Page 22 - November 18, 2019
P. 22
Living Waters Catholic Schools Provincial s CHOOL
Achievement and Diploma Examination results
submitted meet or exceed the province in specific courses Times
at the acceptable standard and the standard of
The 20 8-2019 Provincial Achievement and excellence categories. English 30-2.
Diploma Examination results released by the Provincial Achievement Test Highlights "We will continue to use the data to identify
Minister of Education as part of the October - Grade 6 students attending Living Waters areas where we need to maintain a strong focus
update for the Accountability Pillar demonstrates schools outperformed the province in English and we will continue to make literacy and
that Living Waters Catholic Schools continue to Language Arts at the acceptable standard. This numeracy foundational to every subject, at every
improve and achieve success in a number of has been consistent for 7 years and speaks to grade level," adds Jo Anne Lanctot. "We are
areas as nine measures increased from the success of our literacy programming. continuing to invest in professional development
previous year. - Once again, Grade 9 students participating in for our teachers to work towards our goal of
The greatest gains were seen in the acceptable Knowledge and Employability (KAE) building coherence and collective efficacy. This
standard for PATs, Work Preparation, Citizenship Achievement Tests outperformed their provincial will improve learning across our entire division."
, and Parental Involvement. This fits with the counterparts in all subject areas at both the A divisional as well as provincial focus is
mission of the Division because as Jo-Anne acceptable standard and standard of excellence improving educational opportunities for First
Lanctot, Superintendent of Living Waters categories. Our students especially exceeded at Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) learners.
Catholic Separate School Division states: "The the standard of excellence level. For example, Living Waters is significantly above the
goal of Living Waters Schools is that every KAE ELA 9 and KAE Math 9 rates for the provincial rate for High School completion for
student who enters our doors will graduate from standard of excellence were four times higher First Nation, Metis, and Inuit learners with a
a faith-filled, safe and caring environment, than the provincial average. Similarly, KAE difference of 11.8%.
prepared for future success." Science 9 rates were more three times higher This is the third year in a row where our
Overall, the 2019 Provincial Achievement Tests than the provincial average. students have surpassed the province. Living
indicate that students in Living Waters Catholic - Participation rates for Grade 6 students Waters also saw a 3.7% increase in our
Schools in Grades 6 and 9 continue to meet or exceeded the provincial average in every subject completion rate from the previous year. Our
exceed the province in specific subject areas at with the exceptions of French Language Arts 6. dropout rate for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
the acceptable standard as well as the standard of - Participation rates for Grade 9 and Grade 9 learners is significantly below the province at
excellence. "We recognize that there remains KAE exceeded the provincial average in every 3.5%. "We are incredibly proud of the work our
work to be done and have set a goal to increase subject. teachers and administrators are doing each day to
rigor and alignment with the program of studies Diploma Examination Results Highlights make a difference for all of our students in
through building coherence and collective - At the acceptable standard, Living Waters' Living Waters, but we are particularly delighted
efficacy across the division. Our teachers and students exceeded the provincial average in the with the continued gains we have made in
administrators started this work in the 2018-2019 following courses: English Language Arts 30-l, relation to our FNMI learners," says Jo-Anne
school year by engaging in collaborative English Language Arts 30-2, Social Studies 30-l, Lanctot.
planning and data analysis to improve Social Studies 30 2, and Science 30. Living We encourage parents to access our Living
instructional practice and learning in the Waters students were also at provincial average Waters website to find out more about our Living
classroom," says Lanctot. "We are continuing for Physics 30. There was a significant Waters Blueprint for the Future. Living Waters
along this path as we have seen dividends from improvement in our humanities courses from the Catholic Schools serves students in Edson,
our efforts with the increases on our previous year. Whitecourt, and Slave Lake. Visit us at
Accountability Pillar measures." As for Diploma - At the standard of excellence, Living Waters'
examinations, Grade 12 students continue to students surpassed the provincial average in
Parkland's ‘Take Your Kid to Work Day’
submitted Trish Day, PCHS in their place of employment and introduce them their experiences and they enjoy a day of hands-
to the world of work. on learning. Some come back with greater
Seventy-three grade 9 Parkland Composite This year's grade 9s were able to experience the visions or direction for their own future. Many
students and 59 workplaces took part in “Take trades in various industries and small businesses, say just learning and experiencing what their
Your Kid to Work Day” on November 6. The day retail and hotel service, medical professions and parent does for work and being able to spend
is a national initiative designed to provide education to name a few. time learning from them is valuable.”
students an opportunity to observe their parents Teacher Jan Wiens noted that, “It is always Thank-you Edson parents and employers for
interesting to debrief your participation and support as we work
the student-learning towards each Parkland student being set up with
from the day. Students their plan for their future.
are excited to share
Meet Logan Bryldt! Logan is 6 years old
and loves art class at Fulham School.
When he grows up, Logan wants to be
an artist! Logan's favourite superheroes
are Spiderman and Wolverine, and he
loves the colour black. Chicken nuggets
and fries are Logan's favourite foods and
he enjoys going sledding in the winter.
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality Workork
Quality W
Dana Reid, Grade 9 PCHS Student with her dad Robin Reid during PCHS' Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
'Take Your Kid to Work Day' on November 6.
$49.99 + gst for gas engines $99.99 + tax for diesel engines
House brand oil up to 5L and filter. Synthetic extra House brand oil up to 12L and filter
4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue) Complimentary inspection included with every oil change service!
