Page 3 - September 23, 2019
P. 3
Federal Election Candidate Question and Answer
Editor's Note: The Weekly Anchor sent out its usual Q&A Election Forum questions to all the candidates in the Yellowhead Electoral District with a
deadline that allowed enough days in advance to return a response. However, for the first time in 30 years we only received a response from one party
candidate running in this federal election- the other five party candidates did not submit a response as of press time. Groups running election forums in
the area have also reported problems receiving responses from these candidates listed on the right, which offers a disappointing view of the importance
of transparency in this election.
Conservative Candidate Gerald Soroka Liberal Party
1. What sets you apart from the other Jeremy Hoefsloot
candidates in the Yellowhead
district? from Edmonton -No Response
Having been born and raised in Yellowhead
and still running a business on my
grandparent's original homestead; combined
with my service to Yellowhead County as a Green Party
Councillor then a mayor, I have a strong and
proven connection to the community and Angelena Satdeo
people of this area.
2. What do you see as the number from Edmonton -No Response
one priority for Canadians?
Making life more affordable for all
Canadians. Two thirds of Canadians feel
they can't pay their bills. We need a positive People•s Party of Canada
vision for our economy. A Conservative
government will live within our means and Douglas Galavan
leave more money in your pockets so you can get ahead.
3. What do you see as the main issue facing the Yellowhead
district you would bring to Ottawa? from Drayton Valley -No Response
I have been knocking on doors across Yellowhead and one thing has
remained clear, life has gotten harder and more expensive under Justin
Trudeau. The economy ofYellowhead is driven by agriculture and
natural resource development. We need solutions to deliver our products Libertarian Party of Canada
to market and for pipeline expansion. We need to cancel the carbon tax,
repeal Bill C-69 (the no more pipeline bill) and end the ban on shipping Cory Lystang
traffic in BC. Let's get people back to work in a strong economy;
getting ahead, not just getting by. from Mayerthorpe -No Response
4. If elected, what would you fight to change or make
different in the current federal landscape?
A Conservative government will live within its means and put more
money in the pockets of Canadians so they can get ahead. A New Democratic Party
Conservative government will cancel the carbon tax, take the GST off
home heating bills, make parental benefits tax free and lower personal Kristine Bowman -No Response
taxes so Canadians can get ahead.
5. What will you do to support a vibrant economy in our
I will work tirelessly with my Conservative colleagues to address the County Mayor resigns for new horizons
needs of our community, such as: negotiating a new softwoods lumber
agreement, regaining market access for Canadian meat, canola seed and continued from front
soy exports in China, and supporting our energy sector by getting best and have full confidence in your family affair with joy, laughter, and
pipelines built. I will also support the Conservative plan to put an end to leadership." even a few tears shed. Overall, it has
all foreign oil imports, and achieve Canada's energy independence by Interim Mayor Sandra been a great experience and I thank
2030. Cherniawsky said, "Thank you the staff and especially the residents
6. Why should constituents vote for you? Gerald. You have been an awesome for their support and faith in my
As a Yellowhead resident, I understand the issues that face Yellowhead leader and mentor and I wish you all leadership."
residents each and every day. With lost employment. Gasoline. the best in your new venture." The Council for Yellowhead
Groceries. Home heating. Real estate. Debt. Everything keeps getting Soroka concluded, "Thank you. It County will determine the by-
more and more expensive. I am committed to working to make life more was a pleasure andjoytoworkwith so election details at the next council
affordable for Yellowhead residents and all Canadians. Yellowheadians many council members over the meeting, which takes place on
should vote for me because I understand the issues they are facing, and I years. At times we had little spats, but September 24.
am committed to working hard on their behalf in Ottawa. for the most part it was more of a
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712·6788 Ell9!J
www.hHp=// Edson Animal Rescue Sociel:iy
Wonderful Willow is a classic mixed breed
boy who is looking for his new best friend.
Willow is smart, loyal and willing to please.
He can be shy when greeting new humans,
but is friendly towards all new dog and cat
buddies. Willow loves his human connection
so much that he wishes to have a stay-at-
home friend to lavish his attention on 24/7.
Are you Willow•s new best friend? Head to to find out how to
Sponsored by:
WESTERN LEGAL Wills Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky now interim Mayor read Mayor Gerald
Barr i sters & So l ici t ors Real Estate Soroka's resignation letter in Council Chambers on September 17, 2019.
