Page 11 - February 18, 2019
P. 11
Willing to pay the price?
It's been nearly one year since Albertans were hit with an increased carbon tax at $30 per
tonne on January 1, 2018. The controversial, and some say nefarious, tax is now two years old.
With this spike in the cost of living we now pay more for everything from home heating bills PAGE 6 MONDAY DECEMBER 10, 2018 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
and gasoline, to groceries, rent, and consumer goods.
There are rebates for mid-low income households, but as with any rebates, they never keep
pace with the inflation caused by the rising prices of consumer goods. And frankly, when the
gas bill is due, waiting for a quarterly rebate has not bee much comfort for many financially THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2019 PAGE 11
struggling households.
So for our pain and suffering it's time to take a look and what this has 'bought' us in real T he Weekly ANCHOR
75% of Canadians believe governments should take action on climate change according to a
recent survey. But they also say any plan shouldn't drive up the cost of living too much.
A carbon tax attempts to reduce emissions by making everything more expensive. It's a Comment
forced attempt to solicit lifestyle changes through cost increases. 6,287 Audited
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
In real terms, are Albertans willing to pay $20 more for a tank of gas or willing pay 15% or Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian
Media Circulation
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
even 20% more for groceries? Most would answer: NO! SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fax: (780) 723-5725
The simple fact is even at Trudeau's $50 per tonne mandate by 2022 it's nowhere near enough Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Email: Association
Weekly Newspapers
to have any significantly measurable effect on carbon or climate change. Environment Canada Project Lock-Up CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website: Dana McArthur
has stated the figure would have to be close to $300 per tonne to reach emission targets (adding
roughly 70 cents to a litre of gas) —political suicide. Letter to the Editor Policy Member of the
So why has Alberta's NDP government been so far ahead of the federally mandated minimum The Weekly Anchor Welcomes Letters to the Editor
Edson & District
Chamber of
carbon price of $20 per tonne for 2019? This week we tip on repeat offenders. All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who
More tax dollars out of hardworking Albertan's pockets, for no significant results —plain and our winter hats for From the Albertans who reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters published do Sue Ann Cindy Weisser Sonia Roy Cassie Deanna
simple. the announcement Publisher’s Desk have been not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All letters Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Administration Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener
Front Desk
must bear the name of the writer and include the address and telephone
of Project Lock- Dana McArthur victimized the most number, which will not be published. The Weekly Anchor - Your Local Independent Newspaper
Up. Citizens on by break and enters All claims of errors in advertisements must be received in writing by the publisher within 5 days after the first publication. The
Patrol across the will receive an Anchor is responsible to supply one ad proof upon customer request. Liability for errors or failure to publish is limited to the
amount paid for the space occupied. The opinions expressed within the publication are not necessarily those of The Anchor
province, including Edson's Citizens enhanced follow-up from the RCMP or the publisher. Material published may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the
on Patrol, will be joining the RCMP either in person or by phone. During publisher. Subscriptions available upon request.
and other law enforcement agencies to the follow-up, RCMP will work to get
tackle property crime. a better understanding of what
A recent Alberta RCMP analysis happened, provide crime prevention
indicated that 15 per cent of places advice, and in some cases, arrange a
broken in to represent 32 per cent of all customized home security assessment
break and enters. That means one third by an expert to prevent future
of these properties have been broken incidents from taking place.
into more than once and is likely to be Albertans hit by repeated break and
targeted again. enters will be equipped with the Trace
This new victim-focused partnership Pen, a property marking device that
Riding Update: will bring law enforcement agencies will increase the likelihood that stolen
and citizen-led crime prevention
property is returned to the owner, and
groups together to provide an that criminals are held accountable.
Open Letter: enhanced and escalated response to Alberta RCMP's Crime Reduction
Albertans who have been hit hardest Units will deploy special operations
by break and enters. that will focus on arresting criminals Letter to the Editor Policy
The initiative is based on two similar operating in targeted areas.
projects in the U.K., the Huddersfield
Commissioner Curtis Zablocki,
Misadventures Project and MetTrace Project, which Commanding Officer, Alberta RCMP, The Weekly Anchor welcomes
resulted in residential break and enters
stated, "I want Albertans to know that
dropping by approximately 30 per cent they can count on the RCMP – we are Letters to the Editor
in targeted areas. listening to the communities we serve.
The partnership includes Alberta With the help of our partners, Project All letters are published at the discretion of the
RCMP, Criminal Intelligence Service Lock Up enables us to respond to the
Alberta, Alberta Sheriffs, Alberta individuals who have been affected editor-publisher who reserves the right to edit Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
Community Peace Officers, Alberta most by property crime." for clarity, length and libel. Letters published do
Fish and Wildlife Officers, Agencies working together to make not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement our communities safer, makes a lot of this newspaper. All letters must bear the name of
Media Release: Branch, Alberta Rural Crime Watch sense. So does focusing on properties
Association, Alberta Citizens on that are the target of repeated crimes. the writer and include the address and
Open Letter: Patrol, and the Insurance Bureau of By understanding what makes these telephone number, which will not be published. Letter to the Editor Policy
Canada. properties so opportunistic for crime,
The plan will focus on more patrols it will inherently make the whole The Weekly Anchor welcomes
in the hardest-hit places related to community a safer and more secure Jim Eglinski letters to the editor
My repeat victims of break and enters, and place.
ViewPoint crime hotspots. It will also be focusing MP Yellowhead All letters are published at the discretion of