Living Waters Catholic Schools Provincial s CHOOL
Achievement and Diploma Examination results
submitted meet or exceed the province in specific courses Times
at the acceptable standard and the standard of
The 20 8-2019 Provincial Achievement and excellence categories. English 30-2.
Diploma Examination results released by the Provincial Achievement Test Highlights "We will continue to use the data to identify
Minister of Education as part of the October - Grade 6 students attending Living Waters areas where we need to maintain a strong focus
update for the Accountability Pillar demonstrates schools outperformed the province in English and we will continue to make literacy and
that Living Waters Catholic Schools continue to Language Arts at the acceptable standard. This numeracy foundational to every subject, at every
improve and achieve success in a number of has been consistent for 7 years and speaks to grade level," adds Jo Anne Lanctot. "We are
areas as nine measures increased from the success of our literacy programming. continuing to invest in professional development
previous year. - Once again, Grade 9 students participating in for our teachers to work towards our goal of
The greatest gains were seen in the acceptable Knowledge and Employability (KAE) building coherence and collective efficacy. This
standard for PATs, Work Preparation, Citizenship Achievement Tests outperformed their provincial will improve learning across our entire division."
, and Parental Involvement. This fits with the counterparts in all subject areas at both the A divisional as well as provincial focus is
mission of the Division because as Jo-Anne acceptable standard and standard of excellence improving educational opportunities for First
Lanctot, Superintendent of Living Waters categories. Our students especially exceeded at Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) learners.
Catholic Separate School Division states: "The the standard of excellence level. For example, Living Waters is significantly above the
goal of Living Waters Schools is that every KAE ELA 9 and KAE Math 9 rates for the provincial rate for High School completion for
student who enters our doors will graduate from standard of excellence were four times higher First Nation, Metis, and Inuit learners with a
a faith-filled, safe and caring environment, than the provincial average. Similarly, KAE difference of 11.8%.
prepared for future success." Science 9 rates were more three times higher This is the third year in a row where our
Overall, the 2019 Provincial Achievement Tests than the provincial average. students have surpassed the province. Living
indicate that students in Living Waters Catholic - Participation rates for Grade 6 students Waters also saw a 3.7% increase in our
Schools in Grades 6 and 9 continue to meet or exceeded the provincial average in every subject completion rate from the previous year. Our
exceed the province in specific subject areas at with the exceptions of French Language Arts 6. dropout rate for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
the acceptable standard as well as the standard of - Participation rates for Grade 9 and Grade 9 learners is significantly below the province at
excellence. "We recognize that there remains KAE exceeded the provincial average in every 3.5%. "We are incredibly proud of the work our
work to be done and have set a goal to increase subject. teachers and administrators are doing each day to
rigor and alignment with the program of studies Diploma Examination Results Highlights make a difference for all of our students in
through building coherence and collective - At the acceptable standard, Living Waters' Living Waters, but we are particularly delighted
efficacy across the division. Our teachers and students exceeded the provincial average in the with the continued gains we have made in
administrators started this work in the 2018-2019 following courses: English Language Arts 30-l, relation to our FNMI learners," says Jo-Anne
school year by engaging in collaborative English Language Arts 30-2, Social Studies 30-l, Lanctot.
planning and data analysis to improve Social Studies 30 2, and Science 30. Living We encourage parents to access our Living
instructional practice and learning in the Waters students were also at provincial average Waters website to find out more about our Living
classroom," says Lanctot. "We are continuing for Physics 30. There was a significant Waters Blueprint for the Future. Living Waters
along this path as we have seen dividends from improvement in our humanities courses from the Catholic Schools serves students in Edson,
our efforts with the increases on our previous year. Whitecourt, and Slave Lake. Visit us at
Accountability Pillar measures." As for Diploma - At the standard of excellence, Living Waters'
examinations, Grade 12 students continue to students surpassed the provincial average in
Parkland's ‘Take Your Kid to Work Day’
submitted Trish Day, PCHS in their place of employment and introduce them their experiences and they enjoy a day of hands-
to the world of work. on learning. Some come back with greater
Seventy-three grade 9 Parkland Composite This year's grade 9s were able to experience the visions or direction for their own future. Many
students and 59 workplaces took part in “Take trades in various industries and small businesses, say just learning and experiencing what their
Your Kid to Work Day” on November 6. The day retail and hotel service, medical professions and parent does for work and being able to spend
is a national initiative designed to provide education to name a few. time learning from them is valuable.”
students an opportunity to observe their parents Teacher Jan Wiens noted that, “It is always Thank-you Edson parents and employers for
interesting to debrief your participation and support as we work
the student-learning towards each Parkland student being set up with
from the day. Students their plan for their future.
are excited to share
Meet Logan Bryldt! Logan is 6 years old
and loves art class at Fulham School.
When he grows up, Logan wants to be
an artist! Logan's favourite superheroes
are Spiderman and Wolverine, and he
loves the colour black. Chicken nuggets
and fries are Logan's favourite foods and
he enjoys going sledding in the winter.
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality Workork
Quality W
Dana Reid, Grade 9 PCHS Student with her dad Robin Reid during PCHS' Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
'Take Your Kid to Work Day' on November 6.
$49.99 + gst for gas engines $99.99 + tax for diesel engines
House brand oil up to 5L and filter. Synthetic extra House brand oil up to 12L and filter
4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue) Complimentary inspection included with every oil change service!