National Home Warranty Program
Phone: 780-723-2330
Marlboro Fire Hall structure Fax: 780-723-5068
worthy of repurposing Email:
by Dana McArthur
During the County's Governance and
Priorities meeting on August 20 Yellowhead Edson Forest Products is commencing timber harvest planning activities in the Sundance 3
County Councillor Dawn Mitchell asked compartment of our Forest Management Area.
about the repurposing of the old Marlboro Located south of the Brazeau River and
Fire Hall to use an a Indigenous Education west of the Blackstone River, Sundance
Centre for the community. 3 is approximately 80 km south of Edson.
County Administration has since completed The main points of access are via the
the building assessment indicating that the, Grant Road from the west and the
Blackstone River Road from the south. A
"space could be repurposed and the building team of natural resource management
is worth saving," said Director of Community professionals are currently gathering
Services Christopher Read. information on the timber, ecological and
A sample floor plan was presented with a fish and wildlife resources for the area.
rough estimate of $250,000 that would be
needed to convert the existing space for use As part of HWP's Public Involvement
Process, members of the public with
as an Indigenous Education Centre along with resource value concerns or knowledge of
upgrades to the exterior. this area are invited to offer comments
Director of Protective Services Albert Bahri during the initial planning phase.
advised that tests of the pole foundation
would be needed to determine the life You can make comments or inquire
about our planning process by calling
expectancy of the building before renovations 1-780-865-8974 or by writing to the
begin. following address:
Councillor Mitchell stated, "I really like the
price tag of this and it looks really good to Aaron Jones, Management Forester
me. The community is so excited and they all Hinton Wood Products
have their fingers crossed." A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.
99 West River Road
Mayor Gerald Soroka ended, "This was for Hinton, Alberta, T7V 1Y7
information purposes and a rough idea of the Email: aaron.jones
costs of repurposing the building. It's now up
to council to talk about this at the upcoming
strategic retreat for any further plans."
Town Council supports Edson Citizens on Patrol with upgraded radios
by Brianne Benson volunteer's safety at risk. up to $5,380. communicate. They're a fantastic
Vanderhoek also said in her letter Community and Protective service for our community. They
Town Council recently approved that, "Over the years we have been Services Director Al Shram said, have done some great things in the
the purchase of new Sonim able to assist the RCMP on issues "We think it's very critical that this past and this gives them the tools to
communications devices to help such as impaired drivers, stolen group has that ability to do that job better".
Edson Citizens on Patrol (COP) vehicles, thefts, and other matters
maintain immediate radio contact due to us having immediate radio
with RCMP members during their contact with the RCMP. It has
shifts. allowed our group to be effective in
Citizens on Patrol is a non-profit reducing crime and improving the THIS WEEK'S FEATURE
organization that acts as an extra set safety of Edson"
of eyes and ears for the RCMP. The COP group found that Mint Homes Ltd.
The new devices will give COP without this direct communication,
access to the RCMP's new radio they sometimes would have to
system that they began switching to report information by dialling 911,
last spring. The new provincially which significantly dragged out the
funded Alberta First Responders time length of each encounter,
Radio Communication System rendering their work less efficient.
{AFRRCS) allows for a more In addition, volunteers for the
secure line that only radios on a group often find themselves in
permitted radio list are allowed to high-risk or dangerous situations
access. due to the nature and criminal
Although the permitted list for elements of the tasks at hand.
access to AFRRCS includes first Immediate communications with
responder agencies for no cost, RCMP officers have been crucial in
secondary responders can only ensuring the safety of the
access it with a fee. volunteers.
Julie Vanderhoek, President of Each device will cost $380, with
Edson's Citizens on Patrol, wrote a an additional $60 monthly charge Country Kitchen with corner pantry and angled
letter to the Town of Edson in per device to allow access to the counter,dining area has a 8 foot bay window and there is
August to bring to light that no system as secondary responders.
provisions had been made to allow This means initially $2,240 will access to the rear deck. All3 bedrooms are quite large for a
their volunteers access to this new come out of the Public Safety house of this size. The hallway gives the floor plan a
radio system, and to request Initiative Fund to cover the four custom feel . There is direct access from the foyer which
funding to allow them to achieve units and the fees for the months of has a coat closet over the basement stairs .The entrance is
and maintain access to AFRRCS. October, November, and December covered by a 6 foot overhang. In the living room the
Since the RCMP made the radio 2019. fireplace and the 11 foot bay window are featured and the
system switch, COP had been left Vanderhoek also requested that
without a form of instantaneous their yearly grant be increased by wall beside the stairs can be opened +
communication with RCMP $2,880 to cover the ongoing up with railing to create a larger ~ For these plans
officers on shift, which has not only charges of continuous access to the feeling. The garage is 22x22 feet. 1f8PECTRUM
J/t%-n• ,_9%,.,
hindered their ability to help the AFRRCS in the year 2020. This '-V'-"W .s p cctcru n-. h o n -. c p la n >; . cO m
RCMP, but also put their will bring their total operating grant
Member of National Home Warranty Program
Phone: 780-723-2330
Marlboro Fire Hall structure Fax: 780-723-5068
worthy of repurposing Email:
by Dana McArthur
During the County's Governance and
Priorities meeting on August 20 Yellowhead Edson Forest Products is commencing timber harvest planning activities in the Sundance 3
County Councillor Dawn Mitchell asked compartment of our Forest Management Area.
about the repurposing of the old Marlboro Located south of the Brazeau River and
Fire Hall to use an a Indigenous Education west of the Blackstone River, Sundance
Centre for the community. 3 is approximately 80 km south of Edson.
County Administration has since completed The main points of access are via the
the building assessment indicating that the, Grant Road from the west and the
Blackstone River Road from the south. A
"space could be repurposed and the building team of natural resource management
is worth saving," said Director of Community professionals are currently gathering
Services Christopher Read. information on the timber, ecological and
A sample floor plan was presented with a fish and wildlife resources for the area.
rough estimate of $250,000 that would be
needed to convert the existing space for use As part of HWP's Public Involvement
Process, members of the public with
as an Indigenous Education Centre along with resource value concerns or knowledge of
upgrades to the exterior. this area are invited to offer comments
Director of Protective Services Albert Bahri during the initial planning phase.
advised that tests of the pole foundation
would be needed to determine the life You can make comments or inquire
about our planning process by calling
expectancy of the building before renovations 1-780-865-8974 or by writing to the
begin. following address:
Councillor Mitchell stated, "I really like the
price tag of this and it looks really good to Aaron Jones, Management Forester
me. The community is so excited and they all Hinton Wood Products
have their fingers crossed." A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.
99 West River Road
Mayor Gerald Soroka ended, "This was for Hinton, Alberta, T7V 1Y7
information purposes and a rough idea of the Email: aaron.jones
costs of repurposing the building. It's now up
to council to talk about this at the upcoming
strategic retreat for any further plans."