Page 5 - September 23, 2019
P. 5
$40,000 winter gravel stock request presented to Town Council
by Cassie Kushniruk be fine with that. However, we had a certain to be removed from the Eddie's Big Run
type of winter where although the snow may Reserve to upgrade the natural trail in
During their regularly scheduled September not have been excessive, we did have a lot of Westhaven Park (60th Street and 11th Avenue
17 meeting, Town Council was presented with freezing rain, so there was a lot ofuse of that. area) to a standard gravel trail. The current trail
a request to increase the Parts & Supplies in It was a very high level of coverage that we at that location is just a worn path through the
the Transportation Department budget by provided throughout that year, and we did grass and this upgrade will make it a more
$40,000 for the purchase of winter gravel stock reduce our stocks quite significantly." established part of the Town's trail system.
with monies from the Snow Removal Reserve. Councillor Krystal Baier asked, "When we This section of trail is also a part of the 1 Okm
Although the Town's current winter gravel do our budgets this October for 2020, will that route of Eddie's Big Run and identified for
stock is sufficient to meet the anticipated needs include 2020/2021 so we don't have this type upgrade in the Trails Master Plan.
until January 2020, it will not ensure sufficient of situation again?" ATCO Franchise Fee: Based on a lower
supply for the upcoming winter. The material Verhaeghe responded, "We are trying to forecasted 2020 ATCO delivery tariff, Council
needed is most cost efficiently acquired prior to budget for that next season, which does make has passed a motion to increase the ATCO gas
freezing temperatures; however the materials it a bit difficult because in the summer and fall franchise fee to by 1.1% to ensure the revenue
budget for 2019 has been exceeded. of 2018 we're trying to figure out what kind of coming to the Town of Edson remains at
Originally, Administration requested a snow we'd get at the start of2019. We've been approximately the same level as previous
$20,000 increase for the purchase of winter budgeting this year for both this winter and years. Each year, municipalities have the
gravel stock; however, they felt it would be next winter/fall." option to adjust the franchise fee, up to a cap
better to be in a position of having too much Councillor Baier asked if there would of 35%. With this increase, Edson's franchise
stock than not enough. "We feel that $40,000 anyway to recover materials from the snow fee is at 22.35%.
would allow us to proceed with what we have dump facility from year to year.
seen or experienced in recent years in terms of ''No, I do not believe that is necessarily
sanding," said CAO Mike Derricott."We don't economical for us to go and sift the road
want to end up in the situation where we feel material," Verhaeghe replied. CAO Derricott UPCOMING EVENT:
we don't have the materials to appropriately added, "I believe that we are prohibited from
address the issue." reapplying that to streets anyway. There are Sept 21 : Parkland Lodge Auxiliary
"Any materials that are unused are obviously some very limited usage once you've
usable in future seasons so there's no risk or recovered it from streets because there can be again sponsors their annual
loss of stockpiling and holding onto any contamination of hydrocarbons, oils, and those Grandparents' Walkathon at Parkland
additional material," Derricott added. types ofthings." Lodge on 5 h Avenue. The Walkathon
Councillor Janet Wilkinson asked why this Mayor Kevin Zahra closed, "I support this. I starts at 10 am. For more information
was not budgeted for before. General Manager think it's always good to have a little bit more and pledge forms please phone Ivan at
of Infrastructure and Planning Martino than not enough and hopefully this will help us 780-723-4020, Carol at 780-723-5518,
Verhaeghe replied, "With regards to our current out next year that we maybe won't need as
stockpile we have about a third left. Last year much to purchase in the 2021 season." or Ann at 780-723-4522.
we had an extensive purchase of sand and salt.
The expectation was that we would probably Trail Enhancement: $11,000 was approved
Easoi1 Public Information & Notices 2019
Thank you to
all of our
sponsors and
that helped SEPTEMBER 27 · 28 · 29, 2019
9:00am • 11 :OOam: Parent & Tot Cultural Craft & Snack • FCSS Parentlink Centre- Drop in
th Annual Road Hockey 11 :OOam • 2:00pm: School Group Art Collection Scavenger Hunt • Red Brick Arts Centre
3:30pm· 5:30pm: Community Art Exhibit & Reception · Red Brick Arts Centre- Drop in
7:00pm· 9:00pm: Yellowhead Fiddlers at the Pioneer Cabin- Dr pin
possible! 7:001lm: Arts on Fire • Edson & Area Arts Awards • Galloway Station Museum -Tickets available at the
Galloway Station Museum
11 :OOam • 2:00pm: LEGO Block Party· Edson & District Public Library- Drop in
Town of Edson United Cycle 11 :OOam ·2:00pm: Family Friendly Drop In Visual Art & Pottery, Demos and Tour, face painting. Edson
Craft Centre & Potter's Guild and Edson Creative Arts Society (Library)- Drop in
Repsol Place Above & Beyond 7:00pm: Off the Beaten Path Sight & Sound Reception · Heart of Edson Gallery & Studio- Drop in
Bannister GM Promotions
Shell Canadian Tire 1:OOPM · 4:30pm: Community Culture Day Art in the Park· Galloway Station Museum- Drop in
A&W Ron Rimmer
SemCams Canadian Tire Canada
McDonalds Tim Hortons CINEPLEX
lan Grumetza Johnson & Herbert
$40,000 winter gravel stock request presented to Town Council
by Cassie Kushniruk be fine with that. However, we had a certain to be removed from the Eddie's Big Run
type of winter where although the snow may Reserve to upgrade the natural trail in
During their regularly scheduled September not have been excessive, we did have a lot of Westhaven Park (60th Street and 11th Avenue
17 meeting, Town Council was presented with freezing rain, so there was a lot ofuse of that. area) to a standard gravel trail. The current trail
a request to increase the Parts & Supplies in It was a very high level of coverage that we at that location is just a worn path through the
the Transportation Department budget by provided throughout that year, and we did grass and this upgrade will make it a more
$40,000 for the purchase of winter gravel stock reduce our stocks quite significantly." established part of the Town's trail system.
