Page 7 - September 23, 2019
P. 7
he Weekly ANCHOR
Brownface /blackface:
It's always racist!
In a disgusting and shameful tum of events, Verbal apologies notwithstanding, Trudeau's
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau apologized on From the repeat behaviour has caused a worldwide
Wednesday, September 18 for wearing Publisher's Desk scandal and is beyond reprehensible for
brownface 'makeup' and a turban at a party he anyone, especially from a leader of a national
attended in 2001. Dana McArthur party, and incomprehensibly hypocritical for a
"I shouldn't have done that. I should have Prime Minister. If Trudeau really wants to
known better but I did not and I'm really Banana Boat Song. make a meaningful apology to our
sorry," Trudeau told reporters. With his Now, in a separate third incident, Global multicultural nation, then he should resign!
credibility in question, the Liberal leader has News reports they have a video showing Add these three new scandals to Trudeau's
not answered whether he will consider Trudeau in blackface once again, this time violations of the Conflict of Interest Act in the
restgnmg. dancing and making faces! SNC-Lavalin scandal, his firing of Canada's
Trudeau would have been about 30 years old Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer first Indigenous Attorney General -and a
at the 2001 party. Black or bownfaced commented Wednesday, "What Canadians picture begins to form beyond his public
'makeup' is not a costume; it makes fun of saw this evening is someone with a complete persona- and it's not a very pretty one.
people's skin colour and it was just as racist lack of judgment and integrity and someone "Choose Forward" the Liberal campaign
18 years ago, as it is now! who is not fit to govern this country." slogan asks Canadians. But that's going to be
TIME magazine reported that the "Any time we hear examples ofbrownface very hard to follow when the Liberal leader
photograph appeared in the 2000-2001 or blackface it's a mockery of someone for appears, by his own actions, to be a
yearbook of West Point Grey Academy in what they lived and what their lived throwback to one of the ugliest points in
Vancouver where Trudeau was employed as experiences are," NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh history.
teacher at the time. stated, calling the act insulting. "Racism is
Trudeau also admitted that when he was in real. People in this room have felt it. I've (The Weekly Anchor will not reprint these
high school he dressed up for a talent show in heard the stories, I've experienced it in my hurtful photos out of respect for our many
'make-up' [blackface] and sang the Jamaican life." readers, but they can be found online for those
wishing to see them.)
Letter to the Editor
There's gold in thetn 'thar' ditches
Ever since I was a teen I had wanted to ride my of damage being chewed and forced into the gums,
bike from Edmonton to Kelowna. not to mention travelling into the digestive system.
After serious planning and research here I was, If you are an outspoken animal lover and discard
doing it. On September 11, I left the outskirts of containers, then you are a hypocrite! Even a paper
Edmonton, heading west. coffee cup is one thing, but what about the lid?
In only a few days, however, I found myself Plastic!
disheartened and disgusted. With a lot of work I I realize it is easy to point fingers at tourists. Not
made more money than I could have anticipated. I everyone reading this does it.
would have more than enough to continue my Did you know truckers urinate into their bottles
journey in style past Edson and onward, towards and throw them in the ditch? Gross! Did you know
Hinton. people will pick up dog feces and then throw the
What I found coming to Edson was some of the plastic bags into the wind? Yup!
worst littering of ditches I had ever witnessed. It I am quite sure there are repeat offenders too! Mind you, they are so busy making and enforcing
was heartbreaking. To see such a beautiful area, After all, finding eight fresh Bud Light cans within new laws, why would they worry about a law
seemingly treated with utter contempt, was a 20 mile distance or six identically crushed decades old?
dumbfounding. Kokanees, all in the same location, really says it all. Next time you consider this, just remember there
Between Edmonton and Wabamun, I managed to I did not write this because I wanted to point are a thousand 'just ones' out there thinking the
retrieve $33 plus change on the 16A from discarded fingers or attack anyone. I just wanted to show how same thing. Do your part. If everyone gave 3%
empties. From Wabamun to Evansburg I only got disappointed I am in the lack of responsibility of effort instead of relying on a handful to do 85% we
$17 and change. Between the Rosevear turnoff and the individuals who did this. I would sooner have would all be better off.