780-723-3245 Business Law photo Dana McArthur
Federal Election Candidate Question and Answer
Editor's Note: The Weekly Anchor sent out its usual Q&A Election Forum questions to all the candidates in the Yellowhead Electoral District with a
deadline that allowed enough days in advance to return a response. However, for the first time in 30 years we only received a response from one party
candidate running in this federal election- the other five party candidates did not submit a response as of press time. Groups running election forums in
the area have also reported problems receiving responses from these candidates listed on the right, which offers a disappointing view of the importance
of transparency in this election.
Conservative Candidate Gerald Soroka Liberal Party
1. What sets you apart from the other Jeremy Hoefsloot
candidates in the Yellowhead
district? from Edmonton -No Response
Having been born and raised in Yellowhead
and still running a business on my
grandparent's original homestead; combined
with my service to Yellowhead County as a Green Party
Councillor then a mayor, I have a strong and
proven connection to the community and Angelena Satdeo
people of this area.
2. What do you see as the number from Edmonton -No Response
one priority for Canadians?
Making life more affordable for all
Canadians. Two thirds of Canadians feel
they can't pay their bills. We need a positive People•s Party of Canada
vision for our economy. A Conservative
government will live within our means and Douglas Galavan
leave more money in your pockets so you can get ahead.
3. What do you see as the main issue facing the Yellowhead
district you would bring to Ottawa? from Drayton Valley -No Response
I have been knocking on doors across Yellowhead and one thing has
remained clear, life has gotten harder and more expensive under Justin
Trudeau. The economy ofYellowhead is driven by agriculture and
natural resource development. We need solutions to deliver our products Libertarian Party of Canada
to market and for pipeline expansion. We need to cancel the carbon tax,
repeal Bill C-69 (the no more pipeline bill) and end the ban on shipping Cory Lystang
traffic in BC. Let's get people back to work in a strong economy;
getting ahead, not just getting by. from Mayerthorpe -No Response
4. If elected, what would you fight to change or make
different in the current federal landscape?
A Conservative government will live within its means and put more
money in the pockets of Canadians so they can get ahead. A New Democratic Party
Conservative government will cancel the carbon tax, take the GST off
home heating bills, make parental benefits tax free and lower personal Kristine Bowman -No Response
taxes so Canadians can get ahead.
5. What will you do to support a vibrant economy in our
I will work tirelessly with my Conservative colleagues to address the County Mayor resigns for new horizons
needs of our community, such as: negotiating a new softwoods lumber
agreement, regaining market access for Canadian meat, canola seed and continued from front
soy exports in China, and supporting our energy sector by getting best and have full confidence in your family affair with joy, laughter, and
pipelines built. I will also support the Conservative plan to put an end to leadership." even a few tears shed. Overall, it has
all foreign oil imports, and achieve Canada's energy independence by Interim Mayor Sandra been a great experience and I thank
2030. Cherniawsky said, "Thank you the staff and especially the residents
6. Why should constituents vote for you? Gerald. You have been an awesome for their support and faith in my
As a Yellowhead resident, I understand the issues that face Yellowhead leader and mentor and I wish you all leadership."
residents each and every day. With lost employment. Gasoline. the best in your new venture." The Council for Yellowhead
Groceries. Home heating. Real estate. Debt. Everything keeps getting Soroka concluded, "Thank you. It County will determine the by-
more and more expensive. I am committed to working to make life more was a pleasure andjoytoworkwith so election details at the next council
affordable for Yellowhead residents and all Canadians. Yellowheadians many council members over the meeting, which takes place on
should vote for me because I understand the issues they are facing, and I years. At times we had little spats, but September 24.
am committed to working hard on their behalf in Ottawa. for the most part it was more of a
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712·6788 Ell9!J
www.hHp=// Edson Animal Rescue Sociel:iy
Wonderful Willow is a classic mixed breed
boy who is looking for his new best friend.
Willow is smart, loyal and willing to please.
He can be shy when greeting new humans,
but is friendly towards all new dog and cat
buddies. Willow loves his human connection
so much that he wishes to have a stay-at-
home friend to lavish his attention on 24/7.
Are you Willow•s new best friend? Head to to find out how to
Sponsored by:
WESTERN LEGAL Wills Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky now interim Mayor read Mayor Gerald
Barr i sters & So l ici t ors Real Estate Soroka's resignation letter in Council Chambers on September 17, 2019.
780-723-3245 Business Law photo Dana McArthur