Page 6 - September 23, 2019
P. 6

Take It or Leave It changes will benefit programs

by Shaylyn Thornton money is going to good programs in our so that we can keep offering what we do."
community," she said. Truly, the Take It or Leave It is a huge
The Take It or Leave It program, which is an People may be surprised to learn that benefit to Edson. Not only does it save a lot of
initiative from the Edson and District Recycling municipalities do not help with funding, and the items from being tossed in the trash and
Society, is one of the tools the community can Take It or Leave It relies on grants and forgotten about, but it also helps keep multiple
use to reduce their impact on the environment. donations which may not cover everything that important community programs running.
The main goal of the Take It or Leave It is to is needed. Auriat and the EDRS encourage anyone
divert items from the landfill and find homes "We are a non-profit society, and the budget with questions to reach out, and the community
for items that people may no longer want/need. is tight. We had to lay off some people and had is invited to stop by and check out the Take It
Too often, items that could be used by someone to cancel the Toxic Round Up this year," Auriat or Leave It's improved space. EDRS can be
else are sent to the landfill, and the Take It or said. "We are not making money on recyclables. reached at 780-723-4002.
Leave It aims to provide another option for This small fee is just to help with cost recovery
people looking to get rid of items.
"We are a disposable society," said Ann
Auriat ofEDRS. "Sometimes we even get
items that are completely brand new."
The Take It or Leave It has been an EDRS
program since 1997, and as Edson's primary
reuse center it recently needed to undergo some
Intensive cleaning and renovations have
been completed, and a total re-organization of
the program's items has made it easier for
people to browse and fmd what they may be
looking for.
One of the biggest changes EDRS made
was going through their large collection of
books. "We had so many books here, so we
went through all ofthem," saidAuriat. "We
started a tagging system to track when books
have been here more than three months, so that
we can then recycle them further."
To recycle these books, EDRS donates
excess books to the Wee Book Inn and Value
Village in Edmonton, furthering the opportunity
for these items to go to a good home, and not to
The Take It or Leave It has also organized
items into an area called the Building Reuse
Center. Items that can be found here could
include windows, doors, sinks, tiles, and more.
"Maybe someone just needs a 2x4, or maybe
they just need a piece of tile, and they might be
able to fmd that here," said Auriat.
The Take It or Leave It is run by a
combination of volunteer and staff positions, The Grade 2 class at Westhaven school gathered around "Cooper's Kindness Table" on September 16,
and a lot ofhours of work go into having as the picnic table was dedicated to the memory of Cooper Pennoyer. Pennoyer attended Kindergarten
everything run smoothly. The expense of and Grade 1 with this class from 2017-2019. submitted Jenn Hoogerdijk
keeping the Take It or Leave It open is high,
leading the group to look at ways to recover
some of their costs. PUBLIC NOTICE
EDRS recognized that asking for a nominal
fee for those taking items would help to offset Edson Forest Products is commencing timber harvest planning activities in the Sundance 2
some of their expenses and allow them to compartment of our Forest Management Area.
continue running environmental programs all
over our community. Located approximately 85 kilometers
Programs that will benefit from this include south of Edson, the Sundance 2
compartment is nestled between the
the community garden, seniors' programs, and Brown Creek to the north and the
environmental education and advocacy for all Chungo Creek to the south. The main
ages. It also enables important initiatives like access is via the Forestry Trunk Road
providing recycling bins to schools. through the east portion of the
The fee asked is only for those picking up compartment. A team of natural resource
management professionals are currently
items and is dependent on the item itself. For gathering information on the timber,
example, books and items like egg cartons will ecological and fish and wildlife resources
still be free, and other single items can be as for the area.
low as $0.25 and up to $10 for large, high value
items. As part of HWP's Public Involvement
Process, members of the public with
"Typically, what it will be for multiple items resource value concerns or knowledge of
is $5 per bag, and we know a lot can fit into a this area are invited to offer comments
bag," said Auriat. "And we still remain very during the initial planning phase.
cognizant of people who are in need." You can make comments or inquire
Auriat noted that places like Reflections and about our planning process by calling
the Family Center will send over individuals 1-780-865-897 4 or by writing to the
and families who may be in need, and the Take following address:
It or Leave It is dedicated to helping wherever
they can. Aaron Jones, Management Forester
Hinton Wood Products
The news of a small fee was met with a few A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.
negative reactions, though Auriat said that the 99 West River Road
majority of people stopping by the facility have Hinton, Alberta, T7V 1Y7
had only good things to say. "They see how Email: aaron.jones
nice and clean everything is, and they know the
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