Edson I did not get what I was accustomed to. made 10 cents a mile than take the burden of I would like to personally thank John, a retired
It seemed as though every time I started to pedal I cleaning up after so many rude and selfish people. teacher on his way to Edson, for the kind gifts of
would have to brake. If that were not bad enough, it Hopefully I can spark awareness and cause a Reese's cups and Gatorades.
was not for one or two containers, it was three, change.
four, or five; steadily and repeatedly over and over As far as I know it is still a $500 fine for littering.
again. This added almost an entire day to my Bevan Pacholko
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
I grew angry and cursed the inconsiderate people The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta ~ / Canadian
Media Circulation
who had done this. Your Canadian Publication Mail NumberĀ· 40014221 Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Local Independent Newspaper
If you did not know, most grass cut is volunteered All claims of errors in adverlisements must be OFFICE HOURS: Mon- Thurs 9:00am to 4:30p.m. Fax: (780) 723-5725 ({} Weekly !tfewspapers
"' Alborla
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
by farmers and cattlemen. Then, when it is dried it received in writing by the publisher within 5 days CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website: Assoc1ation
after the first publication. The Anchor is responsible
is gleaned for feed for their livestock. That means if to supply one ad proof upon customer request.
Ads approv&d by the advertiser or agont absolves tha
an animal eats it, plastic remnants are potentially Anchor of any liability for errors. Any other errors or Member of the
failure to print is limited to the cost of the space where
going to be ingested. In this time, where the error occurred within the ad. Edson & District
The opinions expressed within this publication are not
governments are considering the removal of plastic neceSllarily those of tha Anchor or tha publishai: Chamber of
Material publishad may not be copied or reproduced
straws and single use plastics, people still aren't without the expressed written permission of the Commerce
getting it. Aluminum pieces could actually do a lot Publisher/Owner
he Weekly ANCHOR
Brownface /blackface:
It's always racist!
In a disgusting and shameful tum of events, Verbal apologies notwithstanding, Trudeau's
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau apologized on From the repeat behaviour has caused a worldwide
Wednesday, September 18 for wearing Publisher's Desk scandal and is beyond reprehensible for
brownface 'makeup' and a turban at a party he anyone, especially from a leader of a national
attended in 2001. Dana McArthur party, and incomprehensibly hypocritical for a
"I shouldn't have done that. I should have Prime Minister. If Trudeau really wants to
known better but I did not and I'm really Banana Boat Song. make a meaningful apology to our
sorry," Trudeau told reporters. With his Now, in a separate third incident, Global multicultural nation, then he should resign!
credibility in question, the Liberal leader has News reports they have a video showing Add these three new scandals to Trudeau's
not answered whether he will consider Trudeau in blackface once again, this time violations of the Conflict of Interest Act in the
restgnmg. dancing and making faces! SNC-Lavalin scandal, his firing of Canada's
Trudeau would have been about 30 years old Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer first Indigenous Attorney General -and a
at the 2001 party. Black or bownfaced commented Wednesday, "What Canadians picture begins to form beyond his public
'makeup' is not a costume; it makes fun of saw this evening is someone with a complete persona- and it's not a very pretty one.
people's skin colour and it was just as racist lack of judgment and integrity and someone "Choose Forward" the Liberal campaign
18 years ago, as it is now! who is not fit to govern this country." slogan asks Canadians. But that's going to be
TIME magazine reported that the "Any time we hear examples ofbrownface very hard to follow when the Liberal leader
photograph appeared in the 2000-2001 or blackface it's a mockery of someone for appears, by his own actions, to be a
yearbook of West Point Grey Academy in what they lived and what their lived throwback to one of the ugliest points in
Vancouver where Trudeau was employed as experiences are," NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh history.
teacher at the time. stated, calling the act insulting. "Racism is
Trudeau also admitted that when he was in real. People in this room have felt it. I've (The Weekly Anchor will not reprint these
high school he dressed up for a talent show in heard the stories, I've experienced it in my hurtful photos out of respect for our many
'make-up' [blackface] and sang the Jamaican life." readers, but they can be found online for those
wishing to see them.)