by Adrienne Tait the editor-publisher who reserves the right
to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters
published do not necessarily reflect the
Letter to the Editor: policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All

letters must bear the name of the writer
Disappointed no indoor playground included in new Recreation Complex and include the address and telephone
number, which will not be published.
I am emailing today regarding the proposed most of them are built for older kids and are make travel difficult, and the price of gas in
recreational complex. I am a mother to a 1.5 year difficult for the little ones to maneuver. During Edson is too outrageous to justify frequent road
old boy, and I am very disappointed with the lack the winter, the only option for children his age is trips.
of activities for children his age within the Town to take him swimming in our pool that is much I am pleading to you to please consider the
of Edson. I am part of a large network of mothers too cold to stay in for too long, compared to small children that are a part of this community,
with children in his age range that feel the same other pools in the area. We frequently make trips and to please consider including an indoor
MLA way. to Whitecourt to enjoy their indoor playground playground that we can utilize all year round. Views & News
I was thrilled to learn that the proposed
Thank you for taking the time to read my
"bugs and beaners" and their pool, which is very
Eric Rosendahl recreational complex was moving forward with warm and has an excellent toddler pool that has concerns. by Deanna Mitchener
planning and funding. The community will many toys for them to engage with. However,
benefit from this substantially. However, I was this is not ideal all year long, as snowstorms Ali Balsillie
recently very disappointed to hear that there will
be no indoor playground included, as I had heard
rumored. I understand it is difficult to make 6,292 Audited Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. Canadian
everyone happy, and that there will be a lot The Weekly Anchor Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Media Circulation
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
included in this project already, but I have to Local Independent Newspaper SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Alberta
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fax: (780) 723-5725
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Weekly Newspapers
dispute the fact that there is little to nothing CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website: Association Dana McArthur
provided for babies/toddlers.
During the summer, we have the opportunity to Member of the
enjoy the recently built spray park. However, it is Edson & District
CORRECTION much, much too cold for toddlers to enjoy. We Chamber of
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a are able to take our little's to the many parks Commerce Sue Ann Cindy Weisser Sonia Roy Cassie Mitchener
Front Desk
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is located throughout the town of Edson, but again, Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Administration Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener
Deanna has a new photo

Jim Eglinski

MP Yellowhead
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