with monies from the Snow Removal Reserve. Councillor Krystal Baier asked, "When we This section of trail is also a part of the 1 Okm
Although the Town's current winter gravel do our budgets this October for 2020, will that route of Eddie's Big Run and identified for
stock is sufficient to meet the anticipated needs include 2020/2021 so we don't have this type upgrade in the Trails Master Plan.
until January 2020, it will not ensure sufficient of situation again?" ATCO Franchise Fee: Based on a lower
supply for the upcoming winter. The material Verhaeghe responded, "We are trying to forecasted 2020 ATCO delivery tariff, Council
needed is most cost efficiently acquired prior to budget for that next season, which does make has passed a motion to increase the ATCO gas
freezing temperatures; however the materials it a bit difficult because in the summer and fall franchise fee to by 1.1% to ensure the revenue
budget for 2019 has been exceeded. of 2018 we're trying to figure out what kind of coming to the Town of Edson remains at
Originally, Administration requested a snow we'd get at the start of2019. We've been approximately the same level as previous
$20,000 increase for the purchase of winter budgeting this year for both this winter and years. Each year, municipalities have the
gravel stock; however, they felt it would be next winter/fall." option to adjust the franchise fee, up to a cap
better to be in a position of having too much Councillor Baier asked if there would of 35%. With this increase, Edson's franchise
stock than not enough. "We feel that $40,000 anyway to recover materials from the snow fee is at 22.35%.
would allow us to proceed with what we have dump facility from year to year.
seen or experienced in recent years in terms of ''No, I do not believe that is necessarily
sanding," said CAO Mike Derricott."We don't economical for us to go and sift the road
want to end up in the situation where we feel material," Verhaeghe replied. CAO Derricott UPCOMING EVENT:
we don't have the materials to appropriately added, "I believe that we are prohibited from
address the issue." reapplying that to streets anyway. There are Sept 21 : Parkland Lodge Auxiliary
"Any materials that are unused are obviously some very limited usage once you've
usable in future seasons so there's no risk or recovered it from streets because there can be again sponsors their annual
loss of stockpiling and holding onto any contamination of hydrocarbons, oils, and those Grandparents' Walkathon at Parkland
additional material," Derricott added. types ofthings." Lodge on 5 h Avenue. The Walkathon
Councillor Janet Wilkinson asked why this Mayor Kevin Zahra closed, "I support this. I starts at 10 am. For more information
was not budgeted for before. General Manager think it's always good to have a little bit more and pledge forms please phone Ivan at
of Infrastructure and Planning Martino than not enough and hopefully this will help us 780-723-4020, Carol at 780-723-5518,
Verhaeghe replied, "With regards to our current out next year that we maybe won't need as
stockpile we have about a third left. Last year much to purchase in the 2021 season." or Ann at 780-723-4522.
we had an extensive purchase of sand and salt.
The expectation was that we would probably Trail Enhancement: $11,000 was approved
Easoi1 Public Information & Notices 2019
Thank you to
all of our
sponsors and
that helped SEPTEMBER 27 · 28 · 29, 2019
9:00am • 11 :OOam: Parent & Tot Cultural Craft & Snack • FCSS Parentlink Centre- Drop in
th Annual Road Hockey 11 :OOam • 2:00pm: School Group Art Collection Scavenger Hunt • Red Brick Arts Centre
3:30pm· 5:30pm: Community Art Exhibit & Reception · Red Brick Arts Centre- Drop in
7:00pm· 9:00pm: Yellowhead Fiddlers at the Pioneer Cabin- Dr pin
possible! 7:001lm: Arts on Fire • Edson & Area Arts Awards • Galloway Station Museum -Tickets available at the
Galloway Station Museum
11 :OOam • 2:00pm: LEGO Block Party· Edson & District Public Library- Drop in
Town of Edson United Cycle 11 :OOam ·2:00pm: Family Friendly Drop In Visual Art & Pottery, Demos and Tour, face painting. Edson
Craft Centre & Potter's Guild and Edson Creative Arts Society (Library)- Drop in
Repsol Place Above & Beyond 7:00pm: Off the Beaten Path Sight & Sound Reception · Heart of Edson Gallery & Studio- Drop in
Bannister GM Promotions
Shell Canadian Tire 1:OOPM · 4:30pm: Community Culture Day Art in the Park· Galloway Station Museum- Drop in
A&W Ron Rimmer
SemCams Canadian Tire Canada
lan Grumetza Johnson & Herbert