Letter to the Editor
There's gold in thetn 'thar' ditches
Ever since I was a teen I had wanted to ride my of damage being chewed and forced into the gums,
bike from Edmonton to Kelowna. not to mention travelling into the digestive system.
After serious planning and research here I was, If you are an outspoken animal lover and discard
doing it. On September 11, I left the outskirts of containers, then you are a hypocrite! Even a paper
Edmonton, heading west. coffee cup is one thing, but what about the lid?
In only a few days, however, I found myself Plastic!
disheartened and disgusted. With a lot of work I I realize it is easy to point fingers at tourists. Not
made more money than I could have anticipated. I everyone reading this does it.
would have more than enough to continue my Did you know truckers urinate into their bottles
journey in style past Edson and onward, towards and throw them in the ditch? Gross! Did you know
Hinton. people will pick up dog feces and then throw the
What I found coming to Edson was some of the plastic bags into the wind? Yup!
worst littering of ditches I had ever witnessed. It I am quite sure there are repeat offenders too! Mind you, they are so busy making and enforcing
was heartbreaking. To see such a beautiful area, After all, finding eight fresh Bud Light cans within new laws, why would they worry about a law
seemingly treated with utter contempt, was a 20 mile distance or six identically crushed decades old?
dumbfounding. Kokanees, all in the same location, really says it all. Next time you consider this, just remember there
Between Edmonton and Wabamun, I managed to I did not write this because I wanted to point are a thousand 'just ones' out there thinking the
retrieve $33 plus change on the 16A from discarded fingers or attack anyone. I just wanted to show how same thing. Do your part. If everyone gave 3%
empties. From Wabamun to Evansburg I only got disappointed I am in the lack of responsibility of effort instead of relying on a handful to do 85% we
$17 and change. Between the Rosevear turnoff and the individuals who did this. I would sooner have would all be better off.
Edson I did not get what I was accustomed to. made 10 cents a mile than take the burden of I would like to personally thank John, a retired
It seemed as though every time I started to pedal I cleaning up after so many rude and selfish people. teacher on his way to Edson, for the kind gifts of
would have to brake. If that were not bad enough, it Hopefully I can spark awareness and cause a Reese's cups and Gatorades.
was not for one or two containers, it was three, change.
four, or five; steadily and repeatedly over and over As far as I know it is still a $500 fine for littering.
again. This added almost an entire day to my Bevan Pacholko
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
I grew angry and cursed the inconsiderate people The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta ~ / Canadian
Media Circulation
who had done this. Your Canadian Publication Mail NumberĀ· 40014221 Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Local Independent Newspaper
If you did not know, most grass cut is volunteered All claims of errors in adverlisements must be OFFICE HOURS: Mon- Thurs 9:00am to 4:30p.m. Fax: (780) 723-5725 ({} Weekly !tfewspapers
"' Alborla
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
by farmers and cattlemen. Then, when it is dried it received in writing by the publisher within 5 days CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website: Assoc1ation
after the first publication. The Anchor is responsible
is gleaned for feed for their livestock. That means if to supply one ad proof upon customer request.
Ads approv&d by the advertiser or agont absolves tha
an animal eats it, plastic remnants are potentially Anchor of any liability for errors. Any other errors or Member of the
failure to print is limited to the cost of the space where
going to be ingested. In this time, where the error occurred within the ad. Edson & District
The opinions expressed within this publication are not
governments are considering the removal of plastic neceSllarily those of tha Anchor or tha publishai: Chamber of
Material publishad may not be copied or reproduced
straws and single use plastics, people still aren't without the expressed written permission of the Commerce
getting it. Aluminum pieces could actually do a lot Publisher/Owner