Page 8 - September 23, 2019
P. 8

Beach maintenance impacts presented at County

by Dana McArthur goose feces, this processes has to go follow; it's about how we apply charge to make an application but
though each time?'' Sandhu replied, them and how we interpret them." independent studies may be
A presentation regarding beach "There is a risk factor component Mayor Soroka asked about the required at the County's expense.
maintenance was given by three that you may want to consider if our costs involved in making an Council agreed to move ahead
representatives from Alberta timelines for an application review application for beach maintenance. with the pre-approval meeting to
Environment and Parks at the are not suitable." Hancock responded that at the pre- determine what would be required
Yellowhead County's Governance Hancock added, "If you are application meeting it would be and determine costs, which would
and Priorities meeting on looking at cleaning up some dead determined if any studies would be then be brought back to Council.
September 17. aquatic plants on the beach or goose needed. The department does not
At Council's request, the feces give me a call and tell me
representatives spoke about the what you are doing and how you are
legal limits and responsibilities doing it. If you are going in with
regarding the Yellowhead County's hand tools then I am not seeing a
beaches and lake areas. disturbance of the water, so I'm not
"The summer of 2019 was very seeing an application being
rainy and wet, and provided extra required. But if you are coming in
challenge for lake beach cleaning with a bobcat then I see the
and maintenance. This resulted in potential for water disturbance."
some less than ideal conditions at Councillor Russell said, "This all
some of our beaches," said Director sounds so loosey-goosey -it's a
of Community Services Christopher simple project being drowned in
Read. "Two families brought bureaucracy." Sandhu responded,
concerns forward, and Council "The Riparian Zones [shorelines] of
directed Administration to explore lakes offer a tremendous amount of
options." benefits to lake health, and when
"There may be budget and staffing these are disturbed they can be open
implications depending on projects to erosion and loss of some critical
to be undertaken in the future, as habitat -that's what the science
well as any changes Council makes says." Russell added, "What you
to the strategic direction and service have here then is a number of
standards at our parks," said Read. municipal districts who have said
Alberta Environment Water it's better to beg for forgiveness
Administration Engineer Paul than ask permission and others that
Sandhu, said, "In regard to beach are paralyzed by fear and do
areas there may be two different nothing. Neither of these serve the
pieces of legislation that may legislation or the public."
require authorization - the Water Councillor Dawn Mitchell asked,
Act and the Public Lands Act. "What you are saying is that if we Hunter Hoogerdijk and Finn Cox hold memorial Cooper dolls during the
dedication of a picnic table to Cooper Pennoyer at Westhaven School on
Alberta Environment and Parks call to ask to remove and dispose of September 16. The table will be known as 'Cooper's Kindness Table'. photo
regulates these pieces of goose feces and algae from the submitted Jenn Hoogerdijk
legislation." beach with rakes and shovels you
"I deal mostly with shoreline can give this approval over the
modification. The primary concern phone? But if we put this in writing CASCADE
with the Water Act in this case then we have to go through the
would be impacts to the aquatic process?" Sandhu responded, "An POWER
environment, water levels, flows, application would be required so PROJECT
and sedimentation of the water you don't have to worry about it. It
body," said Sandhu. is also much easier to extend an
Councillor David Russell, said, existing approval rather than
"This issue regards maintenance of applying for a new approval." Community Open House
existing beaches in the area. I'll Mayor Gerald Soroka asked, "Are
make the assumption that most you then giving out multi-year
beaches in Alberta receive some approvals?" Sandhu responded,
kind of maintenance to make the "Yes". Cascade Power is an Alberta-based
sand etcetera, more enjoyable for Soroka continued, "The challenge power producer providing clean and
the users. So what process do these is addressing all the concerns
municipalities go through to make exactly or if someone from the reliable power generation solutions.
this happen?" public says they don't like what
Senior Land Officer Jeff Bleach you're doing, then there is potential To learn more about the status
said, "In a lot of cases the Crown for fines." Hancock responded,
has turned a blind eye to some of "Our compliance people would look of the Cascade Combined Cycle
these things. It is primarily at the situation and there is some Power Project please join us at
complaint driven, and not a lot of flexibility in what they can do." He our open house:
people will complain about beaches described that a simple warning or
that are made nicer for users." correction could be given, to stop Wednesday, September 25, 2019 I 4:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.
Sandhu added, "With respect to work orders or large fines -"which Galloway Station Museum and Travel Centre
the Water Act it is up to the is the last thing these guys want to 223 - 55th Street, Edson, AB
proponent to fully understand the do". Soroka replied, "I'm just going
impacts and risks and determine if by this year alone. We were doing For more information:
an application may be required. If very minimal things which 1-855-955-3056 (toll-free)
you do the work a certain way it amounted to a little trickle of mud Email: I
may not require an application." going into the McLeod River and
Senior Water Administration were hit with a $13,000 fine. And Light refreshments will be served.
Officer Guy Hancock, said, "To yet when we looked around the
lessen our workload we encourage a whole bank on the other side had
pre-application meeting to collapsed -but they said that's
determine if you need an okay it's Mother Nature. So they are
application or you don't. This way a lot more ridged than what you are
we are not wasting your time going saying -I'm sorry to say."
though the process, and us having to Hancock concluded they are there
review it." to protect the water but want to
Councillor Wade Williams asked, work with the County and staff to
"To clean up some algae floating up help elevate the red tape."We are all
onto the beach and clean up the government and have rules to
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